@Rabbit3 sent !

TOPIC | [CLOSED] Blanket Dragon Fishing RNGadopt

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sure, send me 20kt/g!
sure, send me 20kt/g!

sure, send me 20kt/g!

are there any in my [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YUD7P1VD14L187n71btK6u8glsBPbIrRpe68oRyzRFM/edit#gid=790471892]trades[/url] that interest you? (they're in order of which ones i would like greatest --> least)
are there any in my trades that interest you? (they're in order of which ones i would like greatest --> least)

are there any in my trades that interest you? (they're in order of which ones i would like greatest --> least)

Hi, how about trade at first two(silver wreath and chicken) with this blankets? and I can sell green bow one if you want!
And I think this blanket one is traded with me before :0
Hi, how about trade at first two(silver wreath and chicken) with this blankets? and I can sell green bow one if you want!

And I think this blanket one is traded with me before :0
Hi, how about trade at first two(silver wreath and chicken) with this blankets? and I can sell green bow one if you want!

And I think this blanket one is traded with me before :0
ty ! heres your codes, and i'll send a message now !
btw will you trade any other RNG adopts for the third one? (sorry its like so cute-)
if so, they're in my sig ! they're not sorted in actual spreadsheets atm, since they're new ! so i'll tell ya which ones are off limits when/if you ask :D
the ones strictly off-limits are the blanket fort cats ! ^^
so sorry bout that- i must've forgotten T-T
ty ! heres your codes, and i'll send a message now !

btw will you trade any other RNG adopts for the third one? (sorry its like so cute-)
if so, they're in my sig ! they're not sorted in actual spreadsheets atm, since they're new ! so i'll tell ya which ones are off limits when/if you ask :D
the ones strictly off-limits are the blanket fort cats ! ^^
so sorry bout that- i must've forgotten T-T
ty ! heres your codes, and i'll send a message now !


btw will you trade any other RNG adopts for the third one? (sorry its like so cute-)
if so, they're in my sig ! they're not sorted in actual spreadsheets atm, since they're new ! so i'll tell ya which ones are off limits when/if you ask :D
the ones strictly off-limits are the blanket fort cats ! ^^
so sorry bout that- i must've forgotten T-T
@fortune3968 can i buy these blankies?
Im interested in these to buy or [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/5/d/1vYuCT2er2cNKF_q7uE64YRgJ0Pv5CZ68Q8Wwe055LKw/htmlview#]trade[/url] or draw for
@urfavzozo15 here you go~!
@urfavzozo15 here you go~!

[center][size=7][font=papyrus][color=#32877f]my trades !![/center]
[center]going to bed so i won't see any replies until the morning :D[/center]
Good, here you are!
And right, third one is cute right hehe.. here you are, this blanket want to go your home at free!
Hello, yup just send me 120kt/g!
and would it be okay for trade with this blanket for my three?
Good, here you are!

And right, third one is cute right hehe.. here you are, this blanket want to go your home at free!

Hello, yup just send me 120kt/g!

and would it be okay for trade with this blanket for my three?
Good, here you are!



And right, third one is cute right hehe.. here you are, this blanket want to go your home at free!

Hello, yup just send me 120kt/g!

and would it be okay for trade with this blanket for my three?

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