Could I please grab the Crystalplate Stinger, Oceansurf Magus, Yeti Brawler, and Ophiotaurus? ♥
Could I please grab the Crystalplate Stinger, Oceansurf Magus, Yeti Brawler, and Ophiotaurus? ♥
aviians Is it okay to put in a new request, then? The only one I'm interested in that hasn't been claimed in the last couple of posts would be the noggle, if the little guy's still available!
aviians Is it okay to put in a new request, then? The only one I'm interested in that hasn't been claimed in the last couple of posts would be the noggle, if the little guy's still available!
aviians - Can I be added to the pinglist and get a hippogriff, yeti brawler, and a petalmane floron please?
aviians - Can I be added to the pinglist and get a hippogriff, yeti brawler, and a petalmane floron please?
Listen to the melody of the murmuring moon.
@aviians may I snag [item=yeti brawler] [item= hippogriff] [item=ophiotaurus] [item=petalmane floron]?
StormFire3105, @
Waldmieze, @
Zaya, @
dancingcrane, @
Kristan, @
buckembarnes, @
niceworld, @
aerdnanocte, @
Chaos1423, @
Shyia, @
Lynz, @
TheTokenBrit, @
BlandLameO, @
Zatzen, @
CristorcusHelix, @
Lycoriae, @
Panga, @
Drizzlesong, @
Gabrielsknife, @
Shathyny, @
Maizegirl, @
New familiars obtained (check masterpost).
StormFire3105, @
Waldmieze, @
Zaya, @
dancingcrane, @
Kristan, @
buckembarnes, @
niceworld, @
aerdnanocte, @
Chaos1423, @
Shyia, @
Lynz, @
TheTokenBrit, @
BlandLameO, @
Zatzen, @
CristorcusHelix, @
Lycoriae, @
Panga, @
Drizzlesong, @
Gabrielsknife, @
Shathyny, @
Maizegirl, @
New familiars obtained (check masterpost).
can i have a abyss striker, frosttangle strangler, grove piper, hippogriff, jeweled flyer, and a harlequin stagwing please?
can i have a abyss striker, frosttangle strangler, grove piper, hippogriff, jeweled flyer, and a harlequin stagwing please?
[quote name="Drizzlesong" date="2019-10-14 12:35:59" ]
@aviians that's fine! Could I have the Hippogriff and Grove Piper if theyre still avaliable?
@aviians sorry if you already saw that, thought I'd post it again bc I was the first to ask for these and a lot of ppl asked afterwards ^^
Drizzlesong wrote on 2019-10-14 12:35:59:
aviians that's fine! Could I have the Hippogriff and Grove Piper if theyre still avaliable?
aviians sorry if you already saw that, thought I'd post it again bc I was the first to ask for these and a lot of ppl asked afterwards ^^
Sales tab
I'm 4/5 hours ahead of server time so if I take a while to answer to a PM or cr I'm probably sleeping! I'll get back to you as soon as possible ^^
@aviians [item=sewer toridae],[item=abyss striker],[item=Ophiotaurus],[item=Winter Wolf],[item=Parda] please!
Drizzlesong, @
Ye, of course!
The familiars were previously claimed, but @
ILoveMyBirds will add you to the general pinglist :>
Sent the ophiotaurus, but the rest were previously claimed.
Sent all but the Hippogriff, which was previously claimed.
Sent the Parda, white Wolf, and Sewer Toridae.
aviians could I get the noggle as well?
aviians could I get the noggle as well?