
Dragon Trading

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TOPIC | Free Dragons!
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These gorls are looking for good homes! I need them gone because I need to hatch some eggs. I got them from the auction house without thinking about the whole space issue. They are to pretty to exalt so I want them to go to good homes! Neither are ready to breed. Unfortunately, if they aren't adopted by the end of tomorrow, I will sell them off to be exalted in the auction house. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] No need to ping me as I am subscribed to the thread!
These gorls are looking for good homes! I need them gone because I need to hatch some eggs. I got them from the auction house without thinking about the whole space issue. They are to pretty to exalt so I want them to go to good homes! Neither are ready to breed. Unfortunately, if they aren't adopted by the end of tomorrow, I will sell them off to be exalted in the auction house.
No need to ping me as I am subscribed to the thread!
I'll gladly take them, they look really cool!
I'll gladly take them, they look really cool!
They are on there way!
They are on there way!
Are there any left? I’m new and I’m interested?
Are there any left? I’m new and I’m interested?
@Crystal3215 [url=][img][/img][/url] The dragons above have been adopted, but I have this girl who is looking for a good home if you want her.
The dragons above have been adopted, but I have this girl who is looking for a good home if you want her.
Yes please. Thank you.
Yes please. Thank you.
Got some new free dergs! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] They are on AH but they're free here!
Got some new free dergs!


They are on AH but they're free here!
Could I take the faceted bab? ^^ [url=][img][/img][/url]
Could I take the faceted bab? ^^
oDxwf8B.png wyatt

fr +3

60eldD0.gif No matter how hard your life end up being. Things happen for a reason, but never forget the people that love and care about you.
Last dergon left! [url=][img][/img][/url]
Last dergon left!
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