
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [Hiatus] Floral Forest Rescue - Free!
@FloralFerret Could I get this cutie, please? I'll name him Thunder [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@FloralFerret Could I get this cutie, please? I'll name him Thunder

I just really like Wildclaws, okay? sue me!
50262412.png 50854528.png 50375857.png 50952837.png
Hello! Would you mind adding me to the pinglist for Pick Your Poison breedings? Thanks so much for running this giveaway. :D
Hello! Would you mind adding me to the pinglist for Pick Your Poison breedings? Thanks so much for running this giveaway. :D
@FloralFerret May I please adopt this beautiful girl? Her name will be Caeda! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

May I please adopt this beautiful girl? Her name will be Caeda!

ForestGuardian and SummerHeat
ForestGuardian and SummerHeat
@FloralFerret Do you still prefer to take back rescues? I'm considering letting this one go, he's currently RTB but is no longer unbred.

EDIT: Rehomed!
@FloralFerret Do you still prefer to take back rescues? I'm considering letting this one go, he's currently RTB but is no longer unbred.

EDIT: Rehomed!
rowan they/them
certified cryptid™
@Habeba @Roshie @LillyNight - all sent!

@Lycoriae you've been added and thank you so much! :)

@magnoliawater you're more than welcome to rehome/sell him yourself if you'd like! If not, I'm always happy to take him back and rehome him here. Thank you for asking though :)
@Habeba @Roshie @LillyNight - all sent!

@Lycoriae you've been added and thank you so much! :)

@magnoliawater you're more than welcome to rehome/sell him yourself if you'd like! If not, I'm always happy to take him back and rehome him here. Thank you for asking though :)
General Pinglist: @Phiastar @Saskiany @BreezyBubble @pigeonz @Skittyfairy @take2thesky @Zaya @Althaea @Kael1030 @Catrisa @RK0Luna @seorsus @Callili @DeathDragon101 @RubyMinx @dreadlord @Hasira @evetype @qawfii @Habeba @magnoliawater @24Finns @TempestDragon @Tortallan @Shyia (XXX only) @Shimeji @SquishiFishi @Eelz - Plenty of new hatchlings to adopt and a new pair! Painted Canvas
General Pinglist: @Phiastar @Saskiany @BreezyBubble @pigeonz @Skittyfairy @take2thesky @Zaya @Althaea @Kael1030 @Catrisa @RK0Luna @seorsus @Callili @DeathDragon101 @RubyMinx @dreadlord @Hasira @evetype @qawfii @Habeba @magnoliawater @24Finns @TempestDragon @Tortallan @Shyia (XXX only) @Shimeji @SquishiFishi @Eelz - Plenty of new hatchlings to adopt and a new pair! Painted Canvas
@FloralFerret Can I take this coatl and name him Leoriv please? [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Can I take this coatl and name him Leoriv please?

@Eelz sent!
@Eelz sent!
@FloralFerret May I adopt the male Wildclaw Unnamed - #55382703, if possible? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'd like him named: Grove.

May I adopt the male Wildclaw Unnamed - #55382703, if possible?


I'd like him named: Grove.