
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | zylen’s art store || closed
my apologies! i was in a rush and completely forgot to change that, it’s all fine and noted :)!
my apologies! i was in a rush and completely forgot to change that, it’s all fine and noted :)!
___fr +19
___art store

Fantastic, thank you again!
Fantastic, thank you again!
[center]@Pearlimose here he is ! sorry for the wait ^^ [img][/img] [/center]
here he is !
sorry for the wait ^^
___fr +19
___art store

@Zylen do you have a pinglist?
@Zylen do you have a pinglist?
@Zylen --QoQ I didn't feel like I waited at all! I love how soft-looking he turned out, and I adore the way you subtly shaded with the faint red (it looks especially fantastic on his wings!)

Thank you so much for allowing me to order from you again!!
@Zylen --QoQ I didn't feel like I waited at all! I love how soft-looking he turned out, and I adore the way you subtly shaded with the faint red (it looks especially fantastic on his wings!)

Thank you so much for allowing me to order from you again!!
Currently taking orders at Sundry Scribbles!
Could I be added to the pinglist?
Could I be added to the pinglist?
[ 2/3 slots have been opened ! ]
[ 2/3 slots have been opened ! ]
___fr +19
___art store

Your art is wonderful! I’d love to claim a slot if you’d be comfortable drawing anthros
Your art is wonderful! I’d love to claim a slot if you’d be comfortable drawing anthros
Could I claim a slot?
I'm out right now but I'll fill out the form asap when home if I can! ?
Could I claim a slot?
I'm out right now but I'll fill out the form asap when home if I can! ?
@zylen I'll claim the last slot if it's still open please!

Edit: oops, misread there being three slots open, my bad.
@zylen I'll claim the last slot if it's still open please!

Edit: oops, misread there being three slots open, my bad.