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TOPIC | Varnish gene
I want to get the varnish gene for one of my Auraboas, but I can't find where to get it anywhere, can anyone help?
I want to get the varnish gene for one of my Auraboas, but I can't find where to get it anywhere, can anyone help?
Varnish stocks in the Treasure Marketplace! The TMP stocks every 5 minutes and cycles out its stock every even hour. There's a chance the gene will be stocked every 5 minutes, but it's not guaranteed.

You can always check the Game Database to see where items are found! Primary Auraboa Gene: Varnish

As for TMP items, if it's stocked, the database entry will show that it is available (see
Tertiary Gene: Glimmer for an example).
Varnish stocks in the Treasure Marketplace! The TMP stocks every 5 minutes and cycles out its stock every even hour. There's a chance the gene will be stocked every 5 minutes, but it's not guaranteed.

You can always check the Game Database to see where items are found! Primary Auraboa Gene: Varnish

As for TMP items, if it's stocked, the database entry will show that it is available (see
Tertiary Gene: Glimmer for an example).

Thank you!

Thank you!
just wanted to add that there is also a direct link to check for Auction House (AH) listings on the Game Database. it's the leftmost button in the top right, grey box. though oftentimes the items there will be slightly more expensive, if you can't find them to be available elsewhere that's always a good option too.
just wanted to add that there is also a direct link to check for Auction House (AH) listings on the Game Database. it's the leftmost button in the top right, grey box. though oftentimes the items there will be slightly more expensive, if you can't find them to be available elsewhere that's always a good option too.
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