[center][font = Monotype Corsiva][size = 6][b]Nesting... Dust and Brick: Babies[/b][/size][/font][/center]
[center][font = Monotype Corsiva][size = 6][b]Nesting... Mercury and Fadrex[/b][/size][/font][/center]
[center][font = Monotype Corsiva][size = 6][b]Nesting... Algol and Lyrae: Babies[/b][/size][/font][/center]
If anyone wants uwu they're all free, except for XXX Overcast, who I'm keeping~!
Nesting... Dust and Brick: Babies
Nesting... Mercury and Fadrex
Nesting... Algol and Lyrae: Babies
If anyone wants uwu they're all free, except for XXX Overcast, who I'm keeping~!
The results of my nests are here uwu
Nest 1:
Nest 2:
Nest 3:
Nest 4:
Next 5:
Here are the babies~ I got a multigaze from this so that's ya present @LightBreaker
I like that XXX orca imp gal
Just waiting for Light to tell me if she wants her uwu! Otherwise I can send her to you if you want!
Just waiting for Light to tell me if she wants her uwu! Otherwise I can send her to you if you want!
So I decided to get an eggo uwu!!!! And just look at her :O!!!
So I decided to get an eggo uwu!!!! And just look at her :O!!!

Here are my additions to this motley crew xD
Friend if there are an you like lmk and I'll send em your way~ There's an XYY in there (The kid with opal)
Fren I like these kids owo
... Is 3 too many?
Fren I like these kids owo

... Is 3 too many?
if you ever do sell these outright, i'd loved to be pinged! i can't do auctions right now! i'm fine seeing the table scraps~
if you ever do sell these outright, i'd loved to be pinged! i can't do auctions right now! i'm fine seeing the table scraps~