
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Open a a Door


qfcrZgS.jpg Z1OhMta.pngh0FvtF4.gifqv3OlWK.png
I'll take lime!
I'll take lime!
15288.png Mattie/Sol
bYt72YT.png fkWjutW.png
@rubyxblade pink!
@rubyxblade pink!
@Kilonian You open the navy door! On the floor is a box with two stacks of ten treasure items. Belatedly you notice the '10' on the door. Looks like you've won some money! [item=Waterlogged Trunk]x10[item=Shattered Ceramic Jar]x10 @solarswitchback You open the lime colored door! Inside is a box stuffed with food. Looks like no one goes home hungry! [item=Longgrass Stalk]x99 @lonelyauthor You open the pink door! Inside is a very pink Fae! She and her friend ask to stay with you for a bit and you agree! [url=][img][/img][/url][item=Arctic Hippalectryon]
@Kilonian You open the navy door! On the floor is a box with two stacks of ten treasure items. Belatedly you notice the '10' on the door. Looks like you've won some money!
Waterlogged Trunk x10 Shattered Ceramic Jar x10

@solarswitchback You open the lime colored door! Inside is a box stuffed with food. Looks like no one goes home hungry!
Longgrass Stalk x99

@lonelyauthor You open the pink door! Inside is a very pink Fae! She and her friend ask to stay with you for a bit and you agree!
84877258_350.png Arctic Hippalectryon
Door 1 has a water symbol.
Door 2 has an ice symbol.
Door 3 has a plague symbol.

Sorry, these would have been a lot more descriptive but I wanted to get this done asap :(
Door 1 has a water symbol.
Door 2 has an ice symbol.
Door 3 has a plague symbol.

Sorry, these would have been a lot more descriptive but I wanted to get this done asap :(
@lonelyauthor may i do the plague please? :D
@lonelyauthor may i do the plague please? :D


qfcrZgS.jpg Z1OhMta.pngh0FvtF4.gifqv3OlWK.png

I'll take the ice door!

I'll take the ice door!
@Kilonian You open the Water door and find a water runestone, as well as some clothes! Interesting! [item=Water Runestone] [item=Green Sea Slug Cloak] [item=Purple Sea Slug Cloak] [item=Orange Sea Slug Cloak] @CrashQuartz you open the Ice door and find an Ice rune stone, as well as a new icy friend! [url=][img][/img][/url] [item=ice runestone] @hoverfish You open the Plague door and find a Plague runestone, as well as an assortment of bones! [item=Plague Runestone] [item=Chimera Fangs] [item=Squirrel Skull]
@Kilonian You open the Water door and find a water runestone, as well as some clothes! Interesting!
Water Runestone Green Sea Slug Cloak Purple Sea Slug Cloak Orange Sea Slug Cloak
@CrashQuartz you open the Ice door and find an Ice rune stone, as well as a new icy friend!
84973617_350.png Ice Runestone
@hoverfish You open the Plague door and find a Plague runestone, as well as an assortment of bones!
Plague Runestone Chimera Fangs Squirrel Skull
+ Door 1: +
The door is made of an old wood, worn from standing there for who-knows how long. Thick vines drape across its surface, and as you look closer you see that they seem to be moving on their own.

= Door 2:=
This door is made of frosted glass, with a white metal gate in front of it. Although the space behind this door is fuzzy, you occasionally see silhouettes darting to and fro.

* Door 3: *
This door is made of stone, and across its surface are words written in a language you can't discern. Running your hand across, it, you notice that some of the stones seem loose.
+ Door 1: +
The door is made of an old wood, worn from standing there for who-knows how long. Thick vines drape across its surface, and as you look closer you see that they seem to be moving on their own.

= Door 2:=
This door is made of frosted glass, with a white metal gate in front of it. Although the space behind this door is fuzzy, you occasionally see silhouettes darting to and fro.

* Door 3: *
This door is made of stone, and across its surface are words written in a language you can't discern. Running your hand across, it, you notice that some of the stones seem loose.