
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.

01 ) Dragons must be 100% when sent to Addimay.
02 ) Owner's Username must be in Bio. Yes, I will be keeping a record of all clients, but it a good safety.
03) Dragons must be able to be breed. Check in the Assay Bloodline Tool prior to sending Dragons
04) All Rentals are 4K Treasure. Dragons are to be sent with half the Treasure to Host. The other half will be went when Eggs have hatched. Dragons will be returned to owner within' 24 hours of breeding.
05 ) When Eggs have hatched, the owner will send over 2K Treasure to finish payment. If owner does not want all the hatchlings, host will take claim of the unwanted eggs and do as they wish.
06) Owner has one week to accept return or will lose all rights to dragons/hatchlings.

0/3 Nest
Nest One - Empty

Nest Two - Empty

Nest Three - Empty

01 ) Dragons must be 100% when sent to Addimay.
02 ) Owner's Username must be in Bio. Yes, I will be keeping a record of all clients, but it a good safety.
03) Dragons must be able to be breed. Check in the Assay Bloodline Tool prior to sending Dragons
04) All Rentals are 4K Treasure. Dragons are to be sent with half the Treasure to Host. The other half will be went when Eggs have hatched. Dragons will be returned to owner within' 24 hours of breeding.
05 ) When Eggs have hatched, the owner will send over 2K Treasure to finish payment. If owner does not want all the hatchlings, host will take claim of the unwanted eggs and do as they wish.
06) Owner has one week to accept return or will lose all rights to dragons/hatchlings.

0/3 Nest
Nest One - Empty

Nest Two - Empty

Nest Three - Empty
Used Addimay recently for my own clutches! I let her keep some!
Used Addimay recently for my own clutches! I let her keep some!