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[b]GENE SPONSOR:[/b] Wasp, Bee, and Tentacles
[b]FINAL COST:[/b] 150g + 150g = 300g
[quote name="Thilath" date="2022-11-08 17:22:46" ]
sorry for the wait to you as well!
Plague primal is so gnarly, I love it!
Ahhhhhh thank you so much it's beautiful!! The plague primal came out beautifully! [emoji=ridgeback love size=1]
I'm so sorry for taking so long to reply, I got logged out and they wanted a code sent to my email to log in and I'm only logged in on my laptop which I haven't used in months so I forgot my email password. ^^;
(I'll send extra payment for the wait<3)
Thilath wrote on 2022-11-08 17:22:46:
Ahhhhhh thank you so much it's beautiful!! The plague primal came out beautifully!

I'm so sorry for taking so long to reply, I got logged out and they wanted a code sent to my email to log in and I'm only logged in on my laptop which I haven't used in months so I forgot my email password. ^^;
(I'll send extra payment for the wait<3)
omg I'm so glad you're alive lol, I was worried when you dropped off the face of the planet!
thanks for the tip, but I'm just glad you got back into your account and also have a crawdad to celebrate lol
omg I'm so glad you're alive lol, I was worried when you dropped off the face of the planet!
thanks for the tip, but I'm just glad you got back into your account and also have a crawdad to celebrate lol
omg I'm so glad you're alive lol, I was worried when you dropped off the face of the planet!
thanks for the tip, but I'm just glad you got back into your account and also have a crawdad to celebrate lol
omg I'm so glad you're alive lol, I was worried when you dropped off the face of the planet!
thanks for the tip, but I'm just glad you got back into your account and also have a crawdad to celebrate lol
love this so much
THIS DRAGON: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/95938][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/960/95938_350.png[/img][/url]
GENE SPONSOR:sarcophagus +50g Polypore +50g
hmm I want crawdad BUT I DON'T KNOW WHICH DRAGON TO PICK [emoji=spiral sad size=1] [emoji=spiral sad size=1] [emoji=spiral sad size=1] [emoji=spiral sad size=1] [emoji=spiral sad size=1] [emoji=spiral sad size=1] [emoji=spiral sad size=1] [emoji=spiral sad size=1] which of my dragons would YOU crawdadify??
I'm so sorry, I saw your post and completely forgot about it.
I'm gonna close the shop for now, real life is being a lot once more.
again, sorry to leave you hanging :(
I'm so sorry, I saw your post and completely forgot about it.
I'm gonna close the shop for now, real life is being a lot once more.
again, sorry to leave you hanging :(
I'm so sorry, I saw your post and completely forgot about it.
I'm gonna close the shop for now, real life is being a lot once more.
again, sorry to leave you hanging :(
I'm so sorry, I saw your post and completely forgot about it.
I'm gonna close the shop for now, real life is being a lot once more.
again, sorry to leave you hanging :(

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