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TOPIC | What are your weird nicknames?
When I was young, me and my friends would always roleplay family and I was the dog, my friends would call me Cray-Cray lol

I have been mistaken as Carlos, Colleen, Charlie, Clerk, Clark, Rice, Clay, and Clayrice instead of Clarice,,,

One time my friend was jealous of me because they accidentally thought my name was Caramel at first

And lastly, sometimes people love to call me buddy
When I was young, me and my friends would always roleplay family and I was the dog, my friends would call me Cray-Cray lol

I have been mistaken as Carlos, Colleen, Charlie, Clerk, Clark, Rice, Clay, and Clayrice instead of Clarice,,,

One time my friend was jealous of me because they accidentally thought my name was Caramel at first

And lastly, sometimes people love to call me buddy
I just received a new nickname yesterday; (Little) Old Man

I just received a new nickname yesterday; (Little) Old Man

someone i know calls me cornelius. im slavic. who is cornelius. why. what
someone i know calls me cornelius. im slavic. who is cornelius. why. what
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avg nerdgeek
wildlife lover history fan !!
moowq !!
i've been dubbed Cheezit Sniffer
i've been dubbed Cheezit Sniffer
my siblings dubbed my single brain cell that procrastinates everything, jared.
i think they did it bc when they ask for male names it always immediately comes to mind, idk what it is but jared is my go-to male name

so when im being lazy they say something along the lines of "your jared is showing"
my siblings dubbed my single brain cell that procrastinates everything, jared.
i think they did it bc when they ask for male names it always immediately comes to mind, idk what it is but jared is my go-to male name

so when im being lazy they say something along the lines of "your jared is showing"
marlby. my ex (we're good friends now) calls me that over text :'D i have no idea what it means
i think he just misspelled my name one day, and hes been using it ever since

also david, another friend group of mine brought up the question of "what would our parents have named us if we were guys?" we asked our parents, then changed our discord/life 360 nicknames to them. for a week we even called each other by those names irl (funny story: theres a 'david' in almost all my classes, you know how that went)
marlby. my ex (we're good friends now) calls me that over text :'D i have no idea what it means
i think he just misspelled my name one day, and hes been using it ever since

also david, another friend group of mine brought up the question of "what would our parents have named us if we were guys?" we asked our parents, then changed our discord/life 360 nicknames to them. for a week we even called each other by those names irl (funny story: theres a 'david' in almost all my classes, you know how that went)
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wishlist....sales shop.....icon ♥
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I uhh... They're all kind of offensive ahahaha.
I uhh... They're all kind of offensive ahahaha.
One of my friends on another app would call me "mini van".
One of my friends on another app would call me "mini van".
Bisexual lithromantic
Depressed gay mess, but always well-dressed
Rock or Sass, because autocorrect decided Roxas isn't a name once, tho usually I'm Rox or my usual names/nicknames to my friends.
Rock or Sass, because autocorrect decided Roxas isn't a name once, tho usually I'm Rox or my usual names/nicknames to my friends.
I'm buying Midnight/Silver G1s!
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Rowan has been my nickname online since highschool.

As for real life.
My mother used to call me the weirdest things when I was little. The weirdest one is Vensterbankje.. which is dutch for windowsill. She still uses that one occasionally. I love it :) It’s so silly and random.
Rowan has been my nickname online since highschool.

As for real life.
My mother used to call me the weirdest things when I was little. The weirdest one is Vensterbankje.. which is dutch for windowsill. She still uses that one occasionally. I love it :) It’s so silly and random.

PWYW art-shop - Open!
Rowan's Gijinkas - Closed