rose milk tea with popping or crystal boba

TOPIC | whats your usual boba tea order?

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i only had it once and it was supposed to be strawberry but tasted like pepto bismol
i only had it once and it was supposed to be strawberry but tasted like pepto bismol

Rose milk or matcha with tapioca pearls. I usually get the reduced sugar options if possible.
Rose milk or matcha with tapioca pearls. I usually get the reduced sugar options if possible.

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I don't have a specific flavour that I always go for, but my order is always some type of fruit flavoured tea with some type of fruit flavoured popping boba, 50% sweetness, 50% ice. The boba shops around me change their selection of teas and topping frequently, but fortunately for me I like just about anything fruit flavoured so I can usually find something I like. Most also don't offer a choice between milk tea or other types of tea, but at the ones that do I prefer milk tea. The boba shop in my old town used to offer blended ice but sadly none of the shops here do
So far my favourite has been honeydew milk tea with lychee popping boba.
So far my favourite has been honeydew milk tea with lychee popping boba.
I don't have a specific flavour that I always go for, but my order is always some type of fruit flavoured tea with some type of fruit flavoured popping boba, 50% sweetness, 50% ice. The boba shops around me change their selection of teas and topping frequently, but fortunately for me I like just about anything fruit flavoured so I can usually find something I like. Most also don't offer a choice between milk tea or other types of tea, but at the ones that do I prefer milk tea. The boba shop in my old town used to offer blended ice but sadly none of the shops here do
So far my favourite has been honeydew milk tea with lychee popping boba.
So far my favourite has been honeydew milk tea with lychee popping boba.
"Hi my name is Crow with a B and I’ve been afraid of insects my whole lif-" "Stop stop stop- where?" "What?" "Where’s the B? "TherE'S A BEE???"
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-Strawberry lemonade green tea with mango poppers
-Taro or honey milk tea with boba
-Black tea and coffee with boba
-Taro or honey milk tea with boba
-Black tea and coffee with boba
Keeping to thai milk tea these days, but it depends on where i order it. I usually order something called choco cream cheese too. Never heard of it outside of this particular shop though. I really like viet coffee too:)
Keeping to thai milk tea these days, but it depends on where i order it. I usually order something called choco cream cheese too. Never heard of it outside of this particular shop though. I really like viet coffee too:)
i moved to a small city without a boba shop recently... i know, the biggest tragedy ever. but i would always get iced coffee boba which sounds weird!!!!!!!! but its so good
there's a new store near me which offers sago as a topping (!!)
my current go-to orders are:
[b]milky[/b]: mango milk tea with sago
[b]fruity[/b]: mango/peach/passionfruit green tea with tapioca and/or any fruity poppers
always with less sugar and less ice [emoji=pink star size=1]
there's a new store near me which offers sago as a topping (!!)
my current go-to orders are:
milky: mango milk tea with sago
fruity: mango/peach/passionfruit green tea with tapioca and/or any fruity poppers
always with less sugar and less ice
my current go-to orders are:
milky: mango milk tea with sago
fruity: mango/peach/passionfruit green tea with tapioca and/or any fruity poppers
always with less sugar and less ice

Where I lived before only had 1 boba tea place with uh, very limited range of flavours. From skimming this thread I think I can safely categorize them as "safe cards with wide appeal".
Now that I've moved (ironically to an even smaller town, but much closer to a really big city) I've got several places to choose from and one of them has a really wide menu of choices so I'm pretty excited to try a new one every time I go there.
Except now I'm an unemployed student instead of being a cleaning lady, so boba tea feels even more expensive than before. So I'll be sticking to my safe milk tea with tapioca as a reward to myself when I've done good on a test. At least until I can snag a part time job.
(I've also bought tapioca with the idea that I should try to make my own boba and/or some other tapioca based sweets but so far I've been too busy to get fancy in the kitchen)
Now that I've moved (ironically to an even smaller town, but much closer to a really big city) I've got several places to choose from and one of them has a really wide menu of choices so I'm pretty excited to try a new one every time I go there.
Except now I'm an unemployed student instead of being a cleaning lady, so boba tea feels even more expensive than before. So I'll be sticking to my safe milk tea with tapioca as a reward to myself when I've done good on a test. At least until I can snag a part time job.
(I've also bought tapioca with the idea that I should try to make my own boba and/or some other tapioca based sweets but so far I've been too busy to get fancy in the kitchen)
Where I lived before only had 1 boba tea place with uh, very limited range of flavours. From skimming this thread I think I can safely categorize them as "safe cards with wide appeal".
Now that I've moved (ironically to an even smaller town, but much closer to a really big city) I've got several places to choose from and one of them has a really wide menu of choices so I'm pretty excited to try a new one every time I go there.
Except now I'm an unemployed student instead of being a cleaning lady, so boba tea feels even more expensive than before. So I'll be sticking to my safe milk tea with tapioca as a reward to myself when I've done good on a test. At least until I can snag a part time job.
(I've also bought tapioca with the idea that I should try to make my own boba and/or some other tapioca based sweets but so far I've been too busy to get fancy in the kitchen)
Now that I've moved (ironically to an even smaller town, but much closer to a really big city) I've got several places to choose from and one of them has a really wide menu of choices so I'm pretty excited to try a new one every time I go there.
Except now I'm an unemployed student instead of being a cleaning lady, so boba tea feels even more expensive than before. So I'll be sticking to my safe milk tea with tapioca as a reward to myself when I've done good on a test. At least until I can snag a part time job.
(I've also bought tapioca with the idea that I should try to make my own boba and/or some other tapioca based sweets but so far I've been too busy to get fancy in the kitchen)
Don't forget to ping me @Aryllia to get my attention.

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