@Flumeo Frostfire is my favorite! It's always fun when a skin or accent does most of the work on a dragon and you don't have to dress them up a lot to look fantastic. The roundhorns are a subtle but great addition and match her secondary beautifully.
Flumeo Frostfire is my favorite! It's always fun when a skin or accent does most of the work on a dragon and you don't have to dress them up a lot to look fantastic. The roundhorns are a subtle but great addition and match her secondary beautifully.
[nextcol][center]Coatls are slowly growing on me! Your boy Mordred is such a stunning flame! He was the one that caught my eye! He is so stunning with both his colors and the skin you have for him! Great job on selecting the apparel too!![emoji=familiar heart size=1][/center]

Coatls are slowly growing on me! Your boy Mordred is such a stunning flame! He was the one that caught my eye! He is so stunning with both his colors and the skin you have for him! Great job on selecting the apparel too!!
This was a really hard choice because all the dragons in your lair are so gorgeous.
However, I eventually had to settle on Isk. Her accent and her apparel just looks so natural and blends perfectly with her genes, yet still provides a construct.
This was a really hard choice because all the dragons in your lair are so gorgeous.

However, I eventually had to settle on Isk. Her accent and her apparel just looks so natural and blends perfectly with her genes, yet still provides a construct.
@AnonymousCoati Azure is so pretty I love the genes Giraffe and Hex on guardians it look's soo good! Azure looks so good with those genes and colors they are such a good water rep as well.
AnonymousCoati Azure is so pretty I love the genes Giraffe and Hex on guardians it look's soo good! Azure looks so good with those genes and colors they are such a good water rep as well.
Gold is my personal favorite pretty dragon from your lair, but you have many lovely dragons lovingly decorated.
She's lushly elegant, starry, but also there's something gentle to her look, something humble. She reminds me of a beautiful sparking geode.
Gold is my personal favorite pretty dragon from your lair, but you have many lovely dragons lovingly decorated.
She's lushly elegant, starry, but also there's something gentle to her look, something humble. She reminds me of a beautiful sparking geode.
I like all the little snippets of story and personality your dragons have! I think my favorite is this guy. Plum starcon is just so good and the blue looks so good with his eyes... I'm rooting for him and Chocolate :)
I like all the little snippets of story and personality your dragons have! I think my favorite is this guy. Plum starcon is just so good and the blue looks so good with his eyes... I'm rooting for him and Chocolate :)
skin shop
He's so lovely. ;w; His genes, color, accent. The everything. [/center]

He's so lovely. ;w; His genes, color, accent. The everything.
I was sooo tempted to pick one of the plauge dergs you had but, gawd,
He's evil, he's mean, and he's a dream machine
I was sooo tempted to pick one of the plauge dergs you had but, gawd,
He's evil, he's mean, and he's a dream machine
This Signature is home to the smallest dragon:
His name is Kiki be nice to him.
I have to go with Opulent! Coal flair/flaunt is so dreamy, especially on obelisks, and the firefly works wonders to give it some extra pop! <3
I have to go with Opulent! Coal flair/flaunt is so dreamy, especially on obelisks, and the firefly works wonders to give it some extra pop! <3
I have to give Lorelei an honorable mention because she was very close to being picked. Her dark and light browns mixed make her look so interesting and pretty <3
Lucil's apparel + uma make her look like she's part of nature; as if the overgrown leaves and moss are worn as accessories by her, while also being allowed to grow free on her body. The details in beige also add some contrast and make her look perfect in general <3[/center]
I have to give Lorelei an honorable mention because she was very close to being picked. Her dark and light browns mixed make her look so interesting and pretty <3
Lucil's apparel + uma make her look like she's part of nature; as if the overgrown leaves and moss are worn as accessories by her, while also being allowed to grow free on her body. The details in beige also add some contrast and make her look perfect in general <3