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TOPIC | How do I change my signature & get eggs
Basically the title...
1) How do I change my signature?
2) How do I get dragon eggs besides buying them?
3) What are the most used abbreviations here?
Basically the title...
1) How do I change my signature?
2) How do I get dragon eggs besides buying them?
3) What are the most used abbreviations here?
My Wishlist!

1) if you go to the top right corner and click the dropdown arrow, you can change your signature in account settings!

2) unhatched eggs can be found through scavenging (scavenging in ice might give you an ice egg, in earth an earth egg, etc) and drop in the coliseum! however, it's a really rare drop so don't expect a lot to drop :P

3) these are the ones i can remember!

AH: Auction House
MP: Marketplace
Coli: Coliseum
G&G: Glimmer and Gloom (a fairgrounds game)
FRD: Flight Rising Discussion (forum subtopic)
UM/UMA: Usermade Skins/Accents (accents that are drawn by users, usually cost more than festival skins/accents)
___kT: __k treasure (10kT = 10,000 treasure)
___g: __ gems (10g = 10 gems)

in item sales:
[H] : Has
[W] : Wants
[LF] : Looking For
[ B ] : Buying
[ S ] : Selling
[R] : Raffle
[A] : Auctioning
[IC] : Interest Check
[PC] : Price Check

XXX: a dragon with the same primary, secondary, and tertiary color
XXY: a dragon with the same primary and secondary color and a different tertiary color
XYY: a dragon with a different primary color and the same secondary and tertiary color
XYX: same primary and tertiary color, different secondary color
XYZ: all 3 colors are different
G1: generation 1 dragon (hatched from an unhatched egg)
UB: unbred (usually valued more than bred dragons)

1) if you go to the top right corner and click the dropdown arrow, you can change your signature in account settings!

2) unhatched eggs can be found through scavenging (scavenging in ice might give you an ice egg, in earth an earth egg, etc) and drop in the coliseum! however, it's a really rare drop so don't expect a lot to drop :P

3) these are the ones i can remember!

AH: Auction House
MP: Marketplace
Coli: Coliseum
G&G: Glimmer and Gloom (a fairgrounds game)
FRD: Flight Rising Discussion (forum subtopic)
UM/UMA: Usermade Skins/Accents (accents that are drawn by users, usually cost more than festival skins/accents)
___kT: __k treasure (10kT = 10,000 treasure)
___g: __ gems (10g = 10 gems)

in item sales:
[H] : Has
[W] : Wants
[LF] : Looking For
[ B ] : Buying
[ S ] : Selling
[R] : Raffle
[A] : Auctioning
[IC] : Interest Check
[PC] : Price Check

XXX: a dragon with the same primary, secondary, and tertiary color
XXY: a dragon with the same primary and secondary color and a different tertiary color
XYY: a dragon with a different primary color and the same secondary and tertiary color
XYX: same primary and tertiary color, different secondary color
XYZ: all 3 colors are different
G1: generation 1 dragon (hatched from an unhatched egg)
UB: unbred (usually valued more than bred dragons)
__ xiq! #359104
[ she/they ⋅ FR +3 ⋅ wishlist ]
Thanks so much! That helped me a lot!
Thanks so much! That helped me a lot!
My Wishlist!
Thanks so much! That helped me a lot!
Thanks so much! That helped me a lot!
My Wishlist!
@SpaceWhale Just because it took me a while to figure it out:

LDP: Last day ping, used for auctions and raffles and the like.
@SpaceWhale Just because it took me a while to figure it out:

LDP: Last day ping, used for auctions and raffles and the like.
Help I'm trapped in a signature!