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TOPIC | Horizon Zero Dawn Anyone???
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Hello yes who among yall would love to come and gush about this game with me because once a month or so my little gremlin brain has to hyperfixate on it from listening to one song from the OST or seeing one (1) fan art piece from it, I could go on and on about the scenery and lore (because I was a collector fanatic and had to get all of the collectibles in-game). This thread will most likely not be spoiler-free, so if anyone who happens upon this just please keep that in mind. So tell me your gameplay experiences! What did you like or not like the most about a side-quest or the main story? Favorite enemy to square up with?? Moment that made you sad? Tell meeeeee
Hello yes who among yall would love to come and gush about this game with me because once a month or so my little gremlin brain has to hyperfixate on it from listening to one song from the OST or seeing one (1) fan art piece from it, I could go on and on about the scenery and lore (because I was a collector fanatic and had to get all of the collectibles in-game). This thread will most likely not be spoiler-free, so if anyone who happens upon this just please keep that in mind. So tell me your gameplay experiences! What did you like or not like the most about a side-quest or the main story? Favorite enemy to square up with?? Moment that made you sad? Tell meeeeee
It's an amazing game in so many facets! The world is unique and exciting, the story and twists are engaging, and the combat is so satisfyingly smooth and fun. I am beyond excited for the sequel! It also had some stellar DLC, one of the few cases where I felt like I got too much DLC for what I paid for! And nowadays you can buy the complete edition for like $15, which is an absolute steal. Did you have any favorites, OP? Personally I loved the Carja the best out of all the tribes, their style and architecture were beautiful to me. Sylens was definitely my favorite individual character though, I'm really hoping that he's present in the sequel. And my favorite machine was the Stormbird, even though they were a bit annoying to take down! I actually have a Horizon fandragon, Avad here! I definitely plan on making more once I get some ideas! [url=][img][/img][/url]
It's an amazing game in so many facets! The world is unique and exciting, the story and twists are engaging, and the combat is so satisfyingly smooth and fun. I am beyond excited for the sequel!

It also had some stellar DLC, one of the few cases where I felt like I got too much DLC for what I paid for! And nowadays you can buy the complete edition for like $15, which is an absolute steal.

Did you have any favorites, OP? Personally I loved the Carja the best out of all the tribes, their style and architecture were beautiful to me. Sylens was definitely my favorite individual character though, I'm really hoping that he's present in the sequel. And my favorite machine was the Stormbird, even though they were a bit annoying to take down!

I actually have a Horizon fandragon, Avad here! I definitely plan on making more once I get some ideas!
*kicks down door* DID SOMEONE SAY HZD?

Hi yes I love this game to pieces (so much so I've done replayed this game countless times). I love just simply cruisin' around on a strider and enjoying the nature; the game's just that beautiful! I consider it my go-to relaxation game.

My favourite side quest is the Waterlogged one from the Frozen Wilds DLC. Gildun is such a wholesome guy. He's one of my fave characters too.

I also really like Nil. I can never choose the "fight" option in the last quest with him because I care too much about him, despite his certain views. xD Then there's Varl, Vanasha, and Erend; love them to pieces.

The ending is the saddest moment for me. I always tear up at that scene.

Favourite enemy? Thunderjaws. Love them big bois.

So excited for Forbidden West ;w;
*kicks down door* DID SOMEONE SAY HZD?

Hi yes I love this game to pieces (so much so I've done replayed this game countless times). I love just simply cruisin' around on a strider and enjoying the nature; the game's just that beautiful! I consider it my go-to relaxation game.

My favourite side quest is the Waterlogged one from the Frozen Wilds DLC. Gildun is such a wholesome guy. He's one of my fave characters too.

I also really like Nil. I can never choose the "fight" option in the last quest with him because I care too much about him, despite his certain views. xD Then there's Varl, Vanasha, and Erend; love them to pieces.

The ending is the saddest moment for me. I always tear up at that scene.

Favourite enemy? Thunderjaws. Love them big bois.

So excited for Forbidden West ;w;
Eco1dmi.png Egg Art Shop

Skin shop

Art Shop

That Avad fan dragon is stunning, I tried my hand at creating fan dragons for Ourea and Helis but ended up scraping said ideas until further notice because I didn't like the direction either were heading, might try again in the future!

I agree that the Carja are a good tribe and I loved their theme of almost being like birds (cage-like elevators, high up perch palace, etc.) Funny to find out Meridian is half based around Colorado, thinking of a tribe like that in a state of Colorado is hilarious to imagine. XD

I looooved the story-telling, and the side-quests/collecting journeys you went on took you to places in the various areas you wouldn't think of going by first glance if you stuck with the main story! I loved getting to follow people's paths and figuring out a scene of what went down, just getting to be a tracker overall.

Loved making strategies to take down Thunderjaws and Bellowbacks with my trusty tripcaster, taking out bandit camps were also my fave thing to do. :> Also my fave enemy was the longlegs for the realness of their sonic screeches making Aloy lose her hearing slightly if she was too close. Cmon Guerrilla Games give us that sequel already!!


My favorite Frozen Wilds quest was "The Hunters Three", god I loved those guys to bits! After every hunt with them and them trying to come up with a group name was hilarious XD I felt like the mom friend trying to help their three fledglings learn the ropes.

The game itself is goregeous paired with the score that accompanies it <3 Honestly sometimes I would just hide out in some red bush and pan the camera upwards and watch the nightsky for a whole cycle til morning, if I was lucky and near Meridian, I would beeline to the palace to find the priests that sang the song to the sun in the morning and just stay awhile and listen!

I agree with liking Nil, chaotic neutral bandit-hunter man ftw~ If there was a romancing option in the game (which overall was kinda glad they didn't have for Aloy because she was independent and awesome on her own) I would have HANDS DOWN romanced Erend on the spot, I adored his personality and charisma and how he spoke, plus the Oseram tribe is my first fave with the awesome ladies being seen as equals if not higher than the men.

No matter how many times I played the game (which I think was 3 in total), the ending always gets me and I sob like a baby because you've been there the whole time right alongside Aloy and her jouney and felt what she felt, ugh I love it <'3 I also cried when Ourea died, I felt so torn and bad hoping she would make it and continue to work on her relationship with her brother. D":>

That Avad fan dragon is stunning, I tried my hand at creating fan dragons for Ourea and Helis but ended up scraping said ideas until further notice because I didn't like the direction either were heading, might try again in the future!

I agree that the Carja are a good tribe and I loved their theme of almost being like birds (cage-like elevators, high up perch palace, etc.) Funny to find out Meridian is half based around Colorado, thinking of a tribe like that in a state of Colorado is hilarious to imagine. XD

I looooved the story-telling, and the side-quests/collecting journeys you went on took you to places in the various areas you wouldn't think of going by first glance if you stuck with the main story! I loved getting to follow people's paths and figuring out a scene of what went down, just getting to be a tracker overall.

Loved making strategies to take down Thunderjaws and Bellowbacks with my trusty tripcaster, taking out bandit camps were also my fave thing to do. :> Also my fave enemy was the longlegs for the realness of their sonic screeches making Aloy lose her hearing slightly if she was too close. Cmon Guerrilla Games give us that sequel already!!


My favorite Frozen Wilds quest was "The Hunters Three", god I loved those guys to bits! After every hunt with them and them trying to come up with a group name was hilarious XD I felt like the mom friend trying to help their three fledglings learn the ropes.

The game itself is goregeous paired with the score that accompanies it <3 Honestly sometimes I would just hide out in some red bush and pan the camera upwards and watch the nightsky for a whole cycle til morning, if I was lucky and near Meridian, I would beeline to the palace to find the priests that sang the song to the sun in the morning and just stay awhile and listen!

I agree with liking Nil, chaotic neutral bandit-hunter man ftw~ If there was a romancing option in the game (which overall was kinda glad they didn't have for Aloy because she was independent and awesome on her own) I would have HANDS DOWN romanced Erend on the spot, I adored his personality and charisma and how he spoke, plus the Oseram tribe is my first fave with the awesome ladies being seen as equals if not higher than the men.

No matter how many times I played the game (which I think was 3 in total), the ending always gets me and I sob like a baby because you've been there the whole time right alongside Aloy and her jouney and felt what she felt, ugh I love it <'3 I also cried when Ourea died, I felt so torn and bad hoping she would make it and continue to work on her relationship with her brother. D":>
Oh man, where do I *start* with this game?! As someone who is from Colorado, nothing will ever beat that first time I was out exploring and went, "Huh. This looks kinda like Red Rocks." *beat* "Wait. This IS Red Rocks!" and yelling for my sister to come look. (Which, mild correction @Galaxtusbug, Meridian would actually be out in Utah! I'd love to take a trip out there someday to see if I can find the location Meridian is supposed to be at.)

I adore the characters and the humor. Aloy is exactly my type of main character, sarcastic and witty while being caring and empathetic. I've been pestering one of my friends to play the game when it comes out for PC next month, and one of the selling points I made to her was how Aloy is kinda written like the classic power fantasy main character (being "The Chosen One", like half the people she comes across flirt with her, people gossiping about her and her capabilities) while her interactions are still written with the fact that she's a woman in mind. And it's glorious.

It's honestly so hard for me to choose a favorite side character, but special shout out goes to Erend for his story arc with his sister and his character development. My dude had to grow up and had to learn a little humility to go with it. And Nil. Oh my god, Nil.

And the game gets an A+ from me on the world building. After playing several open-world games that I'd like to see renamed "Side Quests: The Game", I have to have so much appreciation for the quests in HZD. Enough to keep you busy, but not so many you feel like you're drowning in them, and while the mechanics of them can get a bit repetitive after a while if you do too many in one sitting, all of the quests have some sort of interesting world building or lore attached to them to keep it interesting. And I eat that stuff up.

Fun story, my first time playing, I somehow wound up accidentally doing Cauldron Zeta before any of the other cauldrons. I was hideously underleveled, overly curious, and way too high on how awesome I felt with how intuitive the combat was for me. It took WAY too much time and a lot of attempts to finish it, but to this day, I do love tackling Thunderjaws when I've got the time. :'D

Also, I too cry every time at that ending.
Oh man, where do I *start* with this game?! As someone who is from Colorado, nothing will ever beat that first time I was out exploring and went, "Huh. This looks kinda like Red Rocks." *beat* "Wait. This IS Red Rocks!" and yelling for my sister to come look. (Which, mild correction @Galaxtusbug, Meridian would actually be out in Utah! I'd love to take a trip out there someday to see if I can find the location Meridian is supposed to be at.)

I adore the characters and the humor. Aloy is exactly my type of main character, sarcastic and witty while being caring and empathetic. I've been pestering one of my friends to play the game when it comes out for PC next month, and one of the selling points I made to her was how Aloy is kinda written like the classic power fantasy main character (being "The Chosen One", like half the people she comes across flirt with her, people gossiping about her and her capabilities) while her interactions are still written with the fact that she's a woman in mind. And it's glorious.

It's honestly so hard for me to choose a favorite side character, but special shout out goes to Erend for his story arc with his sister and his character development. My dude had to grow up and had to learn a little humility to go with it. And Nil. Oh my god, Nil.

And the game gets an A+ from me on the world building. After playing several open-world games that I'd like to see renamed "Side Quests: The Game", I have to have so much appreciation for the quests in HZD. Enough to keep you busy, but not so many you feel like you're drowning in them, and while the mechanics of them can get a bit repetitive after a while if you do too many in one sitting, all of the quests have some sort of interesting world building or lore attached to them to keep it interesting. And I eat that stuff up.

Fun story, my first time playing, I somehow wound up accidentally doing Cauldron Zeta before any of the other cauldrons. I was hideously underleveled, overly curious, and way too high on how awesome I felt with how intuitive the combat was for me. It took WAY too much time and a lot of attempts to finish it, but to this day, I do love tackling Thunderjaws when I've got the time. :'D

Also, I too cry every time at that ending.

Ah you're right! I was misremembering the tribe placements, the Nora are the ones placed in Colorado. <xD I applaud your boldness for trying to tackle Cauldron Zeta not knowing how difficult it was going to be, I remember my first time playing I learned real quick about fall damage from mountains. :D I think I also undermined the sawtooth you encounter with Rost and got taken down the first few times, the next time around when I was higher level and had the "New Game+" option, I took it down with just a few hits from my bow before Rost was done talking. XD I'll always remember running blindly into danger fondly because I was too excited to see everything UwU

Ah you're right! I was misremembering the tribe placements, the Nora are the ones placed in Colorado. <xD I applaud your boldness for trying to tackle Cauldron Zeta not knowing how difficult it was going to be, I remember my first time playing I learned real quick about fall damage from mountains. :D I think I also undermined the sawtooth you encounter with Rost and got taken down the first few times, the next time around when I was higher level and had the "New Game+" option, I took it down with just a few hits from my bow before Rost was done talking. XD I'll always remember running blindly into danger fondly because I was too excited to see everything UwU
I finished the DLC a few days ago which,,,,, I finished the main game like months ago.

I’m sad the next game is gonna be PS5 only like ugh

I hate hate hate thunderjaws. They are just the worst.

I didnt do any of the hunting grounds things because.... timed quests are not good.

For romance options if there were romance options, I’d definitely choose Varl since he and Aloy just seem to flow together imo.

But no romance. Seemed a bit odd. Like it SEEMED that’s where certain circles were going. Numerous dudes hitting on her, flirting with her but Aloy was completely neutral throughout.

I also genuinely thought when you overrided other machines, you’d get to ride them (probably not watchers tho cus theyre tiny), but I was majorly disappointed with it. I was loook ooh big tiger thingy lets ride. But nope. Disappointments everywhere.
I finished the DLC a few days ago which,,,,, I finished the main game like months ago.

I’m sad the next game is gonna be PS5 only like ugh

I hate hate hate thunderjaws. They are just the worst.

I didnt do any of the hunting grounds things because.... timed quests are not good.

For romance options if there were romance options, I’d definitely choose Varl since he and Aloy just seem to flow together imo.

But no romance. Seemed a bit odd. Like it SEEMED that’s where certain circles were going. Numerous dudes hitting on her, flirting with her but Aloy was completely neutral throughout.

I also genuinely thought when you overrided other machines, you’d get to ride them (probably not watchers tho cus theyre tiny), but I was majorly disappointed with it. I was loook ooh big tiger thingy lets ride. But nope. Disappointments everywhere.

I feel ya on the next game being on the PS5 which means a whoooole new console having to be bought just to play it, recently I've moved and the PS4 I played HZD on wasn't really mine so I ended up having to delete all of my progress before leaving. :"/ So I could go for a PS5...if it wasn't solely in the color white :/

I dislike thunderjaws for how much you have to play the dodge n' roll game alot for their attacks, but found once you hit off their explosive disc launcher and used it against them, they were easier to take down, my beef is with the rockbreaker.

I was saddened too that you couldn't ride every machine you took down, I think the only exceptions I was fine with not riding were the snapmaws and the tallnecks (controlling either sounds like more work than fun in navigating the terrains). But it would have been SO cool to ride something like a stormbird into battle. :")

I feel ya on the next game being on the PS5 which means a whoooole new console having to be bought just to play it, recently I've moved and the PS4 I played HZD on wasn't really mine so I ended up having to delete all of my progress before leaving. :"/ So I could go for a PS5...if it wasn't solely in the color white :/

I dislike thunderjaws for how much you have to play the dodge n' roll game alot for their attacks, but found once you hit off their explosive disc launcher and used it against them, they were easier to take down, my beef is with the rockbreaker.

I was saddened too that you couldn't ride every machine you took down, I think the only exceptions I was fine with not riding were the snapmaws and the tallnecks (controlling either sounds like more work than fun in navigating the terrains). But it would have been SO cool to ride something like a stormbird into battle. :")
With rockbreakers, I found of you have jigher ground and dodge the rocks they hurl at you, theyre pretty easy to takedown. I never really had an issue with them.
With rockbreakers, I found of you have jigher ground and dodge the rocks they hurl at you, theyre pretty easy to takedown. I never really had an issue with them.

Yeah that was my method too, it just got to be tedious work in my experience. The first time around however when I encountered it, I tried to take it down at ground level. But yeah once you get its protective armor components off it's an easy take-down from there :)

Yeah that was my method too, it just got to be tedious work in my experience. The first time around however when I encountered it, I tried to take it down at ground level. But yeah once you get its protective armor components off it's an easy take-down from there :)
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