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TOPIC | Talking to Strangers (Game for Newbies)
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Hello, everyone! I joined this website two days ago, and I'm looking forward to making new friends and getting to know the lay of the land. This is my very first forum post!

@DragonLichQueen asked: "I always see lots of interesting usernames and a lot of the time they have a story behind them. Do you have a story behind yours, if so do mind sharing?"

I often gravitate towards mythical or fantasy creatures when making original characters. Months ago, I found myself fascinated by a French legend regarding the "Tarasque": a dragon-like beast who was tamed by a saint, only to be wrongly killed as it was returned to the city.

On that day, I created a character named "Dahlia". This character is a young Tarasque merchant being hunted by the world, due to being the child of two nobles from warring kingdoms. I grew attached to the theme of this character, and began to use it in many online profiles and roleplays.

I've been intrigued by Flight Rising for weeks, and have finally chosen to join! I chose this username, which is a mixture of "dahlia" and "tarasque", as a nod towards my love of fantasy.

Here's my question: What part of your daily routine is most precious to you?
Hello, everyone! I joined this website two days ago, and I'm looking forward to making new friends and getting to know the lay of the land. This is my very first forum post!

@DragonLichQueen asked: "I always see lots of interesting usernames and a lot of the time they have a story behind them. Do you have a story behind yours, if so do mind sharing?"

I often gravitate towards mythical or fantasy creatures when making original characters. Months ago, I found myself fascinated by a French legend regarding the "Tarasque": a dragon-like beast who was tamed by a saint, only to be wrongly killed as it was returned to the city.

On that day, I created a character named "Dahlia". This character is a young Tarasque merchant being hunted by the world, due to being the child of two nobles from warring kingdoms. I grew attached to the theme of this character, and began to use it in many online profiles and roleplays.

I've been intrigued by Flight Rising for weeks, and have finally chosen to join! I chose this username, which is a mixture of "dahlia" and "tarasque", as a nod towards my love of fantasy.

Here's my question: What part of your daily routine is most precious to you?
Can I "bump" this thread as well?
Can I "bump" this thread as well?
What part of your daily routine is most precious to you?

hmm, this is kind of a hard question! I think the most precious part of my routine is watering all my plants. I love this part of my day because I get to see if they have grown any taller or if my succulent has changed colour! It's always very surprising to see my succulent a red colour when the day before it was green!

Here's my question: if you had to buy a pet, what would it be and why?
What part of your daily routine is most precious to you?

hmm, this is kind of a hard question! I think the most precious part of my routine is watering all my plants. I love this part of my day because I get to see if they have grown any taller or if my succulent has changed colour! It's always very surprising to see my succulent a red colour when the day before it was green!

Here's my question: if you had to buy a pet, what would it be and why?
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he/they || minor
previously Tubbo
bump :)
bump :)
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he/they || minor
previously Tubbo
if you had to buy a pet, what would it be and why?

Hmmmmm..... well, currently I have a little corgi puppy so probably something that would get along with her or not be in danger because of her XD
I think a turtle would be nice. They seem chill and cool. Maybe a bird even...

Ok so next person below me~
What types of books and such do you like to read? Or do you not like to read at all?
if you had to buy a pet, what would it be and why?

Hmmmmm..... well, currently I have a little corgi puppy so probably something that would get along with her or not be in danger because of her XD
I think a turtle would be nice. They seem chill and cool. Maybe a bird even...

Ok so next person below me~
What types of books and such do you like to read? Or do you not like to read at all?
tumblr_inline_naxjlrHYbk1qg78ij.png Unhatched Wind Egg
FR +2
Skydancer enthusiast
Playful Windsinger Puppet tumblr_inline_naxjlyAN6m1qg78ij.png
I like to read fantasy books. I really love the percy jackson series (tower of nero coming 6 oct 2020). Other than textbooks, they're pretty much all I read!

So question: If you could live in a fantasy world, what would it be? Or would you rather stay as it is?
I like to read fantasy books. I really love the percy jackson series (tower of nero coming 6 oct 2020). Other than textbooks, they're pretty much all I read!

So question: If you could live in a fantasy world, what would it be? Or would you rather stay as it is?
Good question! Assuming it requires none of my own world building (I hope lol), I have three answers.

Either Imladris (Rivendell) or Lothlorien, specifically, in Tolkien's Middle Earth.

The Vampire: The Masquerade universe.

Or the town in Russia (I forgot what it's called) from Drugs and Wires, a cyberpunk webcomic set in an alternate dystopian 90s. Also it's a 10/10 read if you like that sort of aesthetic.

Q: What's your go to comfy music when you're feeling down? Can be a genre, band, song, it doesn't matter
Good question! Assuming it requires none of my own world building (I hope lol), I have three answers.

Either Imladris (Rivendell) or Lothlorien, specifically, in Tolkien's Middle Earth.

The Vampire: The Masquerade universe.

Or the town in Russia (I forgot what it's called) from Drugs and Wires, a cyberpunk webcomic set in an alternate dystopian 90s. Also it's a 10/10 read if you like that sort of aesthetic.

Q: What's your go to comfy music when you're feeling down? Can be a genre, band, song, it doesn't matter
@meatghost i find piano music soothing and relaxing.
Q:What is your favorite video game, book, or tv show/movie?
@meatghost i find piano music soothing and relaxing.
Q:What is your favorite video game, book, or tv show/movie?
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What is your favorite video game, book, or tv show/movie?

I'll answer all three, why not? My favorite "video game" right now is Arcaea. Quotations on video game because it's actually an app game, but that counts right?? It's a rhythm game and it's really hard and I'm kind of bad at it but I spend about 30 minutes DAILY on it to improve and my dedication to it impresses me.

My favorite book is The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers and YES it is as amazing as its title. Lots of spaceships. Lots of sci-fi slice of life. Lots of world building. It's so fun to read and the characters are great and I love it.

My favorite movie is Ratatouille, half because of nostalgia and half because it's um, A MASTERPIECE?

Next person's question: What is your favorite season and why?

What is your favorite video game, book, or tv show/movie?

I'll answer all three, why not? My favorite "video game" right now is Arcaea. Quotations on video game because it's actually an app game, but that counts right?? It's a rhythm game and it's really hard and I'm kind of bad at it but I spend about 30 minutes DAILY on it to improve and my dedication to it impresses me.

My favorite book is The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers and YES it is as amazing as its title. Lots of spaceships. Lots of sci-fi slice of life. Lots of world building. It's so fun to read and the characters are great and I love it.

My favorite movie is Ratatouille, half because of nostalgia and half because it's um, A MASTERPIECE?

Next person's question: What is your favorite season and why?

Willow Red xx
@willowred (I hope I tagged you right)
My favorite season has to be fall. While it makes absolutely no difference where I live (four season of hot, hot, hot, and h o t), it’s absolutely gorgeous in mountainous areas and perfectly cold outside!

My go to “comfy” music is folk music! It gives that Forest feel I love. Personal favorite bands in this genre include the paper kites and fleet foxes
I’m not one for tv or movies, and I haven’t read a really good book in quite sometime, though if I picked a favorite novel I’d have to go with Going Bovine (rollercoaster of a plot, id definitely recommend to anyone who likes to think about what they read and are ready for the Arbitrary!)

Now for my question;
What pets do you have? If any, how did they join your life (how did you acquire them)?
@willowred (I hope I tagged you right)
My favorite season has to be fall. While it makes absolutely no difference where I live (four season of hot, hot, hot, and h o t), it’s absolutely gorgeous in mountainous areas and perfectly cold outside!

My go to “comfy” music is folk music! It gives that Forest feel I love. Personal favorite bands in this genre include the paper kites and fleet foxes
I’m not one for tv or movies, and I haven’t read a really good book in quite sometime, though if I picked a favorite novel I’d have to go with Going Bovine (rollercoaster of a plot, id definitely recommend to anyone who likes to think about what they read and are ready for the Arbitrary!)

Now for my question;
What pets do you have? If any, how did they join your life (how did you acquire them)?
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