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TOPIC | Headcanon a Dragon Above You
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] She is super into musicals and makes a bunch of references her friends don't understand. She always forces her friends to watch musicals. @Requacy


She is super into musicals and makes a bunch of references her friends don't understand. She always forces her friends to watch musicals.

@Splatterheart [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She’s defensive when it comes to why she does strange things, like putting a worm on her head or dancing in the light of a full moon. If someone asks her why she did it, she’ll just say ‘Why not? Why can’t I?’ and be sassy and rude until they stop bothering her. (If I can, I’d recommend doing a headcannon for Iravaris, she’s got lots of lore and I might actually add the headcannon onto her lore! C:)



She’s defensive when it comes to why she does strange things, like putting a worm on her head or dancing in the light of a full moon. If someone asks her why she did it, she’ll just say ‘Why not? Why can’t I?’ and be sassy and rude until they stop bothering her.

(If I can, I’d recommend doing a headcannon for Iravaris, she’s got lots of lore and I might actually add the headcannon onto her lore! C:)
Wishlist || The Quest || Lost and Found
@sSix [url=] [img][/img] [/url] very much sornienths version of florida man, does things so bizarrely idiotic that it makes you’d think “how? why? what??” any tab but the first+hibe den


very much sornienths version of florida man, does things so bizarrely idiotic that it makes you’d think “how? why? what??”
any tab but the first+hibe den
bugs are friends!
@lurienn Shadow is preparing to become a shadow rep in another clan. He enjoys the delicate things in life, and doesn't mind how other's may view him. After all, why worry about others when he can focus on what he enjoys, no matter where that takes him. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Shadow is preparing to become a shadow rep in another clan. He enjoys the delicate things in life, and doesn't mind how other's may view him. After all, why worry about others when he can focus on what he enjoys, no matter where that takes him.

@Desertbloomer [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Nyx is a practicing magician, though his tricks aren’t really that adults. So he mainly enjoys entertaining dragonets, as they are almost always enthralled by his tricks.


Nyx is a practicing magician, though his tricks aren’t really that adults. So he mainly enjoys entertaining dragonets, as they are almost always enthralled by his tricks.
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@InkwellRaven [url=] [img][/img] [/url] StarSong is convinced she doesn’t come from this world. She tried to convince other dragons she’s actually a space alien,though most don’t believe her. She’s super into zodiac signs and astronomy. Her lair is decorated with all sorts of space related things. StarSong is also a big conspiracy theorist and assumes that most unexplained things are because of aliens and cosmic beings. Next person: please pick dragons with smaller amounts of lore. And don’t pick any of the hatchlings in the unsorted tab.


StarSong is convinced she doesn’t come from this world. She tried to convince other dragons she’s actually a space alien,though most don’t believe her. She’s super into zodiac signs and astronomy. Her lair is decorated with all sorts of space related things. StarSong is also a big conspiracy theorist and assumes that most unexplained things are because of aliens and cosmic beings.

Next person: please pick dragons with smaller amounts of lore. And don’t pick any of the hatchlings in the unsorted tab.
My Socials
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wx97r8g.pngbisexual_by_agent_pits-d88d9bm.pngfemale_by_agent_pits-d8ebynk.png she_her_by_agent_pits-d88i5w4.png
@DietMemes [img],2961,739,2598,1255,4003,5672&xt=dressing.png[/img] Sethos, despite being commanding and harsh, has a soft spot for hatchlings. If he were to get a mate, he would someday want hatchlings of his own. He would quite literally sacrifice his life for any of the hatchlings in his clan. They're one of the very few things that can break his cold demeanor and get a smile out of him. (Next person; Preferably one with little lore and no Hib Den or Fandragons (It'll say in their Bio if they are)!)
Sethos, despite being commanding and harsh, has a soft spot for hatchlings. If he were to get a mate, he would someday want hatchlings of his own. He would quite literally sacrifice his life for any of the hatchlings in his clan. They're one of the very few things that can break his cold demeanor and get a smile out of him.

(Next person; Preferably one with little lore and no Hib Den or Fandragons (It'll say in their Bio if they are)!)
♠ Ace ~ He/Him ~ Bi / Poly / Trans ~ FR time +3 ~ BLM; ACAB! ~ Please Ping! ♠
@TheAceOfSpades [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Everything Rock owns is as brightly colored as he is. He likes to collect brightly colored and glowy stuff. Due to the sheer amount of these glowing collectibles, his dwelling (and sometimes even Rock himself) appears to glow when the sun touches it at an exact angle. To the next person: There's dragons in the den! Feel free to use them. [size=1]I may quote what you write in the dragon's bio. Just tell me if you don't want me to do that [emoji=guardian happy size=1][/size]


Everything Rock owns is as brightly colored as he is. He likes to collect brightly colored and glowy stuff. Due to the sheer amount of these glowing collectibles, his dwelling (and sometimes even Rock himself) appears to glow when the sun touches it at an exact angle.

To the next person: There's dragons in the den! Feel free to use them.
I may quote what you write in the dragon's bio. Just tell me if you don't want me to do that
n9sEhSB.png you can call me Qwil
there is no U anywhere in my username
@TonoAlokei [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I feel like Arvusola is one of those kids who loves to collect bugs and lizards at recess. She especially loves finding bugs in the sand pit and will make tiny cities for them. She won't hurt any of them, of course, and always lets them go when playtime is over. If she sees any hatchlings trying to hurt or kill an insect she will scoop it up and bring it into her city. No kids mess with her because, come on. Those kid who can pick up bugs without freaking out seemed pretty badas* in elementary school.


I feel like Arvusola is one of those kids who loves to collect bugs and lizards at recess. She especially loves finding bugs in the sand pit and will make tiny cities for them. She won't hurt any of them, of course, and always lets them go when playtime is over. If she sees any hatchlings trying to hurt or kill an insect she will scoop it up and bring it into her city. No kids mess with her because, come on. Those kid who can pick up bugs without freaking out seemed pretty badas* in elementary school.
@Moonwatcher2811 i imagine that his body has the texture of and tastes like warm cheez whiz, a true delicacy that's not for every dragon. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Moonwatcher2811 i imagine that his body has the texture of and tastes like warm cheez whiz, a true delicacy that's not for every dragon.

20126.png • siren or ross
• they/ve/ji
• frt + 3
• suffering