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TOPIC | Napping Dragons! HIATUS (Coatl/WC)
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@Confectionary - Stripes is done! It was pretty easy, haha. So, would you like a napping Sempervirens? :3

@Byou, @seaglass - I certainly am planning on doing other breeds in the future--most likely Tundras or Skydancers once I've finished more Wildclaw genes--so I'll ping you then!
@Confectionary - Stripes is done! It was pretty easy, haha. So, would you like a napping Sempervirens? :3

@Byou, @seaglass - I certainly am planning on doing other breeds in the future--most likely Tundras or Skydancers once I've finished more Wildclaw genes--so I'll ping you then!
@Matcha Arw, I would like to get a napping wildclaw, they are so cute. ;u; could you maybe try on aegia? she needs tiger, shimmer and underbelly. so 21,000T if i'm right and with the gems ratio 53 gems. I would like to pay in gems if it's okay. (: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Arw, I would like to get a napping wildclaw, they are so cute. ;u;

could you maybe try on aegia? she needs tiger, shimmer and underbelly.
so 21,000T if i'm right and with the gems ratio 53 gems. I would like to pay in gems if it's okay. (:

@shaliyah - Sure can, and thanks so much! :3 53 gems is correct; I'll start work right away but have to step out of the house soon, so she'll be done in a couple of hours.
@shaliyah - Sure can, and thanks so much! :3 53 gems is correct; I'll start work right away but have to step out of the house soon, so she'll be done in a couple of hours.
sure, take the time you need. (:
do you want me to send the payment first or after the work is done?
sure, take the time you need. (:
do you want me to send the payment first or after the work is done?
@Matcha Yespls! So 17kT, right? c:
@Matcha Yespls! So 17kT, right? c:
Click The Imperial Below to Get a Free Unhatched Egg!
@shaliyah - You can pay now, because here she is! :3 [img][/img] [img][/img] @Confectionary - That's right! And here's your girl. :3 [img][/img] [img][/img]
@shaliyah - You can pay now, because here she is! :3


@Confectionary - That's right! And here's your girl. :3

thank you so much! it looks so amazing. (:

thank you so much! it looks so amazing. (:
Hello! I would like one done of my beautiful girl Rosie, please try to make it as close as possible! I have a few more things to say once i send you the mulah!
Hello! I would like one done of my beautiful girl Rosie, please try to make it as close as possible! I have a few more things to say once i send you the mulah!
2heep8h.jpg [img][/img]
@Matcha Could you ping me when you get the genes for this girl? c: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

Could you ping me when you get the genes for this girl? c:

@kaitlynf - I'm sorry, but I don't have eye spots done for coatls just yet. :[ I could ping you when I do finish it though! And she is super cute! Out of curiosity, would you also want her apparel done, when I have seraph ready? @Luunai - And done! [img][/img] Modeled by my Fluorine, who was actually the first dragon I drew in this pose (as seen [url=]here[/url]), hahah.
@kaitlynf - I'm sorry, but I don't have eye spots done for coatls just yet. :[ I could ping you when I do finish it though! And she is super cute! Out of curiosity, would you also want her apparel done, when I have seraph ready?

@Luunai - And done!
Modeled by my Fluorine, who was actually the first dragon I drew in this pose (as seen here), hahah.
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