
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Summer Egg Trade 2021!
Just nested with 4 eggs :)
Just nested with 4 eggs :)
ATGt8wk.png100 Hatchlings Challenge U6ccL54.png
I've got 6 eggs to donate
I've got 6 eggs to donate

Hi, just letting you know I changed my user from toyota to bmw for the spreadsheet ^^

Hi, just letting you know I changed my user from toyota to bmw for the spreadsheet ^^
Sadly my pair only layed 1 egg DX
Sadly my pair only layed 1 egg DX

I've got three eggs!
I've got three eggs!
[quote name="bmw" date="2021-07-19 02:09:36" ] @Hexi Hi, just letting you know I changed my user from toyota to bmw for the spreadsheet ^^ [/quote] Gotcha. Thanks for the head's up!
bmw wrote on 2021-07-19 02:09:36:

Hi, just letting you know I changed my user from toyota to bmw for the spreadsheet ^^

Gotcha. Thanks for the head's up!
7 eggs:)
7 eggs:)

Got my pairs to nest...I've got 7 eggs.

Got my pairs to nest...I've got 7 eggs.
@Hexi @Meadbhb @Kyireana @Kvon @sgkat @toyota @HappyVirus @horributt @Neoixan @wannabeElf @RaeOfTexas @lesen @abeeinshoes @Salem @strangefrontier @RickRolled @berrybbtr @hyzenthlaay @Ebby172 @MorimotoRei @Norkia @LadyAria @Eialyne @Moonsight @someeon @Athly @WaNoMatsuri @AvianMoone @caffeinefaerie @KillerCupid @PastCat @Kiradog234 @Ceresvoid @Silversahde @Timmygee @Zith @RubescentClaret

Good morning everyone!

Nesting day is today!

If you have not already, please put your nests down and post here with how many eggs you will have for the trade.

@Hexi @Meadbhb @Kyireana @Kvon @sgkat @toyota @HappyVirus @horributt @Neoixan @wannabeElf @RaeOfTexas @lesen @abeeinshoes @Salem @strangefrontier @RickRolled @berrybbtr @hyzenthlaay @Ebby172 @MorimotoRei @Norkia @LadyAria @Eialyne @Moonsight @someeon @Athly @WaNoMatsuri @AvianMoone @caffeinefaerie @KillerCupid @PastCat @Kiradog234 @Ceresvoid @Silversahde @Timmygee @Zith @RubescentClaret

Good morning everyone!

Nesting day is today!

If you have not already, please put your nests down and post here with how many eggs you will have for the trade.

more space
Since I didn't save a space for my nest, I'm gonna try to find a nesting service to send them to today. Any recommendations?
Since I didn't save a space for my nest, I'm gonna try to find a nesting service to send them to today. Any recommendations?
tundra monolair (except when i'm not)