
Skins and Accents

Share and sell your skin creations with other players.
TOPIC | Accent Trading Hub
[center][u][b]Want:[/b][/u] If you have a skin I'm looking for please check out my [url=]full collection here![/url] [quote=Priority] [skin=31671][skin=31612][skin=31735] [skin=17953][skin=19558][skin=21254] [/quote] [quote=Autopilot Hunt] [skin=26136][skin=26685][skin=29036] [/quote] [quote=Low Priority] [skin=4617][skin=10926][skin=17073][skin=19304][skin=20188][skin=20425][skin=20929][skin=20985][skin=21350][skin=21477][skin=22889][skin=23569][skin=24575][skin=24935][skin=25097][skin=25502][skin=26266][skin=28961][skin=28963][skin=29197][skin=29298][skin=29704][skin=29716][skin=31251][skin=31562][skin=31737][skin=31754] [/quote] [u][b]Have:[/b][/u] If you have a skin I'm looking for please check out my [url=]full collection here![/url] [quote=AH] [skin=15618][skin=18316][skin=29515][skin=30658][skin=14401][skin=18874][skin=26399][skin=27025][skin=29209][skin=9466][skin=19386][skin=28610][skin=20389][skin=25978][skin=29522][skin=28217][skin=24015][skin=25909][skin=26291][skin=26737][skin=29345][skin=29827][skin=30254] [/quote] [quote=Pretty Easy] [skin=11718][skin=29132][skin=26665][skin=29669][skin=30494][skin=30913][skin=30970][skin=31359][skin=30393][skin=30399][skin=30406][skin=30087][skin=27179][skin=28134][skin=29375][skin=30123][skin=24973][skin=27035][skin=28869][skin=29277][skin=29809][skin=31288][skin=28067][skin=29376][skin=28832][skin=28850][skin=29362][skin=28885][skin=29017][skin=30944][skin=28758][skin=29086][skin=29194][skin=29253][skin=31371][skin=31372][skin=26502][skin=27395][skin=28605][skin=29766][skin=28207][skin=28449][skin=24016][skin=27950][skin=29361][skin=29942][skin=23963][skin=24564][skin=26836][skin=27096][skin=28317][skin=28425][skin=28516][skin=29047][skin=29063][skin=30135][skin=30363][skin=31168] [/quote] [/center]
If you have a skin I'm looking for please check out my full collection here!
Priority wrote:

Autopilot Hunt wrote:
Low Priority wrote:


If you have a skin I'm looking for please check out my full collection here!
AH wrote:
Pretty Easy wrote:
I'm interested in
Memory of a Melody
PM me if you still have it
I'm interested in
Memory of a Melody
PM me if you still have it
have - for sale or trade

have - tentative, but either not super attached or don't have immediate plans for

have - customs/limited
- both 5 prints, both on the ah for 2500g

want - will buy or trade
- high priority
- low priority

want - customs
have - for sale or trade

have - tentative, but either not super attached or don't have immediate plans for

have - customs/limited
- both 5 prints, both on the ah for 2500g

want - will buy or trade
- high priority
- low priority

want - customs
Scorchpaw Prowler
Accents I have:

(2 copies)

hmu with an offer
Accents I have:

(2 copies)

hmu with an offer
Accents I have:
Still printing:

(custom recolor)


(1 print)

Looking to trade for:
Accents along the same themes. I would prefer to exchange accents along the same breed and retired for retired, etc.
Accents I have:
Still printing:

(custom recolor)


(1 print)

Looking to trade for:
Accents along the same themes. I would prefer to exchange accents along the same breed and retired for retired, etc.

Hello! Would you be willing to trade SS-Lion Roaring for anything here? Or if you wanted pure gems, what's your price range?

Hello! Would you be willing to trade SS-Lion Roaring for anything here? Or if you wanted pure gems, what's your price range?
@Princoxx Sorry for the late response! Are you still interested in ss-lion roaring?
@Princoxx Sorry for the late response! Are you still interested in ss-lion roaring?
Neraida, FR +3
• Make sure to ping me, I don't subscribe to threads
• Feel free to PM me about anything
• On the lookout for Accent: Many Eyes Shadow


Yes, absolutely!

Yes, absolutely!
@Princoxx I'm interested in Sacrament of Osiris, Celestial Creature, and Resolution. I know it says you're not trading them but I'm also interested in Omni, you possess my soul and July
@Princoxx I'm interested in Sacrament of Osiris, Celestial Creature, and Resolution. I know it says you're not trading them but I'm also interested in Omni, you possess my soul and July
Neraida, FR +3
• Make sure to ping me, I don't subscribe to threads
• Feel free to PM me about anything
• On the lookout for Accent: Many Eyes Shadow


I'd be down to trade any of the first three, preferably Sacrament of Osiris or Resolution before Celestial Creature, but the final choice is up to you. Were you looking to do a 1:1 trade? I don't really know their values when they're not on the AH.

I'd be down to trade any of the first three, preferably Sacrament of Osiris or Resolution before Celestial Creature, but the final choice is up to you. Were you looking to do a 1:1 trade? I don't really know their values when they're not on the AH.