
Dragons For Sale

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TOPIC | 2 XYY & 1 XXX (w/ Faceted eyes!) Coatls!
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Hatched these beautiful starmapped XYY & XXX coatl babies today! All on AH already for treasure. The gem:treasure ratio is 1:1000 if any of you were interested 'n' wanted to buy for gems instead! I'm also willing to haggle prices down a bit, but at the moment I'm pretty satisfied with my pricing. XYY Coatl Male [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Cyan Starmap - Caribbean Alloy - Azure Filigree - Nature Common Eyes ^ 30kT on AH XYY Coatl Male [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Caribbean Starmap - Cerulean Alloy - Cerulean Filigree - Nature Uncommon Eyes ^ 35kT on AH XXX Coatl Female [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Teal Starmap - Teal Alloy - Teal Filigree - Nature Faceted Eyes ^ 150kT on AH
Hatched these beautiful starmapped XYY & XXX coatl babies today! All on AH already for treasure.

The gem:treasure ratio is 1:1000 if any of you were interested 'n' wanted to buy for gems instead! I'm also willing to haggle prices down a bit, but at the moment I'm pretty satisfied with my pricing.

XYY Coatl Male


Cyan Starmap - Caribbean Alloy - Azure Filigree - Nature Common Eyes
^ 30kT on AH

XYY Coatl Male


Caribbean Starmap - Cerulean Alloy - Cerulean Filigree - Nature Uncommon Eyes
^ 35kT on AH

XXX Coatl Female


Teal Starmap - Teal Alloy - Teal Filigree - Nature Faceted Eyes
^ 150kT on AH
Bump for the Coatl bbies!
Bump for the Coatl bbies!
Bump for new SD hatchies!
Bump for new SD hatchies!
Bump for my lonely SD!
Bump for my lonely SD!
Bump for the new hatchiiiiesss.
Bump for the new hatchiiiiesss.
Bump (for the preeeeetty new Coatl babbiess)~
Bump (for the preeeeetty new Coatl babbiess)~
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