I've never been locked out, but yes, I'm 100% certain there's a bug that occasionally prevents you from progressing even if you click on the dragon.
It's a shame, and I hope it gets fixed.
I've never been locked out, but yes, I'm 100% certain there's a bug that occasionally prevents you from progressing even if you click on the dragon.
It's a shame, and I hope it gets fixed.
I've never been locked out. Occasionally I can't find the dragon, or when I click on the dragon it just goes to a new image. But it's never taken me more than three tries.
I've never been locked out. Occasionally I can't find the dragon, or when I click on the dragon it just goes to a new image. But it's never taken me more than three tries.
I might’ve gotten close yesterday but I think it just gave me 3 separate ones in a row, I was sure I got the dragon in all of the,
I might’ve gotten close yesterday but I think it just gave me 3 separate ones in a row, I was sure I got the dragon in all of the,
I keep getting captchas every 5-10 battles and I just want to fight in the coliseum, and stopping me from doing any more fighting in the coliseum until the next day. It is getting a bit frustrating. I'd be fine if I could just skip it to go on battling but every time I load up a battle after a second one appearing I keep getting "you must wait a while until getting a new captcha" and being booted out. Which is fun.
I keep getting captchas every 5-10 battles and I just want to fight in the coliseum, and stopping me from doing any more fighting in the coliseum until the next day. It is getting a bit frustrating. I'd be fine if I could just skip it to go on battling but every time I load up a battle after a second one appearing I keep getting "you must wait a while until getting a new captcha" and being booted out. Which is fun.
[quote name="PlagueMaw" date="2018-04-29 18:01:26" ]
I've yet to have that happen to me. Why click several times tho?
a)There is a glitch where you can click dragons and have it say you didn't
b)Some of us have horrible eye sight and keep mistaking winged familiars as dragons
PlagueMaw wrote on 2018-04-29 18:01:26:
I've yet to have that happen to me. Why click several times tho?
a)There is a glitch where you can click dragons and have it say you didn't
b)Some of us have horrible eye sight and keep mistaking winged familiars as dragons
~+3 hours FR Time
~Shameless Fan Dragon Lair
~I Love Friend Requests
~Need cheap fodder? Pre-order a nest full! 1 gem down, 3 gems per egg
Im apparently lucky and dont have problems with the captchas, even if they're annoyingly frequent.
Im apparently lucky and dont have problems with the captchas, even if they're annoyingly frequent.
Unnamed dragons need love too! There is no shame in having unnamed permas, having dragons with unnamed parents and/or offspring, or exalting unnamed dragons! Leaving dragons unnamed is a perfectly valid playstyle!
she/her or they/them