

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | CLOSED private rp
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Ragnarok was about to reply, when she heard the laugh from above. "Oh great plaguemother." She sighed, before a pearlcatcher literally fell from the sky, landing right behind Sion, with a shockingly graceful landing. He was the definition of infection-- with the great spikes emerging from his body, he almost looked like the wyrmwound itself!
"Hellloooo~" He said smoothly, running a wing across Sion's side before walking to his front and sitting down in a rather calm fashion. He had a grin on his face that seemed like trouble.
"Who might this be?" He asked, though it was clear he was asking the question to Sion.

Ragnarok wasn't sure how to feel about this, and just stayed how she was, though Tagu looked ready to bolt at the slightest bit of tension. The imperial just curled around the pearlcatcher and watched with indifference.

Ragnarok was about to reply, when she heard the laugh from above. "Oh great plaguemother." She sighed, before a pearlcatcher literally fell from the sky, landing right behind Sion, with a shockingly graceful landing. He was the definition of infection-- with the great spikes emerging from his body, he almost looked like the wyrmwound itself!
"Hellloooo~" He said smoothly, running a wing across Sion's side before walking to his front and sitting down in a rather calm fashion. He had a grin on his face that seemed like trouble.
"Who might this be?" He asked, though it was clear he was asking the question to Sion.

Ragnarok wasn't sure how to feel about this, and just stayed how she was, though Tagu looked ready to bolt at the slightest bit of tension. The imperial just curled around the pearlcatcher and watched with indifference.
sion gaps and jups back in fron of ragnorak and tagu and said if you want to hurt them you will have to go through me. who are you and what do you want bast on the look on ragnorks face you are not a good person my name is sion and if you dont have buisnes hear leave. he says dignafied
sion gaps and jups back in fron of ragnorak and tagu and said if you want to hurt them you will have to go through me. who are you and what do you want bast on the look on ragnorks face you are not a good person my name is sion and if you dont have buisnes hear leave. he says dignafied

"Aaaand you didn't answer my question. That's not very nice, is it?" Calibur giggled a little, his tail sweeping against the ground. "They're all my playmates! Why would I want to do anything to them, hmmm?"

"Aaaand you didn't answer my question. That's not very nice, is it?" Calibur giggled a little, his tail sweeping against the ground. "They're all my playmates! Why would I want to do anything to them, hmmm?"
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