Hi! Sorry for late reply about the female gaoler, I couldnt focus on flight rising because school has just started for me and couldnt, also, If she is gone to another home its okay!

TOPIC | [closed] Star Wood Shelter exalt rescue
Hi! Sorry for late reply about the female gaoler, I couldnt focus on flight rising because school has just started for me and couldnt, also, If she is gone to another home its okay!
Can I have #79068985? He's so pretty and I wanna use him in my lore (also add me to your food pinglist I wanna help out ;)
Can I have #79068985? He's so pretty and I wanna use him in my lore (also add me to your food pinglist I wanna help out ;)
She fits my lair aesthetic so well and she's so pretty! [s]Could I take her? If not, I would totally love one of her babs[/s]
Hmm... on second thought, reverse that. Could I take one of her babs if she has a pearlcatcher female? (maybe male...) If not, then I'll would love to take her. (I would also take her if I didn't like one of her babs more than her, she soooo puurrrttyyy)

She fits my lair aesthetic so well and she's so pretty!
Hmm... on second thought, reverse that. Could I take one of her babs if she has a pearlcatcher female? (maybe male...) If not, then I'll would love to take her. (I would also take her if I didn't like one of her babs more than her, she soooo puurrrttyyy)
@UtiBooty Sure thing! I love him so much and have just been waiting for someone to love him too
@lmno5 I'm so sorry, she's been taken! I just haven't been able to update the post recently due to health issues. You can try asking the new owner about offspring though! Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience :(
@lmno5 I'm so sorry, she's been taken! I just haven't been able to update the post recently due to health issues. You can try asking the new owner about offspring though! Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience :(
@UtiBooty Sure thing! I love him so much and have just been waiting for someone to love him too
@lmno5 I'm so sorry, she's been taken! I just haven't been able to update the post recently due to health issues. You can try asking the new owner about offspring though! Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience :(
@lmno5 I'm so sorry, she's been taken! I just haven't been able to update the post recently due to health issues. You can try asking the new owner about offspring though! Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience :(
Sent two adoptees your way and sent the extra food i had. Needed to find a good place for them due to i told the previous owner i wouldnt exalt them.
Sent two adoptees your way and sent the extra food i had. Needed to find a good place for them due to i told the previous owner i wouldnt exalt them.
[center][b]Please note that there has been a new section added to the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3156929/1#post_51859915]terms[/url] post[/center]
[quote=terms update!] [LIST]
[*]When releasing a dragon to the shelter, you are allowing me to do what I see fit with the dragon if they are not claimed within 6 months of the date it was added. If you would like the dragon returned to you, please specify that in the dragon's bio before sending it.
[quote=normal boring updates][LIST]
[*]Two new sections have been added to the pinglist
[b]Custom[/b]: This allows you to put in the parameters you want to be notified of a dragon. For example, if you're looking for a dragon with a certain set of genes or colors, you can get pinged if a dragon fitting that description comes through the shelter! Chances may be slim, but it never hurts!
[b]Updates[/b]: Don't want to sub to the thread and get notified of every single comment but want to stay in the loop? subscribe to updates! this allows you to be notified of any updates to the shelter, like...well, like this one!
[*]Guess what? There is no longer a limit on how many dragons you can claim in a day! I trust y'all. just don't use them immediately for fodder and we're good[/list][/quote]
Please note that there has been a new section added to the terms post
terms update! wrote:
- When releasing a dragon to the shelter, you are allowing me to do what I see fit with the dragon if they are not claimed within 6 months of the date it was added. If you would like the dragon returned to you, please specify that in the dragon's bio before sending it.
normal boring updates wrote:
- Two new sections have been added to the pinglist
Custom: This allows you to put in the parameters you want to be notified of a dragon. For example, if you're looking for a dragon with a certain set of genes or colors, you can get pinged if a dragon fitting that description comes through the shelter! Chances may be slim, but it never hurts!
Updates: Don't want to sub to the thread and get notified of every single comment but want to stay in the loop? subscribe to updates! this allows you to be notified of any updates to the shelter, like...well, like this one!
- Guess what? There is no longer a limit on how many dragons you can claim in a day! I trust y'all. just don't use them immediately for fodder and we're good