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TOPIC | Rec me fantasy books?
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Seconding Diana Wynne Jones. Basically anything she's written is freaking amazing, she's one of my favorite authors.

Also going to suggest the Redwall series. It's about animals fighting other evil animals and their adventures around Mossflower Woods. There's technically a chronological order of things but you can read them in any order you want, really. A few books make a nod towards an older one but that's about it.
Seconding Diana Wynne Jones. Basically anything she's written is freaking amazing, she's one of my favorite authors.

Also going to suggest the Redwall series. It's about animals fighting other evil animals and their adventures around Mossflower Woods. There's technically a chronological order of things but you can read them in any order you want, really. A few books make a nod towards an older one but that's about it.
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Howls Moving Castle is arguably even better as a book than as a movie, just saying.
Howls Moving Castle is arguably even better as a book than as a movie, just saying.
We like L. C. Mawson's series The Aspects (or...what we've read of it), although it can get a little heavy on the violence. It has an Autistic main, an ADHD deut, both the main and deut are Bi, and there's at least one explicitly Trans person in there, and that's just the first book!

When we were subscribed to the author's newsletter she described it as what would happen if you crossed Steven Universe with something like a magical girl story, if we remember correctly? She has like four other universes she writes too, so if that isn't quote your cup of tea we would hope you could find...something? Not all of the verses are for younger audiences though so we would be careful depending on what you're seeking. >.>;;
We like L. C. Mawson's series The Aspects (or...what we've read of it), although it can get a little heavy on the violence. It has an Autistic main, an ADHD deut, both the main and deut are Bi, and there's at least one explicitly Trans person in there, and that's just the first book!

When we were subscribed to the author's newsletter she described it as what would happen if you crossed Steven Universe with something like a magical girl story, if we remember correctly? She has like four other universes she writes too, so if that isn't quote your cup of tea we would hope you could find...something? Not all of the verses are for younger audiences though so we would be careful depending on what you're seeking. >.>;;
@Blackclover - Just got from the library!!
@Blackclover - Just got from the library!!
the wheel of time series is awesome (if very long) and the show is finally coming out this month! (which i've definitely been waiting nearly a decade for lol) there are lots of cool female characters in them if that's a selling point :)

also the bartimaeus trilogy is great too if you prefer YA stuff!
the wheel of time series is awesome (if very long) and the show is finally coming out this month! (which i've definitely been waiting nearly a decade for lol) there are lots of cool female characters in them if that's a selling point :)

also the bartimaeus trilogy is great too if you prefer YA stuff!
@wyvernkid - Oh! I’ve been meaning to read that series c:
@wyvernkid - Oh! I’ve been meaning to read that series c:
@Sommar - Is it a series?
@Sommar - Is it a series?
Seconding the rec for Eragon- it's one of my favorite fantasy series of all time, and I think that holds up really well by modern standards. It has a lot of clichés, but I feel like the series is overall good enough that it makes the clichés work. One of my favorite aspects has to be the unique worldbuilding around various creatures that exist in the setting, and how they manage to take generic fantasy creatures such as elves and dwarves and keep them recognizable but put a unique spin on them.

While it's more intended for a younger audience, I also really enjoyed Fablehaven. The general concept is really neat, and there's actually quite a bit of complexity to the conflicts explored in the book. The sequel series, Dragonwatch, is also pretty good, but I personally enjoy the original books much more.
Seconding the rec for Eragon- it's one of my favorite fantasy series of all time, and I think that holds up really well by modern standards. It has a lot of clichés, but I feel like the series is overall good enough that it makes the clichés work. One of my favorite aspects has to be the unique worldbuilding around various creatures that exist in the setting, and how they manage to take generic fantasy creatures such as elves and dwarves and keep them recognizable but put a unique spin on them.

While it's more intended for a younger audience, I also really enjoyed Fablehaven. The general concept is really neat, and there's actually quite a bit of complexity to the conflicts explored in the book. The sequel series, Dragonwatch, is also pretty good, but I personally enjoy the original books much more.
AvatarofAkatosh-cropped.png I tried to make an aesthetic signature but it broke :(
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell!!! My favourite book of all time. I will warn you it's extremely long, but it's one of the few books of that length I've read that I feel really deserves to be that length. A brilliant combination of historical fiction and fantasy.
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell!!! My favourite book of all time. I will warn you it's extremely long, but it's one of the few books of that length I've read that I feel really deserves to be that length. A brilliant combination of historical fiction and fantasy.
Recently read a book called Seraphina and it was pretty neat :]
Basically dragons exist and they can turn into humans. They've been allied with the humans for a few decades but some still dont trust them. Anyway, Seraphina, the main character, likes music and has a secret. Also the prince is dead.
Can't explain the plot too much without spoiling anything, but i really liked it. Be warned, it's quite long.
Recently read a book called Seraphina and it was pretty neat :]
Basically dragons exist and they can turn into humans. They've been allied with the humans for a few decades but some still dont trust them. Anyway, Seraphina, the main character, likes music and has a secret. Also the prince is dead.
Can't explain the plot too much without spoiling anything, but i really liked it. Be warned, it's quite long.
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