@Islandheart Sending her your way! :D

TOPIC | Stock the Pond! First XXX! pg 379!

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[center][size=5][b]MDMDRAGONFLY ‘S POND[/b][/size][/center]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0ioPnbb.png[/img] [/center]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Primary
Sunset [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Warm Opposite
Thistle [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Primary
Sunset [/font][/size]
[size=5][font=Gabriola] Cool Opposite
Wisteria [/font][/size]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0ioPnbb.png[/img] [/center]
@eeveecraft I'd love to take this girl off your hands! she'd be a great fit in my lair :)
@eeveecraft @kiralyne ahhh oh no! I'd asked about her earlier today, I guess it got lost in all the posts.
@eeveecraft @kiralyne ahhh oh no! I'd asked about her earlier today, I guess it got lost in all the posts.
[quote name="quillinthestars" date="2023-06-26 17:05:08" ]
@eeveecraft @/kiralyne ahhh oh no! I'd asked about her earlier today, I guess it got lost in all the posts.
Oh, sorry, I didn't see! Yeah, if you want to take one of the hatchlings, please ping me! I don't check this thread super often, so it's super easy for me to miss hatchling requests without being pinged.
quillinthestars wrote on 2023-06-26 17:05:08:
@eeveecraft @/kiralyne ahhh oh no! I'd asked about her earlier today, I guess it got lost in all the posts.
Oh, sorry, I didn't see! Yeah, if you want to take one of the hatchlings, please ping me! I don't check this thread super often, so it's super easy for me to miss hatchling requests without being pinged.
New babies from my [b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3007022/615#post_53362555]Watermelon x Thistle[/url][/b] pair~!
I'll be keeping the first Blackberry baby! The colors are just too pretty not to. (': I'll be holding the other two for a week before listing them on the AH! DM me if you'd like either of them!
New babies from my Watermelon x Thistle pair~!
I'll be keeping the first Blackberry baby! The colors are just too pretty not to. (': I'll be holding the other two for a week before listing them on the AH! DM me if you'd like either of them!
I'll be keeping the first Blackberry baby! The colors are just too pretty not to. (': I'll be holding the other two for a week before listing them on the AH! DM me if you'd like either of them!

New babies from my Maroon / Turquoise pair! All boys this time around, all free to everyone here, or 10g on the AH!
New babies from my Maroon / Turquoise pair! All boys this time around, all free to everyone here, or 10g on the AH!

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