So I have no idea how much starmap babies like these go for. Would someone be willing to give me a rough price I should sell these three?
@CrashNebula Nice looking XXX starmaps on the AH are around 30kt right now and XYY decent starmaps with bee are only around 20kt but that is without glimmer. With glimmer they are worth around 100kt/100g - 300kt/300g, so I would price them around 100kt/100g and if one sells fast you could increase the price to 300kt/300g idk up to you ^^ hope this helps!
[/url] - 20kt
[/url] - 15kt
[/url] - 100g
[/url] - 50kt
[/url] - 300kt
CrashNebula Nice looking XXX starmaps on the AH are around 30kt right now and XYY decent starmaps with bee are only around 20kt but that is without glimmer. With glimmer they are worth around 100kt/100g - 300kt/300g, so I would price them around 100kt/100g and if one sells fast you could increase the price to 300kt/300g idk up to you ^^ hope this helps!

- 20kt

- 15kt

- 100g

- 50kt

- 300kt
Thank you, this was very helpful indeed! :)
Thank you, this was very helpful indeed! :)
20kt for this one?

20kt for this one?