
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | cartoony icon sales for treasure/gems!
[center][b][u][OPEN][/u][/b] Hello! Due to a wide margin of people requesting art from me recently and telling me to up my prices I thought i'd set up a little icon shop here for right now! So the new prices for my art, specifically for these icons- will be [b]500gems[/b] or [b]500kt[/b]! [u][b]Here are the examples below![/b][/u][img][/img][img][/img] Please let me know which expression you want and which dragon you'd prefer for the icon. And please remember - FLIGHT RISING DRAGONS ONLY PLEASE! Also one last thing, my old post that is still up currently will be closing soon due to it having outdated prices, however for the people that still paid there I will be still drawing their dragons![/center]

Hello! Due to a wide margin of people requesting art from me recently and telling me to up my prices I thought i'd set up a little icon shop here for right now!

So the new prices for my art, specifically for these icons- will be 500gems or 500kt!

Here are the examples below!unknown.pngunknown.png

Please let me know which expression you want and which dragon you'd prefer for the icon. And please remember - FLIGHT RISING DRAGONS ONLY PLEASE!

Also one last thing, my old post that is still up currently will be closing soon due to it having outdated prices, however for the people that still paid there I will be still drawing their dragons!

I'm glad that you raised your prices~!
Also thanks again for the awesome sketch you did of my OC in the old thread.

I notice you're only doing Flight Rising dragons this time around, so please let me know if you ever plan on taking more OC requests in the future. I'll jump on that so quickly.

I'm glad that you raised your prices~!
Also thanks again for the awesome sketch you did of my OC in the old thread.

I notice you're only doing Flight Rising dragons this time around, so please let me know if you ever plan on taking more OC requests in the future. I'll jump on that so quickly.
bump! [emoji=heart size=1]