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TOPIC | [LF] Too-Cute-To-Exalt Coatls!
My lair hath only a single, lonely male coatl - and this needs amending!

I don't have huge amounts of treasure or gems lying about these days, and I know too well the pain of breeding or buying an adorable derg that twists your heart a bit too much to sell or exalt - so if you have any of them lying about and want to send them to a long term home, show 'em to me!

I have absolutely NO REQUIREMENTS, but the following would be a bonus:

- Complimentary colouring + eye colours
- Lore potential
My lair hath only a single, lonely male coatl - and this needs amending!

I don't have huge amounts of treasure or gems lying about these days, and I know too well the pain of breeding or buying an adorable derg that twists your heart a bit too much to sell or exalt - so if you have any of them lying about and want to send them to a long term home, show 'em to me!

I have absolutely NO REQUIREMENTS, but the following would be a bonus:

- Complimentary colouring + eye colours
- Lore potential

What a coincidence because I have too many Coatls! I think they're too personable for me to exalt and I'll even give you a deal if you want more than one. Just take a look at the first page of my lair and let me know.

What a coincidence because I have too many Coatls! I think they're too personable for me to exalt and I'll even give you a deal if you want more than one. Just take a look at the first page of my lair and let me know.
@turambawkward I got this guy on sale right now, price is totally negotiable, that's just what he's in the AH for [quote][center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Cry/Face/Circuit [b]Teal/Amethyst/Leaf[/b] male [b]20kT[/b][/center][/quote]

I got this guy on sale right now, price is totally negotiable, that's just what he's in the AH for


@turambawkward How's either of these fellows? I've been trying to clear 'em out of my lair for a while, but I don't wanna send them off just to become fodder. -------- [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [b]Koila[/b] ----- #6834590 Oct 10, 2014 Obsidian Tiger Charcoal Freckle White Underbelly[/center][/columns] [img][/img] ------------- [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- [b]Melos[/b] ----- #10803672 Feb 18, 2015 Maroon Tiger Ivory Seraph Gold Underbelly [b]GEN 2[/b] [b]PARENTS WITH LORE[/b][/center][/columns] [img][/img]
How's either of these fellows? I've been trying to clear 'em out of my lair for a while, but I don't wanna send them off just to become fodder.

Oct 10, 2014
Obsidian Tiger
Charcoal Freckle
White Underbelly
Feb 18, 2015
Maroon Tiger
Ivory Seraph
Gold Underbelly
art by noodlestuff
@Parkakid They're both lovely! How much would they be going for?
@Parkakid They're both lovely! How much would they be going for?
@turambawkward I have this guy who I think is gorgeous and just can't quite bring myself to exalt. This happens with a lot of his parents' babies. I did keep one but I just can't keep them all. XD He's on the AH for 15k but I'm happy to come down if you like him. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I have this guy who I think is gorgeous and just can't quite bring myself to exalt. This happens with a lot of his parents' babies. I did keep one but I just can't keep them all. XD He's on the AH for 15k but I'm happy to come down if you like him.

@turambawkward This gal is on exalt row: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'm looking for 15kt, but willing to negotiate

This gal is on exalt row:


I'm looking for 15kt, but willing to negotiate
Need an ice nest? Just send food
I train dragons! Elemental egg or 250kt/g to lvl25, 2-3 days
If you're waiting on a response, please check username spelling and ping/PM again :)
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I'm not quite sure! I was hoping for 50k for each, but I know that ends up being kind of a lot for both, so I'm willing to be haggled down!
I'm not quite sure! I was hoping for 50k for each, but I know that ends up being kind of a lot for both, so I'm willing to be haggled down!
art by noodlestuff
My partner @GoGoGhosty and I have a thread with a variety of dragons [url=]The Dragon Mill[/url]. We are having a massive sale right now. Here are some of the dragons for sale (on sale for 6K, Prices are negotiable) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
My partner @GoGoGhosty and I have a thread with a variety of dragons
The Dragon Mill. We are having a massive sale right now. Here are some of the dragons for sale (on sale for 6K, Prices are negotiable)


@turambawkward This Lady Looks so amazing I am astonished that she has lasted 2 weeks without being sold...she is listed on the AH for 95 gems but is clearance at 75 gems or 75k treasure in a CR....she has to go but I really don't want to exalt her.... [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This young Lady doesn't have much longer left either and she has subspecies lore... she is not at clearance yet and is listed on the AH. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

This Lady Looks so amazing I am astonished that she has lasted 2 weeks without being sold...she is listed on the AH for 95 gems but is clearance at 75 gems or 75k treasure in a CR....she has to go but I really don't want to exalt her....


This young Lady doesn't have much longer left either and she has subspecies lore...
she is not at clearance yet and is listed on the AH.
