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[quote name="SpookyPuptarts" date="2021-12-10 06:25:22" ] Some way to sort familiars on the equipping page would be nice. Color would be really useful for a lot of folks i'm sure, and I could see myself using element to sort as well. [/quote] You already can search for familiars by colour in the equip page on the dragons profile?
SpookyPuptarts wrote on 2021-12-10 06:25:22:
Some way to sort familiars on the equipping page would be nice. Color would be really useful for a lot of folks i'm sure, and I could see myself using element to sort as well.

You already can search for familiars by colour in the equip page on the dragons profile?
[quote name="Anchoram" date="2021-12-10 06:59:05" ] The element is a battle mechanic in the coliseum and doesn't mean anything more than that. Therefore only familiars that can be fought in the coliseum have elements. [/quote] I'm not sure it doesn't mean anything more than that, some familiars with elements do imply relation to the gods, while others don't, and while I get that maybe expanding on the lore surrounding anything other than dragons here might be "irrelevant" to you, I think it would be cool to know a little more about the creatures we gather and how they work.
Anchoram wrote on 2021-12-10 06:59:05:
The element is a battle mechanic in the coliseum and doesn't mean anything more than that. Therefore only familiars that can be fought in the coliseum have elements.
I'm not sure it doesn't mean anything more than that, some familiars with elements do imply relation to the gods, while others don't, and while I get that maybe expanding on the lore surrounding anything other than dragons here might be "irrelevant" to you, I think it would be cool to know a little more about the creatures we gather and how they work.
[quote name="Anchoram" date="2021-12-10 07:02:05" ] [quote name="SpookyPuptarts" date="2021-12-10 06:25:22" ] Some way to sort familiars on the equipping page would be nice. Color would be really useful for a lot of folks i'm sure, and I could see myself using element to sort as well. [/quote] You already can search for familiars by colour in the equip page on the dragons profile? [/quote] Well would you look at that. Here I am being an airhead again xD ty for pointing that out. sheesh xD
Anchoram wrote on 2021-12-10 07:02:05:
SpookyPuptarts wrote on 2021-12-10 06:25:22:
Some way to sort familiars on the equipping page would be nice. Color would be really useful for a lot of folks i'm sure, and I could see myself using element to sort as well.

You already can search for familiars by colour in the equip page on the dragons profile?

Well would you look at that. Here I am being an airhead again xD ty for pointing that out. sheesh xD
xxxxx xrdZoYH.pngOxagJgG.pngmxZJBlR.png
[quote name="Diaboromon414985" date="2021-12-10 06:26:12" ] Well that's unfortunate, that'd be nice info to have. Would also be nice to know why some do and others don't have elements. Quite honestly the lack of info on familiars is kinda off-putting for trying to engage with them, so these comments I'm getting here of more information "cluttering" them is pretty strange to me. [/quote] As said, the element aspect of familiars is meant more for coliseum than anything else. There was a Q&A somewhere, I think, that said that familiar elements aren't the same as dragon elements. Or that familiars don't interact with elemental magic like dragons do (it was with regards to why familiar eyes don't match their element I believe). So, basically, what I get from that, is that all familiars are technically 'neutral' in element, but some can access elemental magic when confronted. But it isn't intrinsic to familiars the way it is for dragons. I think that the issue that is coming up is the idea that for us to have more 'information' on the familiars, the staff would have to go through and actually assign said info to the familiars. While having more information is nice, it also is ultimately useless for a great many players and often they would prefer that effort go to completely new stuff. (for example, we have nearly 1000 familiars now, imagine having to go back and assign information to even just half of those famliars that don't have said info). I wouldn't mind if the element info was 'mirrored' to the familiar game database pages for the coliseum familiars, but tooltips can already be pains. Having more information, especially stuff that isn't really needed, just means that the tooltips are longer (and cover more, or for people with smaller screens, have parts of the tooltip pushed off the page etc...) and makes them more unweildy to both read/use and navigate around. (I have tooltips get stuck, so that I have to wildly run my mouse over various other items to try to get that one tooltip to go away)
Diaboromon414985 wrote on 2021-12-10 06:26:12:
Well that's unfortunate, that'd be nice info to have. Would also be nice to know why some do and others don't have elements. Quite honestly the lack of info on familiars is kinda off-putting for trying to engage with them, so these comments I'm getting here of more information "cluttering" them is pretty strange to me.
As said, the element aspect of familiars is meant more for coliseum than anything else.

There was a Q&A somewhere, I think, that said that familiar elements aren't the same as dragon elements. Or that familiars don't interact with elemental magic like dragons do (it was with regards to why familiar eyes don't match their element I believe).

So, basically, what I get from that, is that all familiars are technically 'neutral' in element, but some can access elemental magic when confronted. But it isn't intrinsic to familiars the way it is for dragons.

I think that the issue that is coming up is the idea that for us to have more 'information' on the familiars, the staff would have to go through and actually assign said info to the familiars. While having more information is nice, it also is ultimately useless for a great many players and often they would prefer that effort go to completely new stuff.

(for example, we have nearly 1000 familiars now, imagine having to go back and assign information to even just half of those famliars that don't have said info).

I wouldn't mind if the element info was 'mirrored' to the familiar game database pages for the coliseum familiars, but tooltips can already be pains. Having more information, especially stuff that isn't really needed, just means that the tooltips are longer (and cover more, or for people with smaller screens, have parts of the tooltip pushed off the page etc...) and makes them more unweildy to both read/use and navigate around. (I have tooltips get stuck, so that I have to wildly run my mouse over various other items to try to get that one tooltip to go away)

Let them Fight
Let them Serve the Deities
Let them Exist in peace!
Dragons needed --->
Breed Characteristic Apparel!

Cuckoo Breed and Mutations!

Change Unnamed in YOUR dragon's profile!
[quote name="Jemadar" date="2021-12-10 07:19:07" ] I think that the issue that is coming up is the idea that for us to have more 'information' on the familiars, the staff would have to go through and actually assign said info to the familiars. While having more information is nice, it also is ultimately useless for a great many players and often they would prefer that effort go to completely new stuff. [/quote] This is my issue: this isn't information that already exists somewhere being put in a more convenient place, this is information that [i]doesn't[/i] exist being created and added to the page. I mean, sometimes it exists, but generally if a familiar is part of a beastclan, it'll be listed in their title. i.e. Longneck Mender, Maren Spearmaiden. If it's not listed in their title, it's listed in their tooltip in some way, i.e. Aerborne Ambassador has the description, "The grinning faces of [b]kitsune[/b] are welcomed and beloved among the clans of the Windswept Plateau, many even living close by dragons for protection." (Bolding mine for emphasis, since the Aerborne Ambassador is being described as a kitsune despite having a more festival-themed item title.) Basically, in at-least-almost all cases (I am going to leave some wiggle room for my memory not being flawless here) where the family of familiar already exists, adding it to the page would also be redundant, because the information is already there. Same with element, as people have mentioned; it's available on the enemy page. I would find it cool if the elements that already exist were mirrored, but I have a feeling that would just be a lot of work for people asking "why doesn't [familiar] have an element listed?" and honestly I can see that being a reason they kept it strictly to the Coli pages where it would be relevant and standardized. In general, though, going through and assigning all the unclassified familiars an element is a kind of busywork I'd rather FR's tiny team spend elsewhere, [i]unless[/i] they intend to do something with it. For instance, if FR is developing a new mechanic using familiars, in which familiar element would be relevant, I think it would absolutely be worth going through, assigning elements, and making that information readily available on the familiar page. The exception would be something none of us can know: if the FR staff secretly have an encyclopedia of all familiars with already assigned elements, yes, by all means, that'd be cool information to have! But I doubt it exists, since I feel like if it did they would have added it to the Game Database back when the GD was created. As an aside to OP, since you seem interested in centralized data about familiars, if you're looking for more generalized information about beastclans and other known sapient familiars, user-run threads like the [url=]Canon Lore Compendium[/url] collect and collate information from various tooltips across the site to provide a broad overview, with citations and footnotes. A decent amount of people on the site enjoy hunting through any new tooltips like plucky detectives, and some of them like organizing and formatting that information for people who [i]don't[/i] enjoy that sort of thing, so hopefully you'll find it helpful if you didn't know about it yet!
Jemadar wrote on 2021-12-10 07:19:07:
I think that the issue that is coming up is the idea that for us to have more 'information' on the familiars, the staff would have to go through and actually assign said info to the familiars. While having more information is nice, it also is ultimately useless for a great many players and often they would prefer that effort go to completely new stuff.

This is my issue: this isn't information that already exists somewhere being put in a more convenient place, this is information that doesn't exist being created and added to the page. I mean, sometimes it exists, but generally if a familiar is part of a beastclan, it'll be listed in their title. i.e. Longneck Mender, Maren Spearmaiden. If it's not listed in their title, it's listed in their tooltip in some way, i.e. Aerborne Ambassador has the description, "The grinning faces of kitsune are welcomed and beloved among the clans of the Windswept Plateau, many even living close by dragons for protection." (Bolding mine for emphasis, since the Aerborne Ambassador is being described as a kitsune despite having a more festival-themed item title.)

Basically, in at-least-almost all cases (I am going to leave some wiggle room for my memory not being flawless here) where the family of familiar already exists, adding it to the page would also be redundant, because the information is already there. Same with element, as people have mentioned; it's available on the enemy page. I would find it cool if the elements that already exist were mirrored, but I have a feeling that would just be a lot of work for people asking "why doesn't [familiar] have an element listed?" and honestly I can see that being a reason they kept it strictly to the Coli pages where it would be relevant and standardized.

In general, though, going through and assigning all the unclassified familiars an element is a kind of busywork I'd rather FR's tiny team spend elsewhere, unless they intend to do something with it. For instance, if FR is developing a new mechanic using familiars, in which familiar element would be relevant, I think it would absolutely be worth going through, assigning elements, and making that information readily available on the familiar page. The exception would be something none of us can know: if the FR staff secretly have an encyclopedia of all familiars with already assigned elements, yes, by all means, that'd be cool information to have! But I doubt it exists, since I feel like if it did they would have added it to the Game Database back when the GD was created.

As an aside to OP, since you seem interested in centralized data about familiars, if you're looking for more generalized information about beastclans and other known sapient familiars, user-run threads like the Canon Lore Compendium collect and collate information from various tooltips across the site to provide a broad overview, with citations and footnotes. A decent amount of people on the site enjoy hunting through any new tooltips like plucky detectives, and some of them like organizing and formatting that information for people who don't enjoy that sort of thing, so hopefully you'll find it helpful if you didn't know about it yet!
No support, you can write your own lore for familiars if you want but this would take a lot of time from staff to implement that could go into other features
No support, you can write your own lore for familiars if you want but this would take a lot of time from staff to implement that could go into other features
[quote name="Unrest" date="2021-12-10 11:06:37" ] No support, you can write your own lore for familiars if you want but this would take a lot of time from staff to implement that could go into other features [/quote] honestly, I've been thinking about it a couple days, and I gotta say this is a pretty cold blooded response my guy. Like, I dunno, maybe you didn't intend to mean anything negative about it, but if I was someone writing for the FR lore, and I saw someone dismiss further interest by implying it's irrelevant like that, I can't imagine I'd be happy. Just as well, what other features are you looking for? More dragons? We know at least one more is coming and beyond that we do kinda have a pretty wide variety already, so a break from new breeds might be fine if not a relief to the people having to design them and go through the process of making genes work for each of the variants and apparel work for new moderns. More apparel? What niche of apparel do you think is criminally underrepresented that could use some expansion on? More games for the fairgrounds? What niche of games in there could there be that you'd want to play but do not have the ability to? Changes to the colosseum? That would be nice, but I haven't seen much talk on that getting improved on soon, so that's probably not a priority. Sure, ok, maybe cluttering up a familiar's item description might not be a convenient feature, but improving the familiar's bestiary to tell us a little more about them lorewise I can't really see as being as terrible an idea as the responses I'm seeing here really makes it out to be.
Unrest wrote on 2021-12-10 11:06:37:
No support, you can write your own lore for familiars if you want but this would take a lot of time from staff to implement that could go into other features
honestly, I've been thinking about it a couple days, and I gotta say this is a pretty cold blooded response my guy. Like, I dunno, maybe you didn't intend to mean anything negative about it, but if I was someone writing for the FR lore, and I saw someone dismiss further interest by implying it's irrelevant like that, I can't imagine I'd be happy.

Just as well, what other features are you looking for?
More dragons? We know at least one more is coming and beyond that we do kinda have a pretty wide variety already, so a break from new breeds might be fine if not a relief to the people having to design them and go through the process of making genes work for each of the variants and apparel work for new moderns.
More apparel? What niche of apparel do you think is criminally underrepresented that could use some expansion on?
More games for the fairgrounds? What niche of games in there could there be that you'd want to play but do not have the ability to?
Changes to the colosseum? That would be nice, but I haven't seen much talk on that getting improved on soon, so that's probably not a priority.

Sure, ok, maybe cluttering up a familiar's item description might not be a convenient feature, but improving the familiar's bestiary to tell us a little more about them lorewise I can't really see as being as terrible an idea as the responses I'm seeing here really makes it out to be.
[quote name="Diaboromon414985" date="2021-12-18 13:27:38" ] [quote name="Unrest" date="2021-12-10 11:06:37" ] No support, you can write your own lore for familiars if you want but this would take a lot of time from staff to implement that could go into other features [/quote] honestly, I've been thinking about it a couple days, and I gotta say this is a pretty cold blooded response my guy. Like, I dunno, maybe you didn't intend to mean anything negative about it, but if I was someone writing for the FR lore, and I saw someone dismiss further interest by implying it's irrelevant like that, I can't imagine I'd be happy. Just as well, what other features are you looking for? More dragons? We know at least one more is coming and beyond that we do kinda have a pretty wide variety already, so a break from new breeds might be fine if not a relief to the people having to design them and go through the process of making genes work for each of the variants and apparel work for new moderns. More apparel? What niche of apparel do you think is criminally underrepresented that could use some expansion on? More games for the fairgrounds? What niche of games in there could there be that you'd want to play but do not have the ability to? Changes to the colosseum? That would be nice, but I haven't seen much talk on that getting improved on soon, so that's probably not a priority. Sure, ok, maybe cluttering up a familiar's item description might not be a convenient feature, but improving the familiar's bestiary to tell us a little more about them lorewise I can't really see as being as terrible an idea as the responses I'm seeing here really makes it out to be. [/quote] I personally want adventure mode, I would love more apparel, I want more familiars etc... I also want more/diverse fairgrounds games, such as solitaire, or just more games in general so there is more variety. Since many of the games I used to play relied on flash, many of those games have disappeared and haven't been replaced that I have found/liked. There are also new features that we haven't thought of, such as Arlo's, and features such as that. It doesn't necessarily have to be a specific feature, but just prefer new features over rehashing/adding to existing features. it is one reason why many people are against things like new poses for existing breeds, because they prefer brand new breeds rather than resources being put towards rehashing the old ones. I feel it is somewhat the same here. At 1000 familiars now, adding new information to those familiars would take time and resources, which I feel would be better put towards making new features. As a note, I wouldn't be upset if they were to do something like this, just would prefer other stuff.
Diaboromon414985 wrote on 2021-12-18 13:27:38:
Unrest wrote on 2021-12-10 11:06:37:
No support, you can write your own lore for familiars if you want but this would take a lot of time from staff to implement that could go into other features
honestly, I've been thinking about it a couple days, and I gotta say this is a pretty cold blooded response my guy. Like, I dunno, maybe you didn't intend to mean anything negative about it, but if I was someone writing for the FR lore, and I saw someone dismiss further interest by implying it's irrelevant like that, I can't imagine I'd be happy.

Just as well, what other features are you looking for?
More dragons? We know at least one more is coming and beyond that we do kinda have a pretty wide variety already, so a break from new breeds might be fine if not a relief to the people having to design them and go through the process of making genes work for each of the variants and apparel work for new moderns.
More apparel? What niche of apparel do you think is criminally underrepresented that could use some expansion on?
More games for the fairgrounds? What niche of games in there could there be that you'd want to play but do not have the ability to?
Changes to the colosseum? That would be nice, but I haven't seen much talk on that getting improved on soon, so that's probably not a priority.

Sure, ok, maybe cluttering up a familiar's item description might not be a convenient feature, but improving the familiar's bestiary to tell us a little more about them lorewise I can't really see as being as terrible an idea as the responses I'm seeing here really makes it out to be.
I personally want adventure mode, I would love more apparel, I want more familiars etc...

I also want more/diverse fairgrounds games, such as solitaire, or just more games in general so there is more variety. Since many of the games I used to play relied on flash, many of those games have disappeared and haven't been replaced that I have found/liked.

There are also new features that we haven't thought of, such as Arlo's, and features such as that.

It doesn't necessarily have to be a specific feature, but just prefer new features over rehashing/adding to existing features. it is one reason why many people are against things like new poses for existing breeds, because they prefer brand new breeds rather than resources being put towards rehashing the old ones.

I feel it is somewhat the same here. At 1000 familiars now, adding new information to those familiars would take time and resources, which I feel would be better put towards making new features. As a note, I wouldn't be upset if they were to do something like this, just would prefer other stuff.

Let them Fight
Let them Serve the Deities
Let them Exist in peace!
Dragons needed --->
Breed Characteristic Apparel!

Cuckoo Breed and Mutations!

Change Unnamed in YOUR dragon's profile!
No support.

IF this information is something already canon then it should be in the database, not the tooltip. Making tooltips larger and inconsistent won't really be anything useful to the majority of players, and the small ones are already extremely frustrating on mobile. Larger ones will make things worse and I really don't want to see a larger tooltip for something that has no point being there.

If this information is not already canon and, from other responses related to the QnA, it seems this is not, then I really don't think something like this is necessary to even go through and create. It is clear that the familiars, so far, have not been all that prominent in lore aside from warring with dragons in some cases. They aren't the primary focus and I'd rather see lore efforts go toward the primary focus. Small details can be nice, but there's no point in further explaining familiar relations to elements - IF they even have official elements as a group rather than individually - other than what has already been explained via QnA.

However, having a response somewhere in the Encyclopedia on lore related QnA things such as this would be nice to see since it would be a nice area to put the small/less important blurbs related to the lore that aren't something outright explained.

Overall, I think this is something better just asked via a QnA than something to actively put efforts toward. Also, I wouldn't say tooltips are bios. They're just little blurbs of information on an item in game. For that reason on its own I would say no support as it is.
No support.

IF this information is something already canon then it should be in the database, not the tooltip. Making tooltips larger and inconsistent won't really be anything useful to the majority of players, and the small ones are already extremely frustrating on mobile. Larger ones will make things worse and I really don't want to see a larger tooltip for something that has no point being there.

If this information is not already canon and, from other responses related to the QnA, it seems this is not, then I really don't think something like this is necessary to even go through and create. It is clear that the familiars, so far, have not been all that prominent in lore aside from warring with dragons in some cases. They aren't the primary focus and I'd rather see lore efforts go toward the primary focus. Small details can be nice, but there's no point in further explaining familiar relations to elements - IF they even have official elements as a group rather than individually - other than what has already been explained via QnA.

However, having a response somewhere in the Encyclopedia on lore related QnA things such as this would be nice to see since it would be a nice area to put the small/less important blurbs related to the lore that aren't something outright explained.

Overall, I think this is something better just asked via a QnA than something to actively put efforts toward. Also, I wouldn't say tooltips are bios. They're just little blurbs of information on an item in game. For that reason on its own I would say no support as it is.
G3 Imperial & Lineage Hatchery (WIP)
G1s & Misc Dragon Sales
Coliseum Services
I tend to be blunt. Don't take it personally; it's not.
[quote name="Lykos" date="2021-12-18 15:09:12" ] No support. IF this information is something already canon then it should be in the database, not the tooltip. Making tooltips larger and inconsistent won't really be anything useful to the majority of players, and the small ones are already extremely frustrating on mobile. Larger ones will make things worse and I really don't want to see a larger tooltip for something that has no point being there. If this information is not already canon and, from other responses related to the QnA, it seems this is not, then I really don't think something like this is necessary to even go through and create. It is clear that the familiars, so far, have not been all that prominent in lore aside from warring with dragons in some cases. They aren't the primary focus and I'd rather see lore efforts go toward the primary focus. Small details can be nice, but there's no point in further explaining familiar relations to elements - IF they even have official elements as a group rather than individually - other than what has already been explained via QnA. However, having a response somewhere in the Encyclopedia on lore related QnA things such as this would be nice to see since it would be a nice area to put the small/less important blurbs related to the lore that aren't something outright explained. Overall, I think this is something better just asked via a QnA than something to actively put efforts toward. Also, I wouldn't say tooltips are bios. They're just little blurbs of information on an item in game. For that reason on its own I would say no support as it is. [/quote] See, this is a good compromise, and kinda what I actually want? I think what specifically I actually want is for the bestiary to not just be the tooltip of the familiar, but any information that has been written about the familiar that we know. Sure, yeah, ok, maybe clogging up the tooltip might be a bad idea, but as it stands, I feel the bestiary as it exists is kinda, well, useless. The familiar database entries that the bestiary's entries all link to have the exact same information and filter system AND more, and there is so much lore that quite obviously already exists about some familiar species that just isn't in the encyclopedia (Like, for instance, the Mith. What is up with the Mith? And what of the other non-beastclan races of familiars that are clearly sentient and have civilizations?) and I would very much want that info. If there have been things written about these, I would either like that stuff in the bestiary, or in the encyclopedia as you suggest, because as it stands the bestiary feels redundant with the presence of the database and barren of any real special information that, well, I would refer to a bestiary to learn about.
Lykos wrote on 2021-12-18 15:09:12:
No support.

IF this information is something already canon then it should be in the database, not the tooltip. Making tooltips larger and inconsistent won't really be anything useful to the majority of players, and the small ones are already extremely frustrating on mobile. Larger ones will make things worse and I really don't want to see a larger tooltip for something that has no point being there.

If this information is not already canon and, from other responses related to the QnA, it seems this is not, then I really don't think something like this is necessary to even go through and create. It is clear that the familiars, so far, have not been all that prominent in lore aside from warring with dragons in some cases. They aren't the primary focus and I'd rather see lore efforts go toward the primary focus. Small details can be nice, but there's no point in further explaining familiar relations to elements - IF they even have official elements as a group rather than individually - other than what has already been explained via QnA.

However, having a response somewhere in the Encyclopedia on lore related QnA things such as this would be nice to see since it would be a nice area to put the small/less important blurbs related to the lore that aren't something outright explained.

Overall, I think this is something better just asked via a QnA than something to actively put efforts toward. Also, I wouldn't say tooltips are bios. They're just little blurbs of information on an item in game. For that reason on its own I would say no support as it is.
See, this is a good compromise, and kinda what I actually want?
I think what specifically I actually want is for the bestiary to not just be the tooltip of the familiar, but any information that has been written about the familiar that we know. Sure, yeah, ok, maybe clogging up the tooltip might be a bad idea, but as it stands, I feel the bestiary as it exists is kinda, well, useless. The familiar database entries that the bestiary's entries all link to have the exact same information and filter system AND more, and there is so much lore that quite obviously already exists about some familiar species that just isn't in the encyclopedia (Like, for instance, the Mith. What is up with the Mith? And what of the other non-beastclan races of familiars that are clearly sentient and have civilizations?) and I would very much want that info.
If there have been things written about these, I would either like that stuff in the bestiary, or in the encyclopedia as you suggest, because as it stands the bestiary feels redundant with the presence of the database and barren of any real special information that, well, I would refer to a bestiary to learn about.
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