
Items For Sale

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TOPIC | [b] crimson jade, gradish, blush and +
[item=crimson jadevine][item=gradish][item=maidens blush][item=smallmouth bass][item=sour strawberry][item=engineered superberry][item=giant prickly stick insect][item=vibrant prickly insect] I need these. I have treasure, silks, other valuables and stuff.
Crimson Jadevine Gradish Maidens Blush Smallmouth Bass Sour Strawberry Engineered Superberry Giant Prickly Stick Insect Vibrant Prickly Insect

I need these. I have treasure, silks, other valuables and stuff.
How many Gradish do you want? I have 7 I can part with.
How many Gradish do you want? I have 7 I can part with.

What kinds of silks/valuables do you have? :)

What kinds of silks/valuables do you have? :)
@lumina- I'll take all 7!

@Twizz- I've been selling all day, so I only have 2 gossamer silk scarfs, a celadon silk scarf and a celadon leg silk, but I'll get more quickly. I also have sprites and chests, but only really looking to trade those for more than one jadevine.
@lumina- I'll take all 7!

@Twizz- I've been selling all day, so I only have 2 gossamer silk scarfs, a celadon silk scarf and a celadon leg silk, but I'll get more quickly. I also have sprites and chests, but only really looking to trade those for more than one jadevine.

Well I'd definitely be interested in the Celadon Scarf (it's the last silk I'm missing from that set XD ), as well as the festival stuff. :D If you happen to have any Earth Eggs or a Rainbow Flair Scarf I'd be interested in those too.

I have 3 Crimson Jadevines in my hoard at the moment. ^_^

Well I'd definitely be interested in the Celadon Scarf (it's the last silk I'm missing from that set XD ), as well as the festival stuff. :D If you happen to have any Earth Eggs or a Rainbow Flair Scarf I'd be interested in those too.

I have 3 Crimson Jadevines in my hoard at the moment. ^_^
@Twizz- I would be happy to trade the scarf for your jadevines. While I don't want to pay the rather exorbitant AH prices, I'll add two nature chests to buff the offer. Sound fair? c=
@Twizz- I would be happy to trade the scarf for your jadevines. While I don't want to pay the rather exorbitant AH prices, I'll add two nature chests to buff the offer. Sound fair? c=

That'd be fine. I figured I'd be unlikely to get AH prices for them anyway. XD; But the scarf and two Nature Chests would be awesome. Which ones are they (I have a Seedling Chest but was unable to get any others from that festival)?

That'd be fine. I figured I'd be unlikely to get AH prices for them anyway. XD; But the scarf and two Nature Chests would be awesome. Which ones are they (I have a Seedling Chest but was unable to get any others from that festival)?
@twizz- Your choice! any two but lantern (I only have one spare lantern one ;w;) Let me know and I'll send them over.
@twizz- Your choice! any two but lantern (I only have one spare lantern one ;w;) Let me know and I'll send them over.

Would an Overgrowth and Wilds Chest be alright then? I liked those skins the best. XD

Would an Overgrowth and Wilds Chest be alright then? I liked those skins the best. XD
@Twizz- Sure! Will send them over now. c=
@Twizz- Sure! Will send them over now. c=