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TOPIC | Free Sprockets [closed for a lil' bit]
Could have a couple of free sprockets? Thanks :)
Could have a couple of free sprockets? Thanks :)
I am looking for Gen1 female Jungle/Forest primary / Carmine / white-ish tert. If you have such dragon, PM me. I will pay A LOT for it. Thanks :D
Oh, how nice of you! I'd love a couple extra sprockets :)
Oh, how nice of you! I'd love a couple extra sprockets :)
Never laugh at live dragons.
^_^ i literally need 2 spockets more for the sash. ! Thanks in advance!
^_^ i literally need 2 spockets more for the sash. ! Thanks in advance!
SegzRhj.png 0eMtFge.png
Can I have some too?
Can I have some too?
I'd like some free sprockets please! :)
I'd like some free sprockets please! :)
I'd like to get a couple sprockets, please :)
Really nice of you to do this ^-^
I'd like to get a couple sprockets, please :)
Really nice of you to do this ^-^
"I just wanna enjoy myself. Seriously. Do some leisurely patrolling, put in a few appearances, say 'Aw shucks, no trouble today,' and get a good night's sleep! That's my ideal life! I wanna make this world one where heroes have time to kill."
-Hawks, My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia.
Please and thank you!!
Please and thank you!!
Free sprockets!!! You are the best!
Free sprockets!!! You are the best!
I would like a couple too. This is very nice of you
I would like a couple too. This is very nice of you
If you have any extra, I would love to have some. Thanks!
If you have any extra, I would love to have some. Thanks!