Dragon #61207325 from the Wizards of Dusk pair is being listed up on the AH until he sells or is claimed! And remember that while you can still claim him for free here, there's a chance he might sell before I see the message!

TOPIC | ON HIATUS - Singing Caves Hatchery

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Dragon #61207325 from the Wizards of Dusk pair is being listed up on the AH until he sells or is claimed! And remember that while you can still claim him for free here, there's a chance he might sell before I see the message!
@SunsplashAvocado Firstly welcome to Flight Rising! I hope you have fun here! And secondly, you need to choose which dragon you want and then reply with the ID number of that dragon. You can find that in the yellow box next to each dragon after it says the gender and the breed like this:
And if the dragon doesn't have a name you'll need to provide a name too. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask! And you can find all the dragons available [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/2778067/1#post_41255335]here![/url]
@SunsplashAvocado Firstly welcome to Flight Rising! I hope you have fun here! And secondly, you need to choose which dragon you want and then reply with the ID number of that dragon. You can find that in the yellow box next to each dragon after it says the gender and the breed like this:

And if the dragon doesn't have a name you'll need to provide a name too. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask! And you can find all the dragons available here!

And if the dragon doesn't have a name you'll need to provide a name too. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask! And you can find all the dragons available here!
Hi! Can I have #61558859 and #61558860 from the pair A Sweet Treat? I want to name them Domini and Rula, respectively ;w;
Hi! Can I have #61558859 and #61558860 from the pair A Sweet Treat? I want to name them Domini and Rula, respectively ;w;
@Migalium Of course, I'll send them over to you now! :)
@Migalium Of course, I'll send them over to you now! :)
[quote="Sunshine Ambassadors Pinglist"]@SwiftSpark @astereia[/quote]
[quote="General Pinglist"]@Dragontamerstorm @EnigmaticSaint @ShadowStorm1404 @FizzyOceans @bigmamared @anvilletowns @Wufflesnuff @Faceted @134f @Bluestardragon @BandanaPanda @Casper117 @HoneyShortcake[/quote]
Three hatchlings from the Sunshine Ambassadors pair have been hatched and listed up [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/2778067/1#post_41255335]here[/url] so go ahead and check them out!
And don't forget to give the [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/2778067/1#post_41255329]rules[/url] a read if you want to claim a dragon!
@Ceylar may I have #61358148 from berry good #61406237 form Guardians of the deep and #61739741 from sunshine ambassadors, the male Guardian name is Swampbee, the female Guardian named Oceansliver, and the skydancer name is GoldenSunshine please and thank youu
@Ceylar may I have #61358148 from berry good #61406237 form Guardians of the deep and #61739741 from sunshine ambassadors, the male Guardian name is Swampbee, the female Guardian named Oceansliver, and the skydancer name is GoldenSunshine please and thank youu
@ShadowClearnight Alright, I'll send them all over to you now!
@ShadowClearnight Alright, I'll send them all over to you now!
Dragon #61307532 is being listed up on the AH until she sells or is claimed here! And as always, while she's still available to be claimed for free here remember there's a chance I might not see the request before she sells!
Dragon #61307532 is being listed up on the AH until she sells or is claimed here! And as always, while she's still available to be claimed for free here remember there's a chance I might not see the request before she sells!

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