

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Familiar Inheritance Sign Up[Closed]
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(This is a wip, but I might as well post it now so that you know I am interested and can make corrections if I filled anything out wrong. As far as colors, I'll go with a [color=#4D2900]dark brown color[/color]... which doesn't math my character at all, but, hey, maybe its his eye color or something. )) Edit: Done. [color=4D2900][b]Name[/b]: Savik (pronounced SAH-veek, it's an inuit word for knife) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age: [/b]Adult, roughly 30s/40s [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Class:[/b] Primal (ice) [b]Power(s):[/b] Savik has a constant aura of cold about him. Normally this is just enough he’s vaguely chilly to the touch instead of warm from body heat, but he can direct and amplify it to deliberately chill something. This allows him to freeze individual objects, make a general area colder, or walk on water by making the water beneath him viscous enough to support his weight. It would take a great deal of focus for him to run on water or walk over it with a lot of weight on his back, though, and can lose his balance if he isn’t careful. He can also breath raw coldness, which depending on how humid the air is can become a jet of snow or fragmented ice. I also imagine he’s be relatively unbothered by heat- cold is basically the absence of warmth, so his powers work more or less by absorbing heat. So he can still get burned, but so long as he’s paying close attention to the heat source he can walk through things like flames unhurt. Because of this he can also overheat if he uses too much of his power in a short span of time. [b]Bonded human[/b] (leave blank for now): [b]Character look:[/b] (will be working on a visual ref) Similar to a cross between a deer and an arctic fox, with a height of about four feet at the shoulder. He’s big enough to carry baggage or the occasional rider, but would tire quickly if asked to carry multiple riders or one in heavy armor. His torso is horse-like but much more flexible and slender, with long legs that end in paws with retractable claws. He has a long muzzle and long, narrow ears and his eyes are liquid black. It could be considered sweet if not for his lower canine teeth, which jut out above his jaws and are easily as long as a man’s finger. Think something like a boar’s tusks, except they go straight up instead of out to the sides and curl slightly back toward his ears. His upper canines are smaller but equally sharp, making for a nasty bite. What may surprise others, however, is that the rest of his teeth are molars- Savik is an herbivore. Savik’s most important feature is his fur. It’s a a pure, cool white that reflects light like freshly fallen snow, making him very conspicuous day or night unless he muddies it up. It’s short on his legs but long and silky along his back and neck, with a plume at the end of his tail. He doesn’t shed much, but the shed fur makes for good insulation or an impressive lining to decorate clothing. It’s also fairly water-repellent and dries quickly, assuming that the water doesn’t just freeze onto him. [b]Character:[/b] Three good character traits: [LIST][*][color=4D2900][b]Protective[/b]- Anyone that gets themselves into good graces might as well have a mama bear watching over them. He’s quick to snarl at potential threats and wounded allies are likely to be coddled and watched vigilantly until they recover. His own wounds are shrugged off until everyone else is cared for. Should his injuries be more severe than other injure party members, he will fervently deny the fact, insisting others be treated first, until he literally cannot stand up. [*][color=4D2900][b]Tolerant[/b]- No task is too low for him and it would be rare for him to complain about poor conditions. If making him a pack pony is convenient, then he carries a group’s baggage without protest, pride unhurt. He takes discomfort as a simple fact that shouldn’t get in the way of living. [*][color=4D2900][b]Paternal[/b] Savik may have grown up largely without a father, but he doesn’t think others deserve to live that way. He has a tendency to “adopt” younger familiars and sometimes even mages if they’re trustworthy, teaching them survival skills and offering advice and an open ear. [/list] Three neutral: [list][*][color=4D2900][b]Likes beautiful things[/b]- Fond of decoration and thinks there is no good reason why something can’t be functional [i]and[/i] fashionable. If he lingers in place long enough he'll gather a bunch of pretty objects around himself in a makeshift hoard, though he'll leave all but the most precious behind when he leaves. His taste, oddly enough, is not centered on what is conventionally called beautiful. Brights silks and gems are all right and good, but he could be equally fascinated by a river stone or bundle of cobwebs. [*][color=4D2900][b]Quiet[/b]- Likes to have actions speak in place of words whenever words are not needed. His sentences are either clipped and to the point, or when talking about sensitive subjects like his past, very cryptic so that it's unclear exactly what he is revealing about himself. He similarly teaches his bonded mage how to use his gifts in a hands-off way. He’ll demonstrate abilities and provide basic pointers, but wants his mage to learn to bend ice by feeling and understanding the cold rather than being able to follow a set of instructions. [*] [color=4D2900][b]Possessive-[/b] Savik is quick to adopt objects, territories, and allies as "his own" and will refer to them as belonging to him- in his head if not always out loud. His idea of ownership is just as unconventional as his sense of beauty, though. He has little to no interest in controlling that which he supposedly owns, only in associating himself with it and keeping it safe. As far as he is concerned land becomes "his" after he has stayed on it and watched over it awhile, and passes out of his possession when he leaves it behind. People are an exception to his rules in that allied individuals are part of his "family" indefinitely and will be protected fiercely even if they gave not seen each other in years. [/list] Three bad: [list][*][color=4D2900][b]Distrustful[/b]: __’s past has left him with very little reason to like humans, mage or no. He growls at most strangers and warms up to them only very slowly, with many deeds that prove that they have good intentions. This in part due to conditioned fear, so he shies away from said strangers whenever possible and is liable to bite if they don’t heed his warning to stay back. The only folk this doesn’t apply to are bonded mages and their familiars- they’re in the same dire situation he is so he doesn’t associate them with the humans in his past. He may be passively aggressive to a bonded mage that he dislikes, but never openly aggressive. [*][color=4D2900][b]Spiteful[/b]: He is good at holding grudges and will do any manner of mischief to someone he thinks has wronged him. Expect bags strapped to his back to be returned muddy or scratched while the rest of the luggage is pristine, or to wake up in the morning a thin sheet of frost over your blankets. Most of his pranks are harmless, but they don’t stop until the victim is back in his good graces. [*][color=4D2900][b]Vain[/b]: Savik is beautiful and he knows it well. He could spend hours preening to watch his fur reach that gentle shine it has. He has been sought for his pelt so long for that he takes it as a given that others will find him beautiful and feels mildly insulted if someone doesn’t comment on his appearance in their first meeting. He’ll willingly roll in the dirt to be less conspicuous, because it is necessary in order to stay low and protect his mage, but does so with great sorrow. He consoles himself with the fact that getting dirty means he can clean himself later and watch each inch of pristine fur reveal itself.[/list] [color=4D2900] [b]Likes:[/b] Cold weather, soft things, mirrors, still water, blood of his enemies (seriously, blood and raw eggs are the only types of “meat” he’ll go near) [b]Dislikes:[/b] Ropes, the smell of meat, mud, loud noises (those long ears are sensitive), being ignored, feeling helpless [b]Backstory:[/b] Savik lived alone from young age. He knows relatively little about his blood family aside from a few flashes of memories, and suspects that his separation from them has something to do with human hunters. He knows his father looked similar to him, with teeth like scythe blades and long fur that gradated from white to silver to coal gray. His mother is vaguer- just words and flashes of color at the edge of his memory. Savik was caught by a noble hunting party while he was very young, a fox-sized ball of white fluff. He hadn’t grown in his canines yet, so he was all soft cuteness and it didn’t occur to his captors that he could be dangerous. They dragged him back to their estate in bonds to be gawked at as a prize pet. At times in the journey he was stuffed in a bag, at others held up by his neck or laid next to campfires so that they could watch the way the light rippled off his fur. Back then he wasn’t fully in control of his powers so that the fire flooded his senses, making everything hot and uncomfortable. Their underestimation of him allowed for his escape- he gradually chilled his bonds until they were brittle enough to break and slipped away in the night. That night he figured out how to walk over water to hide his tracks, and he learned that he never wanted to feel helpless again. In his teenage years he grew sleeker, larger, and his teeth and claws grew in fully. No human hunter thought he’d be a manageable pet anymore- instead they all wanted his pelt. Fur like his would make the finest coat or trophy rug they could imagine. He learned a lot during this time. How to hide and stalk, how read trails and hide his own, how to fight back. Savik also gained a number of scars in the process of learning, though they are well hidden by the fur that grew back around them. He found that a strictly nomadic life was the easiest way to keep locals from becoming too aware of his presence. It kept him safer, but it also kept him aware that conditions for familiars are pretty bad everywhere. He doesn’t have much faith left for humanity. He has grown to adulthood since and lived a number of years alone, but precisely what his history is after will depend on bonded partner. I’m flexible as to whether he was bonded recently or has gotten to know his partner well. [/color]
(This is a wip, but I might as well post it now so that you know I am interested and can make corrections if I filled anything out wrong. As far as colors, I'll go with a dark brown color... which doesn't math my character at all, but, hey, maybe its his eye color or something. ))

Edit: Done.

Name: Savik
(pronounced SAH-veek, it's an inuit word for knife)
Gender: Male
Age: Adult, roughly 30s/40s
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Class: Primal (ice)
Savik has a constant aura of cold about him. Normally this is just enough he’s vaguely chilly to the touch instead of warm from body heat, but he can direct and amplify it to deliberately chill something. This allows him to freeze individual objects, make a general area colder, or walk on water by making the water beneath him viscous enough to support his weight. It would take a great deal of focus for him to run on water or walk over it with a lot of weight on his back, though, and can lose his balance if he isn’t careful. He can also breath raw coldness, which depending on how humid the air is can become a jet of snow or fragmented ice.

I also imagine he’s be relatively unbothered by heat- cold is basically the absence of warmth, so his powers work more or less by absorbing heat. So he can still get burned, but so long as he’s paying close attention to the heat source he can walk through things like flames unhurt.
Because of this he can also overheat if he uses too much of his power in a short span of time.

Bonded human (leave blank for now):

Character look:
(will be working on a visual ref)
Similar to a cross between a deer and an arctic fox, with a height of about four feet at the shoulder. He’s big enough to carry baggage or the occasional rider, but would tire quickly if asked to carry multiple riders or one in heavy armor. His torso is horse-like but much more flexible and slender, with long legs that end in paws with retractable claws. He has a long muzzle and long, narrow ears and his eyes are liquid black. It could be considered sweet if not for his lower canine teeth, which jut out above his jaws and are easily as long as a man’s finger. Think something like a boar’s tusks, except they go straight up instead of out to the sides and curl slightly back toward his ears. His upper canines are smaller but equally sharp, making for a nasty bite. What may surprise others, however, is that the rest of his teeth are molars- Savik is an herbivore.

Savik’s most important feature is his fur. It’s a a pure, cool white that reflects light like freshly fallen snow, making him very conspicuous day or night unless he muddies it up. It’s short on his legs but long and silky along his back and neck, with a plume at the end of his tail. He doesn’t shed much, but the shed fur makes for good insulation or an impressive lining to decorate clothing. It’s also fairly water-repellent and dries quickly, assuming that the water doesn’t just freeze onto him.

Three good character traits:
  • Protective- Anyone that gets themselves into good graces might as well have a mama bear watching over them. He’s quick to snarl at potential threats and wounded allies are likely to be coddled and watched vigilantly until they recover. His own wounds are shrugged off until everyone else is cared for. Should his injuries be more severe than other injure party members, he will fervently deny the fact, insisting others be treated first, until he literally cannot stand up.

  • Tolerant- No task is too low for him and it would be rare for him to complain about poor conditions. If making him a pack pony is convenient, then he carries a group’s baggage without protest, pride unhurt. He takes discomfort as a simple fact that shouldn’t get in the way of living.

  • Paternal Savik may have grown up largely without a father, but he doesn’t think others deserve to live that way. He has a tendency to “adopt” younger familiars and sometimes even mages if they’re trustworthy, teaching them survival skills and offering advice and an open ear.

Three neutral:
  • Likes beautiful things- Fond of decoration and thinks there is no good reason why something can’t be functional and fashionable. If he lingers in place long enough he'll gather a bunch of pretty objects around himself in a makeshift hoard, though he'll leave all but the most precious behind when he leaves. His taste, oddly enough, is not centered on what is conventionally called beautiful. Brights silks and gems are all right and good, but he could be equally fascinated by a river stone or bundle of cobwebs.

  • Quiet- Likes to have actions speak in place of words whenever words are not needed. His sentences are either clipped and to the point, or when talking about sensitive subjects like his past, very cryptic so that it's unclear exactly what he is revealing about himself. He similarly teaches his bonded mage how to use his gifts in a hands-off way. He’ll demonstrate abilities and provide basic pointers, but wants his mage to learn to bend ice by feeling and understanding the cold rather than being able to follow a set of instructions.

  • Possessive- Savik is quick to adopt objects, territories, and allies as "his own" and will refer to them as belonging to him- in his head if not always out loud. His idea of ownership is just as unconventional as his sense of beauty, though. He has little to no interest in controlling that which he supposedly owns, only in associating himself with it and keeping it safe. As far as he is concerned land becomes "his" after he has stayed on it and watched over it awhile, and passes out of his possession when he leaves it behind. People are an exception to his rules in that allied individuals are part of his "family" indefinitely and will be protected fiercely even if they gave not seen each other in years.
Three bad:
  • Distrustful: __’s past has left him with very little reason to like humans, mage or no. He growls at most strangers and warms up to them only very slowly, with many deeds that prove that they have good intentions. This in part due to conditioned fear, so he shies away from said strangers whenever possible and is liable to bite if they don’t heed his warning to stay back. The only folk this doesn’t apply to are bonded mages and their familiars- they’re in the same dire situation he is so he doesn’t associate them with the humans in his past. He may be passively aggressive to a bonded mage that he dislikes, but never openly aggressive.

  • Spiteful: He is good at holding grudges and will do any manner of mischief to someone he thinks has wronged him. Expect bags strapped to his back to be returned muddy or scratched while the rest of the luggage is pristine, or to wake up in the morning a thin sheet of frost over your blankets. Most of his pranks are harmless, but they don’t stop until the victim is back in his good graces.

  • Vain: Savik is beautiful and he knows it well. He could spend hours preening to watch his fur reach that gentle shine it has. He has been sought for his pelt so long for that he takes it as a given that others will find him beautiful and feels mildly insulted if someone doesn’t comment on his appearance in their first meeting. He’ll willingly roll in the dirt to be less conspicuous, because it is necessary in order to stay low and protect his mage, but does so with great sorrow. He consoles himself with the fact that getting dirty means he can clean himself later and watch each inch of pristine fur reveal itself.

Likes: Cold weather, soft things, mirrors, still water, blood of his enemies (seriously, blood and raw eggs are the only types of “meat” he’ll go near)

Dislikes: Ropes, the smell of meat, mud, loud noises (those long ears are sensitive), being ignored, feeling helpless

Savik lived alone from young age. He knows relatively little about his blood family aside from a few flashes of memories, and suspects that his separation from them has something to do with human hunters. He knows his father looked similar to him, with teeth like scythe blades and long fur that gradated from white to silver to coal gray. His mother is vaguer- just words and flashes of color at the edge of his memory.

Savik was caught by a noble hunting party while he was very young, a fox-sized ball of white fluff. He hadn’t grown in his canines yet, so he was all soft cuteness and it didn’t occur to his captors that he could be dangerous. They dragged him back to their estate in bonds to be gawked at as a prize pet. At times in the journey he was stuffed in a bag, at others held up by his neck or laid next to campfires so that they could watch the way the light rippled off his fur. Back then he wasn’t fully in control of his powers so that the fire flooded his senses, making everything hot and uncomfortable. Their underestimation of him allowed for his escape- he gradually chilled his bonds until they were brittle enough to break and slipped away in the night. That night he figured out how to walk over water to hide his tracks, and he learned that he never wanted to feel helpless again.

In his teenage years he grew sleeker, larger, and his teeth and claws grew in fully. No human hunter thought he’d be a manageable pet anymore- instead they all wanted his pelt. Fur like his would make the finest coat or trophy rug they could imagine. He learned a lot during this time. How to hide and stalk, how read trails and hide his own, how to fight back. Savik also gained a number of scars in the process of learning, though they are well hidden by the fur that grew back around them. He found that a strictly nomadic life was the easiest way to keep locals from becoming too aware of his presence. It kept him safer, but it also kept him aware that conditions for familiars are pretty bad everywhere. He doesn’t have much faith left for humanity.

He has grown to adulthood since and lived a number of years alone, but precisely what his history is after will depend on bonded partner. I’m flexible as to whether he was bonded recently or has gotten to know his partner well.

tmmkOjs.png PXWBvNq.png

Alright, I will sign you up!

Alright, I will sign you up!
Possible Quote/Lyrics
Ooooo, interesting! May I reserve a mage spot please? (Post color should hopefully be be in this lovely shade of Green!)
Ooooo, interesting! May I reserve a mage spot please? (Post color should hopefully be be in this lovely shade of Green!)
oof, sorry 'bout this, but you can un-reserve my slot! I'm afraid I'll be a bit too busy to join, as I have quite a few other roleplays coming up- Hope you guys have fun, though ^^
oof, sorry 'bout this, but you can un-reserve my slot! I'm afraid I'll be a bit too busy to join, as I have quite a few other roleplays coming up- Hope you guys have fun, though ^^
tumblr_inline_p157m551951tc3swm_540.png Achilles / Steven
. He / Thae / They / It » 1999
. Writer » Artist » Roleplayer
. FR +3 » Offline Weekends
Sure, it's ok)
Sure, it's ok)
Possible Quote/Lyrics
:0!!! Thiis Seems really neat!
Can I reserve a familiar spot in purple

[The Bio is currently a WIP]
Name: Renva
Gender: None!
Age: ??? (I'd say... around early-ish 20s)
Class: Astral/Primal
Power(s): Light/Heat energy manipulation: I.e He can make stuff heat up Real Fast, and also make really good illusions. The illusions only really work during the daytine, and if Renva accidentally set something on fire, then there isn't really a way he can stop it, as he can only heat stuff up, not cool it down. He can also float, but not higher than 5-4 feet off the ground/a surface, and no one other than himself.
Bonded human (leave blank for now):
Character look (optional if you have a picture): (Currently working on a picture!)
Character: (I'm too tired to think of a a proper personality but basically Renva thinks he's competent at everything when he's really... not. a nice being overall) though.
Three good character traits:
  • Cheerful demeanor, and bright and peppy. One of those kinds of people who seem to be wide-awake at any given time. (Yes, Renva is a morning person. And a noon person. And a night person.)
  • Optimistic, almost annoyingly so. Always points out the bright sides of a situation.
  • Confident, in a way that makes him seem to always know what he's talking about, even if he clearly doesn't.
Three neutral:
  • Talkative, always has a comment about everything and everyone. Always. Sometimes this may be helpful, as Renva knows a lot of helpful tips! Other times, not so much.
  • Open and truthful, Renva isn't good at keeping secrets. Has a lot of different tells if he's legitimately trying to keep one, but otherwise he may blab secrets out in the middle of conversation.
  • ??? (I'll.... think of something later)
Three bad:
  • Oblivious, and tends not to pay much attention to his surroundings, or how others may react to his words.
  • Tends to ignore problems he can't immediately solve in hopes it'll go away/solve itself.
  • Randomly mentions things that might've been very helpful to a previous problem/situation.
(I can best describe Renva as Wheatly, if Wheatly wasn't british, and also more competent.)
  • Books
  • Daytimes/Sunrises
  • Fruit Groves/Fruit in general
  • Warm/Hot days
  • Places that have lots of hiding spots, like forests, of large libraries
  • Being cold
  • Being touched without warning
  • Being in wide open spaces, like a plains-type area, or an empty building
  • Very loud noises
Backstory: [Will add once bonded]
Extra Info:
  • Very animated, often gesturing as he speaks
  • Go-to hiding objects are either crystal balls, or rocks
  • Likes fruit! Offer him fruit and he'll be your buddy forever
:0!!! Thiis Seems really neat!
Can I reserve a familiar spot in purple

[The Bio is currently a WIP]
Name: Renva
Gender: None!
Age: ??? (I'd say... around early-ish 20s)
Class: Astral/Primal
Power(s): Light/Heat energy manipulation: I.e He can make stuff heat up Real Fast, and also make really good illusions. The illusions only really work during the daytine, and if Renva accidentally set something on fire, then there isn't really a way he can stop it, as he can only heat stuff up, not cool it down. He can also float, but not higher than 5-4 feet off the ground/a surface, and no one other than himself.
Bonded human (leave blank for now):
Character look (optional if you have a picture): (Currently working on a picture!)
Character: (I'm too tired to think of a a proper personality but basically Renva thinks he's competent at everything when he's really... not. a nice being overall) though.
Three good character traits:
  • Cheerful demeanor, and bright and peppy. One of those kinds of people who seem to be wide-awake at any given time. (Yes, Renva is a morning person. And a noon person. And a night person.)
  • Optimistic, almost annoyingly so. Always points out the bright sides of a situation.
  • Confident, in a way that makes him seem to always know what he's talking about, even if he clearly doesn't.
Three neutral:
  • Talkative, always has a comment about everything and everyone. Always. Sometimes this may be helpful, as Renva knows a lot of helpful tips! Other times, not so much.
  • Open and truthful, Renva isn't good at keeping secrets. Has a lot of different tells if he's legitimately trying to keep one, but otherwise he may blab secrets out in the middle of conversation.
  • ??? (I'll.... think of something later)
Three bad:
  • Oblivious, and tends not to pay much attention to his surroundings, or how others may react to his words.
  • Tends to ignore problems he can't immediately solve in hopes it'll go away/solve itself.
  • Randomly mentions things that might've been very helpful to a previous problem/situation.
(I can best describe Renva as Wheatly, if Wheatly wasn't british, and also more competent.)
  • Books
  • Daytimes/Sunrises
  • Fruit Groves/Fruit in general
  • Warm/Hot days
  • Places that have lots of hiding spots, like forests, of large libraries
  • Being cold
  • Being touched without warning
  • Being in wide open spaces, like a plains-type area, or an empty building
  • Very loud noises
Backstory: [Will add once bonded]
Extra Info:
  • Very animated, often gesturing as he speaks
  • Go-to hiding objects are either crystal balls, or rocks
  • Likes fruit! Offer him fruit and he'll be your buddy forever
+3 hours FR time
Alright, I will sign you in.
Alright, I will sign you in.
Possible Quote/Lyrics
Coloring text is one of quite a few cool things you can do with BBCode that FR doesn't include in the bar above forum posts. The code for it is [ color = # hex color code here ] (without the spaces). This website is pretty good for finding color codes or even making a custom one; this one does basically the same thing, but is more intuitive to use.

Also, I like Renva so far! His powers are more or less the opposite of my boy, so my familiar could probably play fire extinguisher for him. :)
Coloring text is one of quite a few cool things you can do with BBCode that FR doesn't include in the bar above forum posts. The code for it is [ color = # hex color code here ] (without the spaces). This website is pretty good for finding color codes or even making a custom one; this one does basically the same thing, but is more intuitive to use.

Also, I like Renva so far! His powers are more or less the opposite of my boy, so my familiar could probably play fire extinguisher for him. :)
tmmkOjs.png PXWBvNq.png
@NebulaeStars @Thewarywatcher13

Ooo, I didn't know you could use hex codes outside of FR, that's cool! I'll keep that in mind for the future! ;)

Also, I like Renva so far too! In fact, I like Savik as well! Haha I can see Renva just lighting something on fire by accident and then Savik has to put it out, Blue would be terrified because he's afraid of fire so he wouldn't likely do anything about it XD

Edit: Wow I accidentally double-posted despite me not clicking the submit button twice, I swear I wanna throw my laptop sometimes
@NebulaeStars @Thewarywatcher13

Ooo, I didn't know you could use hex codes outside of FR, that's cool! I'll keep that in mind for the future! ;)

Also, I like Renva so far too! In fact, I like Savik as well! Haha I can see Renva just lighting something on fire by accident and then Savik has to put it out, Blue would be terrified because he's afraid of fire so he wouldn't likely do anything about it XD

Edit: Wow I accidentally double-posted despite me not clicking the submit button twice, I swear I wanna throw my laptop sometimes
I would like to join, provided there are more reserve slots! I think I’ll be using a familiar if I can join [emoji=new friend] Edit: [font=CopperPlate] could I use copperplate? @Nightshadaw [emoji=spider]
I would like to join, provided there are more reserve slots! I think I’ll be using a familiar if I can join

Edit: could I use copperplate?

“What type of hero am I? The hero who does not stop. No matter the odds. I will stop the ball an inch from the floor, and bring the fight back from zero. Be certain in my strength, and it will be unending. Lend me your hopes and your dreams and I will break through any wall in my way, stop any opponent that crosses my path, and fight back any force that opposes me!”
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