This is mostly for me so I can have all of her lore in one place. Peony is used to belong to Snastle who is leaving FR. She is the mother to one of my VERY important lore dragons. A lot of her lore is missing an incomplete and I want to write chunks of it so I can add her to my current lore and explore her character. Thank you for reading and let me know what you think.
Dull scales and feathers are a deep-rooted superstition to the brightly colored Coatls' native to the Emberglow Hearth. It is considered an ill omen to bare a child of a dingey hue, sometimes a child will be abandoned or ousted by a whole clan. Peony was one such child, her siblings were bright greens and pinks, but not her. She was a soft swampy green with shimmering white wings. Sadly, her siblings were her main tormentors, her parents only gazed at her sadly and ignored her. It all started with small things she got less food and attention, then it turned to sending her out alone to gather things for the clan untrained. She had to learn had to fend for herself if she wanted to live. As she grew older into adolescence her siblings turned to attacking and belittling her and telling her she should die to save the clan from the curse she carried.
She truly didn't understand why she was treated like this but, she bared it as best she could. Yet, it all came to a head suddenly when she woke up bound and being dragged far away from the lair by her siblings. It felt like hours as they pulled her across the ash-choked soil. Her mind was in a terrified flurry, what did she do to have deserved this? Where are they taking her? Eventually, they stopped by a spitting lava pool and wordlessly tossed her in before she could even choke out a scream. Screwing her eyes shut she prayed to the gods to help her.
As she hit the lava the ropes that held her burned away quickly leaving her alone in the firey pool. She started to sink only slightly but noticed with great surprise that she was not dead. It was hot but it did not burn her feathers. Opening her eyes cautiously she held her breath wading weakly in the molten stone. Her world was made of flame and chared stone, below her, a deep black shadow swam like a fish. Pulling herself out of the lava pool she looked back into the molten surface.
As she gazed at the pool, slowly the black smoky form came closer to her. In a clear, yet sharp voice reverberated deep in Peony's mind, "Who are you?"
"I-i um am Peony, I'm a Coatl," she returned her voice soft, but despite what just happened she was not full of fear. Straining to see the figure she wondered if she was speaking to the Flamecaller.
"I see you are one mother's soft kindly things," the spirit paused for a moment before speaking again, this time in a kinder tone, "Forgive my harshness I am an old spirit child."
"It's ok I must have disturbed you by entering your pool, right?"
"No, mother heard you, she sent me to preserve you. She has seen fit bless you with a gift. I am here to tell you this," another pause, and as if quoting someone the spirit said, "You no longer shall fear flame, it is within you for good or ill. Take my echo of power, wander, claim your place in this world. Take this kindness and always pay it forward."
Peony's eyes welled with tears and without thought said, "I'm cursed I can't help anyone."
"Tsk, tsk child if you were cursed you would not be standing here speaking to me would you?"
Peony blinked rapidly, realizing the spirit must be right. "I've always been told I'm cursed. But, your right I can't be if Mather has decided to spare me," She turned her head gazing towards the north she murmurs, "Thank you very much kind spirit, I must go I can't stay here anymore."
"Go, child, remember always be kind."
-End Part 1

Peony's Lore {Part 1}: Early Life & Adolescence.
Dull scales and feathers are a deep-rooted superstition to the brightly colored Coatls' native to the Emberglow Hearth. It is considered an ill omen to bare a child of a dingey hue, sometimes a child will be abandoned or ousted by a whole clan. Peony was one such child, her siblings were bright greens and pinks, but not her. She was a soft swampy green with shimmering white wings. Sadly, her siblings were her main tormentors, her parents only gazed at her sadly and ignored her. It all started with small things she got less food and attention, then it turned to sending her out alone to gather things for the clan untrained. She had to learn had to fend for herself if she wanted to live. As she grew older into adolescence her siblings turned to attacking and belittling her and telling her she should die to save the clan from the curse she carried.
She truly didn't understand why she was treated like this but, she bared it as best she could. Yet, it all came to a head suddenly when she woke up bound and being dragged far away from the lair by her siblings. It felt like hours as they pulled her across the ash-choked soil. Her mind was in a terrified flurry, what did she do to have deserved this? Where are they taking her? Eventually, they stopped by a spitting lava pool and wordlessly tossed her in before she could even choke out a scream. Screwing her eyes shut she prayed to the gods to help her.
As she hit the lava the ropes that held her burned away quickly leaving her alone in the firey pool. She started to sink only slightly but noticed with great surprise that she was not dead. It was hot but it did not burn her feathers. Opening her eyes cautiously she held her breath wading weakly in the molten stone. Her world was made of flame and chared stone, below her, a deep black shadow swam like a fish. Pulling herself out of the lava pool she looked back into the molten surface.
As she gazed at the pool, slowly the black smoky form came closer to her. In a clear, yet sharp voice reverberated deep in Peony's mind, "Who are you?"
"I-i um am Peony, I'm a Coatl," she returned her voice soft, but despite what just happened she was not full of fear. Straining to see the figure she wondered if she was speaking to the Flamecaller.
"I see you are one mother's soft kindly things," the spirit paused for a moment before speaking again, this time in a kinder tone, "Forgive my harshness I am an old spirit child."
"It's ok I must have disturbed you by entering your pool, right?"
"No, mother heard you, she sent me to preserve you. She has seen fit bless you with a gift. I am here to tell you this," another pause, and as if quoting someone the spirit said, "You no longer shall fear flame, it is within you for good or ill. Take my echo of power, wander, claim your place in this world. Take this kindness and always pay it forward."
Peony's eyes welled with tears and without thought said, "I'm cursed I can't help anyone."
"Tsk, tsk child if you were cursed you would not be standing here speaking to me would you?"
Peony blinked rapidly, realizing the spirit must be right. "I've always been told I'm cursed. But, your right I can't be if Mather has decided to spare me," She turned her head gazing towards the north she murmurs, "Thank you very much kind spirit, I must go I can't stay here anymore."
"Go, child, remember always be kind."
-End Part 1