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TOPIC | The Worst Thing About D&D
Is that literally no one else cares about my silly little character and her romance with the random NPC and I just giggle every night about their relationship they just got into because omg they are so cute.

It rips me up inside knowing these cute beans will never have a fanfiction based on them and I'm dreading the end of this campaign because I will never be able to roleplay with them again and I literally just want to sit in a corner and cry.

The feelings of disappointment are indescribable and I just HNNNNNNG.

Anyway, does anyone else feel the same???? And if so, PLEASE tell me about your characters and their relationships with NPCs/PCs- romantic or platonic! Give me a rant. Release all the pent-up gushing. Because us D&D players know... it's the one true struggle of TTRPGs.
Is that literally no one else cares about my silly little character and her romance with the random NPC and I just giggle every night about their relationship they just got into because omg they are so cute.

It rips me up inside knowing these cute beans will never have a fanfiction based on them and I'm dreading the end of this campaign because I will never be able to roleplay with them again and I literally just want to sit in a corner and cry.

The feelings of disappointment are indescribable and I just HNNNNNNG.

Anyway, does anyone else feel the same???? And if so, PLEASE tell me about your characters and their relationships with NPCs/PCs- romantic or platonic! Give me a rant. Release all the pent-up gushing. Because us D&D players know... it's the one true struggle of TTRPGs.
Aweee dudeeeeee my character just fell in love with an NPC ;w; it's this big brolic woman and my character is a dragonborn bard romancing her with music :3

Lesbian D&D couple? I think yes. If only the DM wouldn't play it off by making her dump the party in her basement to take care of 'pest' problems.

Now i'm kinda curious about your character owo @Halihope
Aweee dudeeeeee my character just fell in love with an NPC ;w; it's this big brolic woman and my character is a dragonborn bard romancing her with music :3

Lesbian D&D couple? I think yes. If only the DM wouldn't play it off by making her dump the party in her basement to take care of 'pest' problems.

Now i'm kinda curious about your character owo @Halihope
I’d love if you stopped by!
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They'll still be there and you can still think about em! If your DM is up for it, maybe you could collaborate on a short story, or ask them to relinquish custody after the campaign so you can write a story ahah. D&D is great for building stories c-:

Sometimes what I do is write a little journal after each session like it's my character recounting the day, that could certainly be something you do to 'memorialize' the campaign.
They'll still be there and you can still think about em! If your DM is up for it, maybe you could collaborate on a short story, or ask them to relinquish custody after the campaign so you can write a story ahah. D&D is great for building stories c-:

Sometimes what I do is write a little journal after each session like it's my character recounting the day, that could certainly be something you do to 'memorialize' the campaign.
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My changeling fell in love with a cultist of the Tarrasque, who in my GM's world is the God of Monsters. She was raised to be a priest of the God of Death, but as that god doesn't answer prayers or really interact with their faithful she was on the verge of a crisis of faith anyway which was brought to a head when the God of Assassins killed the Champion, the Chosen of the God of Death, and there was no intervention. If he couldn't be bothered to save the one he handpicked as his then what chance did she have? So she began looking elsewhere, and this cultist brought her into his fold because the Tarrasque already had eyes on her.

There was some political nonsense going on where my previous character had taken the throne of a kingdom and the changeling was a backup, and I was given the choice of either having the changeling take the throne and getting my original back or keeping the changeling forever. I took the first option, so my changeling took the throne and I got my original character back for the latter part of the campaign. And unfortunately as the changeling then refused to bow to the cultists attempting to politically influence her (because she knew the responsibilities of being in charge and wanted to try to do right by the people) to he gathered the others and staged an invasion and she had to kill him.

It sucked because they were pretty much the perfect power couple, but at the same time I understand why the GM did what they did with it - I knew the cultist was manipulating my character from the start, and he never really loved her (or at least not in the same way she loved him). I knew it was coming eventually, but my character was totally blindsided by it.

In the same campaign my original character is in love with the party's rogue and has been for a while now. She was a sorcerer (tl;dr lost the god that was the source of her divine power and is now a fiend warlock instead) and had the spell Warding Bond which if you don't know basically requires some semi-expensive rings that the caster and another person have to wear but as long as you're within 60 feet the other person gets +1 to AC and saving throws and takes half damage, but the downside is that you take the same damage (implying that if say they were damaged for 30 and only take 15 but you also take 15 you're taking the other half of the damage).

She used this spell really frequently until she took the throne and now as a warlock she doesn't have it, but she still has her ring and so does the rogue and that's just one of many little acts she's taken to protect the rogue at all costs because she's in love and doesn't realize what that emotion is. She has no such impulse to protect the other members of the party, rationalizing it as the fact that they are a barbarian/druid, paladin, and monk and as tougher party members in general don't need that same kind of protection but that's not the real reason.

This campaign is actually almost over, so we'll see if we all make it out alive and she gets to confess her feelings or if it's going to be either her dying words to the rogue or the last thing the rogue hears as she dies.
My changeling fell in love with a cultist of the Tarrasque, who in my GM's world is the God of Monsters. She was raised to be a priest of the God of Death, but as that god doesn't answer prayers or really interact with their faithful she was on the verge of a crisis of faith anyway which was brought to a head when the God of Assassins killed the Champion, the Chosen of the God of Death, and there was no intervention. If he couldn't be bothered to save the one he handpicked as his then what chance did she have? So she began looking elsewhere, and this cultist brought her into his fold because the Tarrasque already had eyes on her.

There was some political nonsense going on where my previous character had taken the throne of a kingdom and the changeling was a backup, and I was given the choice of either having the changeling take the throne and getting my original back or keeping the changeling forever. I took the first option, so my changeling took the throne and I got my original character back for the latter part of the campaign. And unfortunately as the changeling then refused to bow to the cultists attempting to politically influence her (because she knew the responsibilities of being in charge and wanted to try to do right by the people) to he gathered the others and staged an invasion and she had to kill him.

It sucked because they were pretty much the perfect power couple, but at the same time I understand why the GM did what they did with it - I knew the cultist was manipulating my character from the start, and he never really loved her (or at least not in the same way she loved him). I knew it was coming eventually, but my character was totally blindsided by it.

In the same campaign my original character is in love with the party's rogue and has been for a while now. She was a sorcerer (tl;dr lost the god that was the source of her divine power and is now a fiend warlock instead) and had the spell Warding Bond which if you don't know basically requires some semi-expensive rings that the caster and another person have to wear but as long as you're within 60 feet the other person gets +1 to AC and saving throws and takes half damage, but the downside is that you take the same damage (implying that if say they were damaged for 30 and only take 15 but you also take 15 you're taking the other half of the damage).

She used this spell really frequently until she took the throne and now as a warlock she doesn't have it, but she still has her ring and so does the rogue and that's just one of many little acts she's taken to protect the rogue at all costs because she's in love and doesn't realize what that emotion is. She has no such impulse to protect the other members of the party, rationalizing it as the fact that they are a barbarian/druid, paladin, and monk and as tougher party members in general don't need that same kind of protection but that's not the real reason.

This campaign is actually almost over, so we'll see if we all make it out alive and she gets to confess her feelings or if it's going to be either her dying words to the rogue or the last thing the rogue hears as she dies.
Pings Welcome! Especially if you're quoting me XD
@KarrotTop UUUUGH they sound so cutte ; A; Big buff and tiny smoll make the best couples <3

PLS do NOT get me staaaaarted! Ok too late.

So, this campaign was supposed to just be a one-shot that is now ending up as a 7-shot and my gal, Bryne, is a Vengence Paladin (who gives people way too many chances to redeem themselves before she goes stab, stab) who is working with her party to collect some Eldritch eggs and save the world, yada yada.

Well, in the first session, we were in a museum where we were trying to get the first egg, and a guard named Darrison helped us by secretly dropping a map layout and helping us escape after we got caught. WELL he does some shady stuff and the party doesn't trust him except Bryne and unfortunately, he turns out to be the 'BBEG'.

So this whole time we are against him, but my gal is all 'We can TALK to him!' and we finally find out that Darrison has been in a time loop of some sort so every time he dies he goes back to that first museum egg and he's actually a good guy just trying to change the future so we succeed in collecting all the eggs.

He admits that he was on our side the whole time, but had to betray us to fuel our desire to slay him and get stronger since the first hundred or so times him being on our side resulted in failure.

Also turns out that he is a Warlock and his patron is the same as Bryne's and their patron shows Bryne all of Darrison's memories from the last hundred or so failed attempts. Including all the times Darrison courted and tried courting Bryne. And now he is hesitant to try to court her again because he admitted how painful ti was to watch his lover die and UGH I JUST LOVE ANGST.

*GASP* Anyway, so yes. I cannot wait for the next session to bring all of this up xD Also, my boyfriend is our DM for this campaign and this is his first time having an in-game romance with me despite being in 3 long-running campaigns together, so I'm just really excited lol.

@Oncorhynchus I knooooow, but it's just not the same ; w; We are all super good friends so no characters are off limits for stories and the like, but I just do not have the time nor dedication to write lol. Plus I'm DM of one of our other campaigns and it's completely homebrewed so it takes a lot of my time already.

BUT that little journal is such a good idea! I might want to try that one of these days! <3 My group would love to hear the entries at the beginning of each session xD

@SpiritMessenger OOOOOH my gosh <3 Thank you so much for sharing! I am kicking my feet over here! Ok so, I am guilty of loving angst, like a lot, so that was such a wonderful read for me xD Either ending for your Warlock would be so great for the story, but I hope it goes the way you want it! I have the feeling either my gal or her lover will end up dying in my campaign and I'm both ready/not even close to ready for it. Waiting a whole week is tooooorture~
@KarrotTop UUUUGH they sound so cutte ; A; Big buff and tiny smoll make the best couples <3

PLS do NOT get me staaaaarted! Ok too late.

So, this campaign was supposed to just be a one-shot that is now ending up as a 7-shot and my gal, Bryne, is a Vengence Paladin (who gives people way too many chances to redeem themselves before she goes stab, stab) who is working with her party to collect some Eldritch eggs and save the world, yada yada.

Well, in the first session, we were in a museum where we were trying to get the first egg, and a guard named Darrison helped us by secretly dropping a map layout and helping us escape after we got caught. WELL he does some shady stuff and the party doesn't trust him except Bryne and unfortunately, he turns out to be the 'BBEG'.

So this whole time we are against him, but my gal is all 'We can TALK to him!' and we finally find out that Darrison has been in a time loop of some sort so every time he dies he goes back to that first museum egg and he's actually a good guy just trying to change the future so we succeed in collecting all the eggs.

He admits that he was on our side the whole time, but had to betray us to fuel our desire to slay him and get stronger since the first hundred or so times him being on our side resulted in failure.

Also turns out that he is a Warlock and his patron is the same as Bryne's and their patron shows Bryne all of Darrison's memories from the last hundred or so failed attempts. Including all the times Darrison courted and tried courting Bryne. And now he is hesitant to try to court her again because he admitted how painful ti was to watch his lover die and UGH I JUST LOVE ANGST.

*GASP* Anyway, so yes. I cannot wait for the next session to bring all of this up xD Also, my boyfriend is our DM for this campaign and this is his first time having an in-game romance with me despite being in 3 long-running campaigns together, so I'm just really excited lol.

@Oncorhynchus I knooooow, but it's just not the same ; w; We are all super good friends so no characters are off limits for stories and the like, but I just do not have the time nor dedication to write lol. Plus I'm DM of one of our other campaigns and it's completely homebrewed so it takes a lot of my time already.

BUT that little journal is such a good idea! I might want to try that one of these days! <3 My group would love to hear the entries at the beginning of each session xD

@SpiritMessenger OOOOOH my gosh <3 Thank you so much for sharing! I am kicking my feet over here! Ok so, I am guilty of loving angst, like a lot, so that was such a wonderful read for me xD Either ending for your Warlock would be so great for the story, but I hope it goes the way you want it! I have the feeling either my gal or her lover will end up dying in my campaign and I'm both ready/not even close to ready for it. Waiting a whole week is tooooorture~

I love the angst too honestly! The warlock was raised as part of a slave caste so she doesn't really understand complicated emotions all that well. And with any luck I'll get to find out here 14 ish hours? We're basically going into the campaign's end game this week and there's like 5-6 sessions tops left so I'm trying real hard not to panic about it.

Waiting is honestly the worst part too. I'm not sure how I want this to go because if they both survive my Warlock might not say anything XD

I love the angst too honestly! The warlock was raised as part of a slave caste so she doesn't really understand complicated emotions all that well. And with any luck I'll get to find out here 14 ish hours? We're basically going into the campaign's end game this week and there's like 5-6 sessions tops left so I'm trying real hard not to panic about it.

Waiting is honestly the worst part too. I'm not sure how I want this to go because if they both survive my Warlock might not say anything XD
Pings Welcome! Especially if you're quoting me XD