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TOPIC | The Warrior Cat Clan Game NEW
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as far as i know there's no gathering plans, but; i'm always down to cameo/have cameos or a new bordering clan~
Fableclan is very interesting so far and I love how you showed the pictures with the allegiances!

Year Two | Moon 11 | Leaf-bare
Number is 46, the clan is safe.

Cherrypeak has finally returned to her leader position, leaving the kits in the watchful eyes of their fathers and Leafshine, the other queen. Cherrypeak is just, eager to be back in her duties and desperate to give Rosepath a bit of a reprieve from her burden. She orders her tireless deputy to rest as much as she can for the rest of the moon and orders her time off from warrior and deputy duties so she can properly grieve for her mate Sorrelpool.

Deerpaw is quickly shaping up to be the new fastest runner in the clan, matching paces with Foxfoot, one of the clan's older warriors. Willowheart is proud of her apprentice and pushes him to be his best, but makes sure that Deerpaw also knows when to stop and rest and take breaks.

Cricketpaw is having a hard time living up to Jaggedfang's standards- when she does get something right, it's practiced to exhaustion to drill it into her head. She has a lot of energy, but Jaggedfang's training is harsh. Still, she's showing a lot of promise fighting... She also tore a claw, but didn't go to the medicine cats for it and it became infected. Jaggedfang noticed after a few days and finally forced his apprentice to go see Grayhollow, but Cricketpaw glared at Hazelpaw the whole time.

Amberdawn is a little pushy with Scorchfur and her apprentice, but Scorchfur allows it since he lost his own apprentice essentially within the same moon as he got one. Besides, Dreampaw is pretty social and happy to show off for the extra cat hanging around, appreciating the attention.
She tells her denmates about this excitedly, only to be crushed when a tired and irritated Cricketpaw tells her that it's because she's not good enough and needs extra help to function.
Dreampaw is quiet for the next few days, only admitting anything is wrong when her closest littermate, Tempestpaw, finally drags it out of her over a shared meal.

Tempestpaw immediately tells Pearstrike what Cricketpaw said and Pearstrike is quick to set her kits straight- that Dreampaw is walking the honourable path of a warrior and there is nothing wrong with having extra help. That if any of them feel like they need more support in their apprenticeship or otherwise, they can always ask her too. Hazelpaw watches Pearstrike speak from the sidelines, and dips their head in sorrow as the only one left out from what seems to be a family conversation.

Polarsight once again consoles the young medicine cat apprentice.


as far as i know there's no gathering plans, but; i'm always down to cameo/have cameos or a new bordering clan~
Fableclan is very interesting so far and I love how you showed the pictures with the allegiances!

Year Two | Moon 11 | Leaf-bare
Number is 46, the clan is safe.

Cherrypeak has finally returned to her leader position, leaving the kits in the watchful eyes of their fathers and Leafshine, the other queen. Cherrypeak is just, eager to be back in her duties and desperate to give Rosepath a bit of a reprieve from her burden. She orders her tireless deputy to rest as much as she can for the rest of the moon and orders her time off from warrior and deputy duties so she can properly grieve for her mate Sorrelpool.

Deerpaw is quickly shaping up to be the new fastest runner in the clan, matching paces with Foxfoot, one of the clan's older warriors. Willowheart is proud of her apprentice and pushes him to be his best, but makes sure that Deerpaw also knows when to stop and rest and take breaks.

Cricketpaw is having a hard time living up to Jaggedfang's standards- when she does get something right, it's practiced to exhaustion to drill it into her head. She has a lot of energy, but Jaggedfang's training is harsh. Still, she's showing a lot of promise fighting... She also tore a claw, but didn't go to the medicine cats for it and it became infected. Jaggedfang noticed after a few days and finally forced his apprentice to go see Grayhollow, but Cricketpaw glared at Hazelpaw the whole time.

Amberdawn is a little pushy with Scorchfur and her apprentice, but Scorchfur allows it since he lost his own apprentice essentially within the same moon as he got one. Besides, Dreampaw is pretty social and happy to show off for the extra cat hanging around, appreciating the attention.
She tells her denmates about this excitedly, only to be crushed when a tired and irritated Cricketpaw tells her that it's because she's not good enough and needs extra help to function.
Dreampaw is quiet for the next few days, only admitting anything is wrong when her closest littermate, Tempestpaw, finally drags it out of her over a shared meal.

Tempestpaw immediately tells Pearstrike what Cricketpaw said and Pearstrike is quick to set her kits straight- that Dreampaw is walking the honourable path of a warrior and there is nothing wrong with having extra help. That if any of them feel like they need more support in their apprenticeship or otherwise, they can always ask her too. Hazelpaw watches Pearstrike speak from the sidelines, and dips their head in sorrow as the only one left out from what seems to be a family conversation.

Polarsight once again consoles the young medicine cat apprentice.

Year 2 - Moon 9 - Newleaf 3/3
Roll: 43
A moon of unnatural rain makes the river near the camp flood, and the entire clan is forced to evacuate. They take refuge along the top of the cliff, but the winds are very strong and the drop is very steep. All the younger cats are told to stay away from the edge, but Dotkit gets bored one day and wanders too close. His paws slip out from under him, and he tumbled off the edge. Somehow he manages to snag a root in his claws to halt his fall, but then he was stuck dangling there. Sparrowstream immediately went over to help, but as she crouched down to haul the young kit up the ledge breaks, sending them both on a painful journey to the bottom. Unable to recover their bodies due to the floods, the clan holds a vigil for them and Jayspot, his children, Hazelnut and Beetlefur stay up all night, grieving for the loss of their mate/mother/kit.

Froststar is found to be pregnant! Even though she had believed for moons now that it was impossible, Skytail notices the telltale signs and notifies her immediately. She and Talonstripe are overjoyed, and when the floods in the main camp go down she plans to move into the nursery, leaving Ryeflash in charge while she’s caring for her kits.

Following the loss of his mate, Jayspot has decided to join the elder’s den. He revealed that they were both planning to move after the flood, but now she’s gone he felt he would no longe be much good in the warrior’s den. Everyone respected his decision, but the apprentices quietly sighed with dismay that they’d now have an elder to have to look after.
Year 2 - Moon 9 - Newleaf 3/3
Roll: 43
A moon of unnatural rain makes the river near the camp flood, and the entire clan is forced to evacuate. They take refuge along the top of the cliff, but the winds are very strong and the drop is very steep. All the younger cats are told to stay away from the edge, but Dotkit gets bored one day and wanders too close. His paws slip out from under him, and he tumbled off the edge. Somehow he manages to snag a root in his claws to halt his fall, but then he was stuck dangling there. Sparrowstream immediately went over to help, but as she crouched down to haul the young kit up the ledge breaks, sending them both on a painful journey to the bottom. Unable to recover their bodies due to the floods, the clan holds a vigil for them and Jayspot, his children, Hazelnut and Beetlefur stay up all night, grieving for the loss of their mate/mother/kit.

Froststar is found to be pregnant! Even though she had believed for moons now that it was impossible, Skytail notices the telltale signs and notifies her immediately. She and Talonstripe are overjoyed, and when the floods in the main camp go down she plans to move into the nursery, leaving Ryeflash in charge while she’s caring for her kits.

Following the loss of his mate, Jayspot has decided to join the elder’s den. He revealed that they were both planning to move after the flood, but now she’s gone he felt he would no longe be much good in the warrior’s den. Everyone respected his decision, but the apprentices quietly sighed with dismay that they’d now have an elder to have to look after.
[center]~NorthClan~[/center] greenleaf, III number: [b]11[/b] (succeeding: 41) (d//th: 11) (Rippleflame: 94) (Darkpaw and Snowy: 91 [s]i feel like theyre too young tho lm/o[/s]) [center][emoji=ice rune size=1][/center] [i]to no one's surprise, and yet to everyone's surprise, tragedy struck again. Nettlemask, Darkpaw, and Snowy were training near the middle of the clearing, cleaning up some water trickling in. Nettle's back was to the mouth of the cave, but Darkpaw saw the great animal and shrieked a warning. The beast, realizing it had lost the element of surprise, lunged at the nearest cat, which was Nettlemask, and swiftly snapped her neck. She was gone even before the great dog-like beast was driven away. Another jarring death struck the clan. Rippleflame had developed a fever and a serious cough; she was found cold and still in her nest only a night after Nettlemask's d//th. The clan mourned greatly; they had lost so many in just a few moons. Darkpaw was left, yet again, without a mentor. Silverstar, tired and exasperated, took on Darkpaw's training; she left Snowy with Skystrike. Silverstar was not a kind or understanding mentor, and had zero patience with Darkpaw's lethargy. Skystrike was no more tolerant than Silverstar, as he was dealing with his own grief for his sister, Rippleflame, but although Snowy could handle and understand Skystrike's mood, Darkpaw felt completely hopeless; the only thing she was still clinging to was Snowy, who was now her secret mate. Nightclaw had... changed. The traumatic portion of his previous life had made him snarky and short-tempered, but now, since he didn't remember that, his true self came out. A previous warrior of NorthClan, Firefiend, bumped into Nightclaw. Nightclaw had been a kit when he and Firefiend met, but Nightclaw did not recognize Firefiend now. Firefiend, however, did, and he greeted Nightclaw, calling him 'Nightkit'. The mention of his former name brought back some of Nightclaw's memories. He remembered Darkpaw's face, but not her name. He also saw his mate's, Darkpaw's mother's, face. He was overcome with grief and a worry for Darkpaw. Firefiend, seeing that Nightclaw was not well, let him stay in his shelter, which was a small cave hidden by a landslide. The one good news back home was that Ivoryshadow was back. Her three kits had dragged their mother out of her grief and gnawed at every tuft of fur she had. Although Ivoryshadow had still not entirely recovered, she was sometimes seem laughing and teasing her kits. Fuchsia was relieved; she thought that Ivoryshadow would slip into the same mood as Darkpaw.

greenleaf, III

number: 11
(succeeding: 41)
(d//th: 11)

(Rippleflame: 94)
(Darkpaw and Snowy: 91 i feel like theyre too young tho lm/o)

to no one's surprise, and yet to everyone's surprise, tragedy struck again.

Nettlemask, Darkpaw, and Snowy were training near the middle of the clearing, cleaning up some water trickling in. Nettle's back was to the mouth of the cave, but Darkpaw saw the great animal and shrieked a warning. The beast, realizing it had lost the element of surprise, lunged at the nearest cat, which was Nettlemask, and swiftly snapped her neck. She was gone even before the great dog-like beast was driven away.

Another jarring death struck the clan. Rippleflame had developed a fever and a serious cough; she was found cold and still in her nest only a night after Nettlemask's d//th. The clan mourned greatly; they had lost so many in just a few moons.

Darkpaw was left, yet again, without a mentor. Silverstar, tired and exasperated, took on Darkpaw's training; she left Snowy with Skystrike. Silverstar was not a kind or understanding mentor, and had zero patience with Darkpaw's lethargy. Skystrike was no more tolerant than Silverstar, as he was dealing with his own grief for his sister, Rippleflame, but although Snowy could handle and understand Skystrike's mood, Darkpaw felt completely hopeless; the only thing she was still clinging to was Snowy, who was now her secret mate.

Nightclaw had... changed. The traumatic portion of his previous life had made him snarky and short-tempered, but now, since he didn't remember that, his true self came out. A previous warrior of NorthClan, Firefiend, bumped into Nightclaw. Nightclaw had been a kit when he and Firefiend met, but Nightclaw did not recognize Firefiend now. Firefiend, however, did, and he greeted Nightclaw, calling him 'Nightkit'. The mention of his former name brought back some of Nightclaw's memories. He remembered Darkpaw's face, but not her name. He also saw his mate's, Darkpaw's mother's, face. He was overcome with grief and a worry for Darkpaw. Firefiend, seeing that Nightclaw was not well, let him stay in his shelter, which was a small cave hidden by a landslide.

The one good news back home was that Ivoryshadow was back. Her three kits had dragged their mother out of her grief and gnawed at every tuft of fur she had. Although Ivoryshadow had still not entirely recovered, she was sometimes seem laughing and teasing her kits. Fuchsia was relieved; she thought that Ivoryshadow would slip into the same mood as Darkpaw.
year 1 - moon 2 {day 2, April 16}
Currently New-Leaf
Current Events; The clan mourns the death of a warrior, Nightseed. But they also welcome Rosebloom’s four live kits into the clan - one was stillborn.
Fableclan allegiances
previous moon
Main Roll; 83 - odd. The clan mourns the death of Nightseed, who passed away peacefully in the night because of unseen causes..
Mates; All pairs are expecting kits - no rolls needed.
Notes; Jaypoppy is due in two moons, Rosebloom is due!(dear, I rolled a five!) Roll a number between 1-5 to determine amount of kits for both litters.
Fernpaw does not have a crush on Smokepaw - she just likes to help people through rough times

Smokepaw stared at the sunset, his gray tail flicking to and fro. The sun was dipping below the horizon, and he couldn’t bring himself to head back to camp.
“Hey.” Fernpaw mewed, gulping as she approached her fellow apprentice. “Would you mind company?” Smokepaw barely even moved. He sucked in a breath and nodded. Fernpaw smiled, her blue eyes shining as she sat by Smokepaw. “I’m sorry about Nightseed.. he was a good warrior and mentor.”
Smokepaw just stared ahead, his time standing still. Nightseed had been more than a mentor to him - Nightseed had acted like a father figure in the apprentice’s life. Fernpaw wouldn’t understand. She never cared much about parents, rather filling her life with friends and gossip. Smokepaw wasn’t even sure why Fernpaw was here; Fernpaw barely ever expressed any emotion towards him.
“Why are you here? Why are you acting like you care?” Smokepaw said the words with all the anger he had been holding towards life and death - and unleashed them towards Fernpaw. She almost stumbled backwards, not expecting this from Smokepaw, who had always been the sweetest cat she knew.
“I’ll leave you alone then! I just thought maybe..” Fernpaw lashed back. Fernpaw turned away, stomping off. “..maybe you’d need a friend.” She whispered to herself as she headed back to camp.
Rosebloom smiled one her kits, licking the four of them. One had been stillborn, and she had deemed the she-kit Leafkit, because it was proper to give a kit a name, even if she never got to live. Rosebloom knew that Leafkit would be happy in Starclan.
“Where are they?!” A worried cat burst in the nursery. Oh, it was Dreamwatcher. Rosebloom laughed, he was always so worried about everything.
“They’re right here, four little beauties.” Petalspell replied, because Rosebloom was too caught up with the kits to reply. “Sad to say.. but one was stillborn. Rosebloom gave her the name of Leafkit, so her spirit may rest with Starclan.” Dreamwatcher’s expression fell, but immediately lit up again once he saw the four nuzzled up next to Rosebloom. “What are you going to name them?” The medicine cat asked, peering at Dreamwatcher and Rosebloom. The couple immediately launched into a conversation about names. Petalspell left them to talk, knowing that they would be great parents.
Nightseed was lost to Starclan, leaving Smokepaw mad and without a mentor. Hickorystar assigned Wildbird as the apprentice’s new mentor. The clan welcomed four little newcomers, Rosebloom and Dreamwatcher’s kits, Amberkit, Marigoldkit, Midnightkit, and Pinekit. Though Rosebloom had five kits, one was stillborn, little Leafkit. Jaypoppy finally told Hickorystar that she was expecting, and the leader rejoiced. The clan looks to the future with hopeful eyes.
year 1 - moon 2 {day 2, April 16}
Currently New-Leaf
Current Events; The clan mourns the death of a warrior, Nightseed. But they also welcome Rosebloom’s four live kits into the clan - one was stillborn.
Fableclan allegiances
previous moon
Main Roll; 83 - odd. The clan mourns the death of Nightseed, who passed away peacefully in the night because of unseen causes..
Mates; All pairs are expecting kits - no rolls needed.
Notes; Jaypoppy is due in two moons, Rosebloom is due!(dear, I rolled a five!) Roll a number between 1-5 to determine amount of kits for both litters.
Fernpaw does not have a crush on Smokepaw - she just likes to help people through rough times

Smokepaw stared at the sunset, his gray tail flicking to and fro. The sun was dipping below the horizon, and he couldn’t bring himself to head back to camp.
“Hey.” Fernpaw mewed, gulping as she approached her fellow apprentice. “Would you mind company?” Smokepaw barely even moved. He sucked in a breath and nodded. Fernpaw smiled, her blue eyes shining as she sat by Smokepaw. “I’m sorry about Nightseed.. he was a good warrior and mentor.”
Smokepaw just stared ahead, his time standing still. Nightseed had been more than a mentor to him - Nightseed had acted like a father figure in the apprentice’s life. Fernpaw wouldn’t understand. She never cared much about parents, rather filling her life with friends and gossip. Smokepaw wasn’t even sure why Fernpaw was here; Fernpaw barely ever expressed any emotion towards him.
“Why are you here? Why are you acting like you care?” Smokepaw said the words with all the anger he had been holding towards life and death - and unleashed them towards Fernpaw. She almost stumbled backwards, not expecting this from Smokepaw, who had always been the sweetest cat she knew.
“I’ll leave you alone then! I just thought maybe..” Fernpaw lashed back. Fernpaw turned away, stomping off. “..maybe you’d need a friend.” She whispered to herself as she headed back to camp.
Rosebloom smiled one her kits, licking the four of them. One had been stillborn, and she had deemed the she-kit Leafkit, because it was proper to give a kit a name, even if she never got to live. Rosebloom knew that Leafkit would be happy in Starclan.
“Where are they?!” A worried cat burst in the nursery. Oh, it was Dreamwatcher. Rosebloom laughed, he was always so worried about everything.
“They’re right here, four little beauties.” Petalspell replied, because Rosebloom was too caught up with the kits to reply. “Sad to say.. but one was stillborn. Rosebloom gave her the name of Leafkit, so her spirit may rest with Starclan.” Dreamwatcher’s expression fell, but immediately lit up again once he saw the four nuzzled up next to Rosebloom. “What are you going to name them?” The medicine cat asked, peering at Dreamwatcher and Rosebloom. The couple immediately launched into a conversation about names. Petalspell left them to talk, knowing that they would be great parents.
Nightseed was lost to Starclan, leaving Smokepaw mad and without a mentor. Hickorystar assigned Wildbird as the apprentice’s new mentor. The clan welcomed four little newcomers, Rosebloom and Dreamwatcher’s kits, Amberkit, Marigoldkit, Midnightkit, and Pinekit. Though Rosebloom had five kits, one was stillborn, little Leafkit. Jaypoppy finally told Hickorystar that she was expecting, and the leader rejoiced. The clan looks to the future with hopeful eyes.
qHIJsWC.png hello there! I'm coral, pleasure to meet you!
Year 2 - Moon 10 - Greenleaf 1/3
Roll: 2
The flooding goes down, and the clan moves back into their camp with no more injuries. Before she moves into the nursery, Froststar conducts Pebblekit’s apprentice ceremony, his new mentor is Scalefall and he will now be known as Pebblepaw. The apprentice den is getting quite full, but due to the floods much of the camp has been washed away, leaving them all with plenty of work. While the dens are being rebuilt, Jayspot has found himself with a lot of company, many cats having to stay in the elder’s den because it wasn’t washed away and was waterproof. He doesn’t mind, in fact he admitted to Skytail that he was glad for the distraction. Sparrowstream’s death was still hitting him hard, and he enjoyed the company while it lasted. But the time the half-moon rolls around though, everything has been reconstructed and fortified as best as it could.

Robinshadow went to the medicine den multiple times that moon with stomachaches, having more juniper berries than Skytail had ever seen one cat have before. It’s only when she walks in one day looking noticeably plumper does he realise and inform her that she’s pregnant. She is shocked and slightly nervous at first, but is later seen walking around with a slight spring in her step and a smile across her face. She’s not moving into the nursery just yet, to Snowpelt’s worry, but after he anxiously asks the medicine cats if that’s okay they were quick to assure him that she’d be fine.
Year 2 - Moon 10 - Greenleaf 1/3
Roll: 2
The flooding goes down, and the clan moves back into their camp with no more injuries. Before she moves into the nursery, Froststar conducts Pebblekit’s apprentice ceremony, his new mentor is Scalefall and he will now be known as Pebblepaw. The apprentice den is getting quite full, but due to the floods much of the camp has been washed away, leaving them all with plenty of work. While the dens are being rebuilt, Jayspot has found himself with a lot of company, many cats having to stay in the elder’s den because it wasn’t washed away and was waterproof. He doesn’t mind, in fact he admitted to Skytail that he was glad for the distraction. Sparrowstream’s death was still hitting him hard, and he enjoyed the company while it lasted. But the time the half-moon rolls around though, everything has been reconstructed and fortified as best as it could.

Robinshadow went to the medicine den multiple times that moon with stomachaches, having more juniper berries than Skytail had ever seen one cat have before. It’s only when she walks in one day looking noticeably plumper does he realise and inform her that she’s pregnant. She is shocked and slightly nervous at first, but is later seen walking around with a slight spring in her step and a smile across her face. She’s not moving into the nursery just yet, to Snowpelt’s worry, but after he anxiously asks the medicine cats if that’s okay they were quick to assure him that she’d be fine.
[center]~NorthClan~[/center] leaf-fall, I number: [b]27[/b] (succeeding: 64) [center][emoji=ice rune size=1][/center] [i]it was the start of leaf-fall, and sickness came right on time. A bout of whitecough infected Silverstar, Snowy, Sweetwhisker, and Vixenwhisper. Silverstar, Sweetwhisker, and Snowy fought hard against the whitecough, but Vixenwhisper, mourning her sister, Nettlemask, simply gave up. Fuchsia had her paws full, and she barely got any sleep. Thankfully, she was well stocked-up on herbs, as she had spent the past three moons picking every herb she could find. Firefiend and Nightclaw have been living together for the past moon. Firefiend tended to Nightclaw's head wound, though he did not have much knowledge on healing. Nightclaw told Firefiend everything he knew about the study, and Firefiend managed to seal the wound. Nightclaw called himself 'Shadow' as he still could not recall his true name. Skystrike's constant prodding and grinding had paid off. Snowy was ready to become a warrior, but he kept his rogue name. He was praised for his loyalty and kindness, and he was given the option to move into the warriors' cave. However, Snowy declined, saying that he wanted to stay with Darkpaw, who was not quite ready yet to become a warrior. Silverstar understood. Ivoryshadow turned out to be a great mother. She kept her kits away from the steep cliffs but permitted them to scale the boulders, always keeping an eye on the clumsy Cloudkit and ambitious Sunkit. Snowkit refused to even touch the boulders, preferring to spend time with Fuchsia in the medicine cave. It was about time that Fuchsia trained an apprentice, after all.

leaf-fall, I

number: 27
(succeeding: 64)

it was the start of leaf-fall, and sickness came right on time. A bout of whitecough infected Silverstar, Snowy, Sweetwhisker, and Vixenwhisper. Silverstar, Sweetwhisker, and Snowy fought hard against the whitecough, but Vixenwhisper, mourning her sister, Nettlemask, simply gave up. Fuchsia had her paws full, and she barely got any sleep. Thankfully, she was well stocked-up on herbs, as she had spent the past three moons picking every herb she could find.

Firefiend and Nightclaw have been living together for the past moon. Firefiend tended to Nightclaw's head wound, though he did not have much knowledge on healing. Nightclaw told Firefiend everything he knew about the study, and Firefiend managed to seal the wound. Nightclaw called himself 'Shadow' as he still could not recall his true name.

Skystrike's constant prodding and grinding had paid off. Snowy was ready to become a warrior, but he kept his rogue name. He was praised for his loyalty and kindness, and he was given the option to move into the warriors' cave. However, Snowy declined, saying that he wanted to stay with Darkpaw, who was not quite ready yet to become a warrior. Silverstar understood.

Ivoryshadow turned out to be a great mother. She kept her kits away from the steep cliffs but permitted them to scale the boulders, always keeping an eye on the clumsy Cloudkit and ambitious Sunkit. Snowkit refused to even touch the boulders, preferring to spend time with Fuchsia in the medicine cave. It was about time that Fuchsia trained an apprentice, after all.
[center]~NorthClan~[/center] leaf-fall, II number: [b]98[/b] [center][emoji=ice rune size=1][/center] [i]after a harsh few moons and at the edge of leaf-bare, the clan finally earned a moon to recover. Silverstar and Snowy had recovered, but Vixenwhisper and Sweetwhisker were still in the medicine den. Vixenwhisper in particular was having a hard time throwing off the whitecough, which was slowly transforming into greencough. Nightclaw had developed a loyalty to Firefiend, as he felt he owed his good friend for tending to him. Firefiend was equally bound to the black tom, whom he sympathized at and whos company he enjoyed. Nightclaw's memory was slowly starting to come back, and every new day, the urge to search for the little family he still had strengthened with his body. Firefiend knew he would have to say goodbye to his friend soon, and he hid his terror and loneliness. Darkpaw's sudden recovery startled the clan. She seemed happier, more alive. This was perhaps because she and Snowy had publicly announced their love, and were officially mates. Darkpaw was finally showing signs of pulling out of her quicksand de/pr/ssion. To top it off, Darkpaw was ready to become a warrior. She was praised for her strength and loyalty, and earned the name Darknight, in honor of Nightclaw. Cloudkit, Snowkit, and Sunkit were getting more boisterous by the minute. Once, they had strutted into Silverstar's den and demanded to be made apprentices. A startled and amused Silverstar declined their offer, telling them that they were more important defending the nursery. The three kits were ecstatic with pride at being assigned such an important role.

leaf-fall, II

number: 98

after a harsh few moons and at the edge of leaf-bare, the clan finally earned a moon to recover. Silverstar and Snowy had recovered, but Vixenwhisper and Sweetwhisker were still in the medicine den. Vixenwhisper in particular was having a hard time throwing off the whitecough, which was slowly transforming into greencough.

Nightclaw had developed a loyalty to Firefiend, as he felt he owed his good friend for tending to him. Firefiend was equally bound to the black tom, whom he sympathized at and whos company he enjoyed. Nightclaw's memory was slowly starting to come back, and every new day, the urge to search for the little family he still had strengthened with his body. Firefiend knew he would have to say goodbye to his friend soon, and he hid his terror and loneliness.

Darkpaw's sudden recovery startled the clan. She seemed happier, more alive. This was perhaps because she and Snowy had publicly announced their love, and were officially mates. Darkpaw was finally showing signs of pulling out of her quicksand de/pr/ssion. To top it off, Darkpaw was ready to become a warrior. She was praised for her strength and loyalty, and earned the name Darknight, in honor of Nightclaw.

Cloudkit, Snowkit, and Sunkit were getting more boisterous by the minute. Once, they had strutted into Silverstar's den and demanded to be made apprentices. A startled and amused Silverstar declined their offer, telling them that they were more important defending the nursery. The three kits were ecstatic with pride at being assigned such an important role.
year 1 - moon 3 {day 3, April 18}
Currently New-Leaf (last moon)
Current Events; not much.
Fableclan allegiances
previous moon
Main Roll; 16 - even.
Mates; All pairs have/expect kits - no rolls needed.
Notes; Jaypoppy is due in one moon. Roll a number between 1-5 to determine amount of kits.
No writing this time.
Summary; The kits settle in, making everyone in the clan laugh. Hickorystar and Jaypoppy get into a fight, the leader saying that he wasn’t ready for kits. Jaypoppy yelled at him, saying that it was happening whether he liked it or not. Fenneckit is estatic, knowing that they will be an apprentice next moon. Smokepaw separates himself from the rest of the clan, mourning for his dead mentor. Wildbird has no success in training Smokepaw; and Hickorystar starts thinking that maybe Smokepaw needs another moon of training. Overall the clan has a good moon.
year 1 - moon 3 {day 3, April 18}
Currently New-Leaf (last moon)
Current Events; not much.
Fableclan allegiances
previous moon
Main Roll; 16 - even.
Mates; All pairs have/expect kits - no rolls needed.
Notes; Jaypoppy is due in one moon. Roll a number between 1-5 to determine amount of kits.
No writing this time.
Summary; The kits settle in, making everyone in the clan laugh. Hickorystar and Jaypoppy get into a fight, the leader saying that he wasn’t ready for kits. Jaypoppy yelled at him, saying that it was happening whether he liked it or not. Fenneckit is estatic, knowing that they will be an apprentice next moon. Smokepaw separates himself from the rest of the clan, mourning for his dead mentor. Wildbird has no success in training Smokepaw; and Hickorystar starts thinking that maybe Smokepaw needs another moon of training. Overall the clan has a good moon.
qHIJsWC.png hello there! I'm coral, pleasure to meet you!
[center]~NorthClan[/center] leaf-fall, III number: [b]51[/b] suceeding: 20 (dark/snowy: 5 geez theyre literally a year old-) [center][emoji=ice rune size=1][/center] [i]upon seeing the first snowflake fall, Nightclaw was hit by an avalanche of memories from his kithood, seeing his first snowfall, hunting in the snow, first meeting Autumnpaw, who had been buried by a snowdrift, playing with Autumndusk in the snow, bringing Darkpaw- Darkpaw! Darkpaw was out there, without a mother or father... Nightclaw was loyal, but in a different way than other cats. He wasn't necessarily loyal to his family, he was loyal to the cat who had helped him the most. Nightclaw had a limited knowledge of his family. He only knew that he had loved Autumndusk very, very much, and he cared about Darkpaw, but he had no idea what kind of cats they were. He also cared a lot more for Firefiend, and his heart wanted to say with his good friend... In the end, though, Nightclaw decided to go find Darkpaw. His heart twisted into little knots at the thought of leaving little Firefiend alone, but Firefiend told the black tom he had been living on his own for quite a while before Nightclaw came along. Firefiend promised he would never forget Nightclaw, and Nightclaw in turn promised he would come back. Holding his tears in his throat, Nightclaw set off in the direction Firefiend had first saw Nightclaw. [honestly im too tired so: - snowyxdarknight have kits but dont tell anyone - sun/snow/cloudkit make some more chaos - silverstar gets buried in a snowdrift and loses a life bc]

leaf-fall, III

number: 51
suceeding: 20
(dark/snowy: 5 geez theyre literally a year old-)

upon seeing the first snowflake fall, Nightclaw was hit by an avalanche of memories from his kithood, seeing his first snowfall, hunting in the snow, first meeting Autumnpaw, who had been buried by a snowdrift, playing with Autumndusk in the snow, bringing Darkpaw- Darkpaw! Darkpaw was out there, without a mother or father...
Nightclaw was loyal, but in a different way than other cats. He wasn't necessarily loyal to his family, he was loyal to the cat who had helped him the most. Nightclaw had a limited knowledge of his family. He only knew that he had loved Autumndusk very, very much, and he cared about Darkpaw, but he had no idea what kind of cats they were. He also cared a lot more for Firefiend, and his heart wanted to say with his good friend...
In the end, though, Nightclaw decided to go find Darkpaw. His heart twisted into little knots at the thought of leaving little Firefiend alone, but Firefiend told the black tom he had been living on his own for quite a while before Nightclaw came along. Firefiend promised he would never forget Nightclaw, and Nightclaw in turn promised he would come back. Holding his tears in his throat, Nightclaw set off in the direction Firefiend had first saw Nightclaw.

[honestly im too tired so:
- snowyxdarknight have kits but dont tell anyone
- sun/snow/cloudkit make some more chaos
- silverstar gets buried in a snowdrift and loses a life bc]
Year 2 - Moon 11 - Greenleaf 2/3
Roll: 19
The entire clan woke late, the greenleaf sun having made them all sleepy. Ryeflash was quick to send out patrols though, and Scalefall, his apprentice Pebblepaw, Hazelnut and Beetlefur out on border patrol. Some kittypets had been growing bolder and venturing into the south of the clan’s territory, and they needed to be taught to stay out. The four of them were setting their scent markers, and a curious black-and-white kittypet padded up to them.
“What are you doing?”
“Marking our territory. You’d be wise to stay out.”
“Why? There’s a lot of forest. Surely I can hunt a bit in this part.”
Beetlefur fluffed up and hissed.
“This is our territory. I’ll only warn you one more time. Stay. Out.”

The conversation had attracted a twoleg kit, who walked over squealing with delight at all the cats. It scooped up Hazelnut while she was distracted, but she scratched it and it let out a yowl of pain. It dropped her and squeaked for the older twolegs. A couple ran over, and the clan cats shrank back. The kittypet just stood there, confused about why they were scared. One of the big twolegs threw something at them, and they all scattered in different directions. Pebblepaw ran straight towards the other twoleg, but Hazelnut saw what was happening and didn’t want to lose her other kit too. She threw herself in front of him and the twoleg grabbed her instead. The rest of the clan cats ran, the kittypet long gone. When they informed Ryeflash what had happened, she was sympathetic but said they couldn’t manage to fight twolegs. Hazelnut likely wouldn’t be back anytime soon, she said, and theyd just have to hope she found her own way out.

Snakepaw had her warrior assessment, and to everyone’s delight she passed with flying colors! Despite the loss of her mother, father and brother, she had gone on to complete a successful apprenticeship. Ryeflash conducted the ceremony because Froststar was still in the nursery, and Snakepaw will now be known as Snakeflight. She was honored for her quick thinking and speed and was welcomed as a full warrior of Mistclan.
Year 2 - Moon 11 - Greenleaf 2/3
Roll: 19
The entire clan woke late, the greenleaf sun having made them all sleepy. Ryeflash was quick to send out patrols though, and Scalefall, his apprentice Pebblepaw, Hazelnut and Beetlefur out on border patrol. Some kittypets had been growing bolder and venturing into the south of the clan’s territory, and they needed to be taught to stay out. The four of them were setting their scent markers, and a curious black-and-white kittypet padded up to them.
“What are you doing?”
“Marking our territory. You’d be wise to stay out.”
“Why? There’s a lot of forest. Surely I can hunt a bit in this part.”
Beetlefur fluffed up and hissed.
“This is our territory. I’ll only warn you one more time. Stay. Out.”

The conversation had attracted a twoleg kit, who walked over squealing with delight at all the cats. It scooped up Hazelnut while she was distracted, but she scratched it and it let out a yowl of pain. It dropped her and squeaked for the older twolegs. A couple ran over, and the clan cats shrank back. The kittypet just stood there, confused about why they were scared. One of the big twolegs threw something at them, and they all scattered in different directions. Pebblepaw ran straight towards the other twoleg, but Hazelnut saw what was happening and didn’t want to lose her other kit too. She threw herself in front of him and the twoleg grabbed her instead. The rest of the clan cats ran, the kittypet long gone. When they informed Ryeflash what had happened, she was sympathetic but said they couldn’t manage to fight twolegs. Hazelnut likely wouldn’t be back anytime soon, she said, and theyd just have to hope she found her own way out.

Snakepaw had her warrior assessment, and to everyone’s delight she passed with flying colors! Despite the loss of her mother, father and brother, she had gone on to complete a successful apprenticeship. Ryeflash conducted the ceremony because Froststar was still in the nursery, and Snakepaw will now be known as Snakeflight. She was honored for her quick thinking and speed and was welcomed as a full warrior of Mistclan.
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