[quote name="kayce" date="2014-03-12 13:32:46"]I ... uh ... have a lot.[/quote]
kayce wrote on 2014-03-12 13:32:46:
I ... uh ... have a lot.
Ryha Hehehe, my little dragon's sitting right beside my laptop right now. I really wanted two but the price was much more than I anticipated, based on her initial estimate. So I just got the one. :'D If she does make a winged version though I'll definitely snap another up!
Ryha Hehehe, my little dragon's sitting right beside my laptop right now. I really wanted two but the price was much more than I anticipated, based on her initial estimate. So I just got the one. :'D If she does make a winged version though I'll definitely snap another up!
[quote name="rainwaltz" date="2014-03-13 04:08:05"][quote name="kayce" date="2014-03-12 13:32:46"]I ... uh ... have a lot.[/quote]
It's a sickness ;o;
(I'm up to 23 full dolls . . . )
rainwaltz wrote on 2014-03-13 04:08:05:
kayce wrote on 2014-03-12 13:32:46:
I ... uh ... have a lot.
It's a sickness ;o;
(I'm up to 23 full dolls . . . )
Although I'm a fan I'm one of "those" people who are really picky. I see a lot of BJDs on my tumblr and over half of them I'm like "ew why the heck would you do that to your beautiful doll" (regarding faceups and wigs.)
If I had the money I would definitely have one.. or five. Unfortunately at this point in my life I'm beyond broke, though. Maybe in a year or even in half a year I'll be able to buy one worth $250 without having to go without food haha.
I don't know if I'd do the faceup myself or commission someone to do it.. I'm so picky I'd rather do it myself but I'm not artistic enough. It truly is a struggle. I was thinking about practicing on MH or EAH dolls (since I collect EAH) but something tells me I'd just get frustrated and ruin it.
Although I'm a fan I'm one of "those" people who are really picky. I see a lot of BJDs on my tumblr and over half of them I'm like "ew why the heck would you do that to your beautiful doll" (regarding faceups and wigs.)
If I had the money I would definitely have one.. or five. Unfortunately at this point in my life I'm beyond broke, though. Maybe in a year or even in half a year I'll be able to buy one worth $250 without having to go without food haha.
I don't know if I'd do the faceup myself or commission someone to do it.. I'm so picky I'd rather do it myself but I'm not artistic enough. It truly is a struggle. I was thinking about practicing on MH or EAH dolls (since I collect EAH) but something tells me I'd just get frustrated and ruin it.
Well you can always wipe it off and try again with faceups. The learning curve is pretty intense in my experience though. It took me years to be mediocre at them. So if investing the time to improve your craft will frustrate you, you may just want to commission.
(Faceup supplies are also an expensive investment. And if you go too cheap with them, it will have a negative effect on your results.)
Well you can always wipe it off and try again with faceups. The learning curve is pretty intense in my experience though. It took me years to be mediocre at them. So if investing the time to improve your craft will frustrate you, you may just want to commission.
(Faceup supplies are also an expensive investment. And if you go too cheap with them, it will have a negative effect on your results.)
I... have quite a few. I'm not sure how many I have anymore...
I... have quite a few. I'm not sure how many I have anymore...
well my dilemma here is i'm the type of person who wants something a certain way. i've been holding off on getting some tattoos until i get the perfect design and artist.
I'm really good with makeup - everyone always complimentsmy makeup. The style, the application, etc. I'm a mediocre artist who specializes in realistic portraits. I play around and make pastel cuties sometimes in photoshop though.
LONG STORY SHORT - I'd probably destroy my ego attempting faceups ;3; It's so different from what I'm used to but similar at the same time. my artistic confidence would plummet if I couldn't figure it out... but also I'm such a perfectionist that if I commission someone it HAS to be the way i envision it. All in all, I'll end up being annoying. LOL.
Well... a girl can dream. For now I'll stare at my EAH dolls and imagine a future with BJDs joining them on my shelves.
well my dilemma here is i'm the type of person who wants something a certain way. i've been holding off on getting some tattoos until i get the perfect design and artist.
I'm really good with makeup - everyone always complimentsmy makeup. The style, the application, etc. I'm a mediocre artist who specializes in realistic portraits. I play around and make pastel cuties sometimes in photoshop though.
LONG STORY SHORT - I'd probably destroy my ego attempting faceups ;3; It's so different from what I'm used to but similar at the same time. my artistic confidence would plummet if I couldn't figure it out... but also I'm such a perfectionist that if I commission someone it HAS to be the way i envision it. All in all, I'll end up being annoying. LOL.
Well... a girl can dream. For now I'll stare at my EAH dolls and imagine a future with BJDs joining them on my shelves.
@tiana I'm a bit that way too, which is how I ended up doing my own XD Luckily, I started before my artistic eye had developed too far beyond my capabilities. It's always stayed ahead of my ability, but it's not been as painful as it could be.
So long as you're willing to be patient, I'm sure you can learn to do it :) And the background with makeup will really help, that sort of thing has been one of the harder aspects for me personally to pick up.
This is what about 8 years of [u]casual[/u] practice has gotten me. I'm sure if I'd been more determined to learn/practiced more it wouldn't have taken so long, though. Or if I'd had a stronger background, I wasn't a very good artist when I first started faceups XD
tiana I'm a bit that way too, which is how I ended up doing my own XD Luckily, I started before my artistic eye had developed too far beyond my capabilities. It's always stayed ahead of my ability, but it's not been as painful as it could be.
So long as you're willing to be patient, I'm sure you can learn to do it :) And the background with makeup will really help, that sort of thing has been one of the harder aspects for me personally to pick up.
This is what about 8 years of
casual practice has gotten me. I'm sure if I'd been more determined to learn/practiced more it wouldn't have taken so long, though. Or if I'd had a stronger background, I wasn't a very good artist when I first started faceups XD
ah he's pretty *w* I like his beard. I'm so picky I hate most self-faceupped BJDs I see but I really like him!!
I think I should practice my art until I even have enough money to buy a BJD. I know if I start looking for which doll I'll buy first I'll end up buying it despite the fact that I cannot afford it LOL.
When I was younger I was suuuuper into weird makeup. I used to get bored and do all sorts of styles. After doing makeup for 8 years I think I'd be able to do a decent makeup job... not sure about other details though. Plus, it's not like I'm actually using real makeup so it'll be harder. I definitely want to try one day, though. Maybe I will start with EAH girls
ah he's pretty *w* I like his beard. I'm so picky I hate most self-faceupped BJDs I see but I really like him!!
I think I should practice my art until I even have enough money to buy a BJD. I know if I start looking for which doll I'll buy first I'll end up buying it despite the fact that I cannot afford it LOL.
When I was younger I was suuuuper into weird makeup. I used to get bored and do all sorts of styles. After doing makeup for 8 years I think I'd be able to do a decent makeup job... not sure about other details though. Plus, it's not like I'm actually using real makeup so it'll be harder. I definitely want to try one day, though. Maybe I will start with EAH girls
I was thinking about something that might help you the other day. Instead of practicing painting on a flat surface why don't you try making a face or two out of clay? That way you can get used to painting in the right scale as well as around the different shapes of the facial features.
Plus if it's just a clay mockup you made it might save you some money and frustration in the long run. Maybe by the time you save up enough you'll have such refined skills that you can give your first doll a stunning look!
I was thinking about something that might help you the other day. Instead of practicing painting on a flat surface why don't you try making a face or two out of clay? That way you can get used to painting in the right scale as well as around the different shapes of the facial features.
Plus if it's just a clay mockup you made it might save you some money and frustration in the long run. Maybe by the time you save up enough you'll have such refined skills that you can give your first doll a stunning look!
she/her |

| fae/faer
Our Flight is the Flight that will pierce the Heavens!