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TOPIC | How bad is climate change in your area?
i live in the most populated city in the world and oh boy it's not great, each year we're hitting a new record for highest temperature recorded
i live in the most populated city in the world and oh boy it's not great, each year we're hitting a new record for highest temperature recorded
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Around this time of year about ten years ago, there'd be a constant layer of snow on the ground, and it wouldn't start to melt off until April at the earliest. There's been one snowstorm so far this season, and we got maybe an inch, and it lasted about a day
Around this time of year about ten years ago, there'd be a constant layer of snow on the ground, and it wouldn't start to melt off until April at the earliest. There's been one snowstorm so far this season, and we got maybe an inch, and it lasted about a day
I live in Arizona, and all of the Saguaros in the urban areas where I live are dying off. There is a massive drought going on, it rained maybe once for the entire summer. It's been super hot lately, and these ancient cacti have begun literally melting because the temp doesn't drop enough at night. The dying cacti can't defend themselves against fungal infections, so many are sick and falling apart from infestation. I've spotted over 30 fallen, rotted Saguaros in my area, each one formerly standing for over a century.
I live in Arizona, and all of the Saguaros in the urban areas where I live are dying off. There is a massive drought going on, it rained maybe once for the entire summer. It's been super hot lately, and these ancient cacti have begun literally melting because the temp doesn't drop enough at night. The dying cacti can't defend themselves against fungal infections, so many are sick and falling apart from infestation. I've spotted over 30 fallen, rotted Saguaros in my area, each one formerly standing for over a century.
It's weird, where I am the weather can take a complete 180 between 30 and 50f, and last year was pretty cold. As a whole, winters are a lot less cold here than they used to be and summers average 85-90f.

Frankly it's terrifying.
It's weird, where I am the weather can take a complete 180 between 30 and 50f, and last year was pretty cold. As a whole, winters are a lot less cold here than they used to be and summers average 85-90f.

Frankly it's terrifying.
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Just a tired gal who likes to talk too much ^^
I hope it hits my area, Hate the cold.
I hope it hits my area, Hate the cold.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. ~ Samuel Adams
@THEPOTATOGOD999 that made me incredibly sad... the world is literally ending in 7 years according to the world climate clock.
@THEPOTATOGOD999 that made me incredibly sad... the world is literally ending in 7 years according to the world climate clock.
I live in Sweden. In around September, our lavender started to go out of bloom and go grey for the year, as is normal. In the end of october, though, it started to go green again, because why not, it wasn't exactly cold. It remained green until last week.

A LAVENDER. A mediterranean heat-worshipping shrub. This time of year, when I was a kid (I'm in my 20's now) there would almost inevitably be at least enough snow to ride pulks down the hills and we'd have to shuffle knee-high snow off the path to our house. Now? One winter, a few years back, we had spring flowers in the lawn until about 2 days before Christmas...

Add to that a few very dry summers. The bad wildfire summer two years ago struck us as well, even in areas that had suffered floods earlier that spring.
I live in Sweden. In around September, our lavender started to go out of bloom and go grey for the year, as is normal. In the end of october, though, it started to go green again, because why not, it wasn't exactly cold. It remained green until last week.

A LAVENDER. A mediterranean heat-worshipping shrub. This time of year, when I was a kid (I'm in my 20's now) there would almost inevitably be at least enough snow to ride pulks down the hills and we'd have to shuffle knee-high snow off the path to our house. Now? One winter, a few years back, we had spring flowers in the lawn until about 2 days before Christmas...

Add to that a few very dry summers. The bad wildfire summer two years ago struck us as well, even in areas that had suffered floods earlier that spring.
[quote name="roadworthy" date="2020-11-29 19:27:40" ] [looks directly at camera in Californian] [/quote]
roadworthy wrote on 2020-11-29 19:27:40:
[looks directly at camera in Californian]

certified freak
Its not so much hot here right now, but its definitely far too warm. I'm comfortable outside in a teeshirt in December in New England (USA). I used to trick or treat in the snow with winter gear on over my costumes as a kid. Now this year, they're saying we're not even going to have any substantial snow until March. Snow usually melts in April, to give an idea of how abnormal this is. Its gradually changed to the point now where we don't have white Christmases anymore. When I was a kid, we had several feet of snow by Christmas. I'm really worried that its changed this much in my lifetime.

A consequence of this is that ticks have exploded in population, where previously we didn't have ticks at all. Lyme disease is a major concern now.

Its sprinkled snow twice this year but nothing stuck at all, only one gave a slight dusting on roofs/cars that melted in the morning.
Its not so much hot here right now, but its definitely far too warm. I'm comfortable outside in a teeshirt in December in New England (USA). I used to trick or treat in the snow with winter gear on over my costumes as a kid. Now this year, they're saying we're not even going to have any substantial snow until March. Snow usually melts in April, to give an idea of how abnormal this is. Its gradually changed to the point now where we don't have white Christmases anymore. When I was a kid, we had several feet of snow by Christmas. I'm really worried that its changed this much in my lifetime.

A consequence of this is that ticks have exploded in population, where previously we didn't have ticks at all. Lyme disease is a major concern now.

Its sprinkled snow twice this year but nothing stuck at all, only one gave a slight dusting on roofs/cars that melted in the morning.
We got hit by a polar slip last year (??? i think it was last year at least) basically it got super super cold for weeks, people thought it was the apocalypses, lowest tempeture was like -30F (-34C) everywhere was super icy, no one could go anywhere, schools were canceled for like 2 weeks, it was hell. it was too cold to snow or anything luckily so there wasnt much issue with blizzards. that happened in January, and its coming up on December now so like,, lets hope it doesnt hit again dskgl;fdsg

correction* its called a polar vortex not a slip !!
We got hit by a polar slip last year (??? i think it was last year at least) basically it got super super cold for weeks, people thought it was the apocalypses, lowest tempeture was like -30F (-34C) everywhere was super icy, no one could go anywhere, schools were canceled for like 2 weeks, it was hell. it was too cold to snow or anything luckily so there wasnt much issue with blizzards. that happened in January, and its coming up on December now so like,, lets hope it doesnt hit again dskgl;fdsg

correction* its called a polar vortex not a slip !!
Ellie/Any pronouns/chaotic neutral

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