
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Free dragons :3
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May I have one of the twins please?

May I have one of the twins please?
@Drao Yes! I'll send him shortly :3

@BecauseDawn The reason i originally got Racco is cause she looks like a little tiger and Hinewai is just stunning. I'm really glad they're going somewhere they'll be loved *w*
@Drao Yes! I'll send him shortly :3

@BecauseDawn The reason i originally got Racco is cause she looks like a little tiger and Hinewai is just stunning. I'm really glad they're going somewhere they'll be loved *w*
@CoatBag Sending one now :D
@CoatBag Sending one now :D

Thank you!

Thank you!
@Drao @CoatBag Take good care of them! Thanks for taking them ^^
@Drao @CoatBag Take good care of them! Thanks for taking them ^^
Hi!! I was wondering if I could have birdsong?? @Mirodis
Hi!! I was wondering if I could have birdsong?? @Mirodis
@cnr199 and @DeluxeVegan Ah sorry I'm so late! I'll send them to you two right now!
@cnr199 and @DeluxeVegan Ah sorry I'm so late! I'll send them to you two right now!
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