

Create auction-style bid-to-buy sales here.
TOPIC | 2hrsLeft! G2 XYX Imp &G1 April Fools Noc
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Hazmat[/b] #7494318 SB: 1000g/1000kT (1:1000) CB: 2000g mercurialwings End date: 9th September 12am GMT This Shadow girl was hatched on November 4th, 2015 and so is almost 3 years old. She is unbred and is of pure imperial lineage. Please ping me and the last person to have bid, if applicable. Thank you! [img] [/img][img][/img] The lemon tertiary on this girl produces a nice sepia effect when expressed as Stain, and a nice gilded gold as Contour![/center]



SB: 1000g/1000kT (1:1000)
CB: 2000g mercurialwings

End date: 9th September 12am GMT

This Shadow girl was hatched on November 4th, 2015 and so is almost 3 years old. She is unbred and is of pure imperial lineage.

Please ping me and the last person to have bid, if applicable.

Thank you!


The lemon tertiary on this girl produces a nice sepia effect when expressed as Stain, and a nice gilded gold as Contour!
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Fool[/b] #11951636 SB: 250g/250kT (1:1000) CB: 250g haawke End date: 9th September 12am GMT This Shadow boy was hatched on April 1st, 2015. Heis unbred. Please ping me and the last person to have bid, if applicable. Thank you! [img] [/img][img][/img][/center]



SB: 250g/250kT (1:1000)
CB: 250g haawke

End date: 9th September 12am GMT

This Shadow boy was hatched on April 1st, 2015. Heis unbred.

Please ping me and the last person to have bid, if applicable.

Thank you!

I sincerely apologize for any incorrect pings, it's been a very long time since I used the pinglist document!

For Fool:

@cheezit @howlinggale @pandonkey @ryukathedragon @aftershock @ambitious @anthea @apothecaria @arienai @sableye @avarosa @awayfrombirdland @5h4d0wdu57 @biqua @bob @bolas @bones @bui @lauralthorn @cairon @calm @canadian @caribou @caspia @cedric @batcrooks @chichi @chomeister @claritywind @damelz @dandelions @deathwing @disease @diseased @draconequis @dragonmage @dragonweaver @drakkanwolf @dreamt @eagles @hiame @elroking @embereye @embroid @erianamoon @etchedshadow @faileas @feravyne @firethroat @fletchling @followedbyrocks @foolishray @foxxtrot @frostycloud @fruityhoofbeast @gasoline @ghast @ghostenthusiast @gou @greatcontagion @grendel @grimalkkin @gurrero @hailey @harleyfae @icefirestarfire @icetea @imani @ignei @imupacreek2000 @incarnate @inculta @insouciant @ixia @jamethyst @kaamos @kaidan @kaitii @kievan @kanariah @kittyboops @kurokosworth @kyoya @leeedea @leafdapple1 @lemonquartz @lizardheart @leyline @london @lottie @luciftian @luusan @magari @maila @manda @masterneko @mate @mellifera @meonox @miloki @minx @missfemke @miusempire @moofius @nanairo @naralex @nathlene @necrophades @nennui @niharike @njonquilla @noctilucent @nryenth @off @oftquoted @oncamimus @ordona @osayio @ouji @outlandishkg @peisinoe @perfidious @phosphorylase @piggysnail @plushie @poo @pretzuls @prism @putin @qyetlady @raeyena @rangiku @raucousremy @rayen @reckless @renaci @renmiri @rest @rijl @rogue @roiben @ruinia @sabbat @saintseb @scaledfoxx @scientist @scoot @searinox @serra @shamelessscalies @shihana @sivan @snaphance @sochitelya @solanaceae13 @sooraya @spartalicous @stakie @starbornwolf @starfire0 @starly @starstrike @sucrose @techmess @tegaladwen @zayev @thanksmeg @thecheshirespy @thederpmaster2 @thegodaesthetic @therowen @thestormcatcher @thrym @tigerpanda13 @tigerrocky @trapeze @treedancer @uzaaki9 @vaiya @valishtu @vashtya @vaze @veevi @ventus @vespora @voidtech @warlock @weir @why @wicker @wobbitt @wolfscent @yoosung @zenzic @nightrising @micheru @rowdy @pastiche @lrjj @yiqi @matejko @valdosta @starfait @satire @hybro @corvid @laastaria @endlessnight @keydotzip @rohana @mudguts @littlesong4 @haylxx @novarys @redfern @moonfeather190 @annika @arrowfeathers @awayfrombirdland @azure @banshee3234 @apfelobst @arbokobra @carnival @claritywind @coyoteskii @cyrinus @daxis @deadbattery @deva @fadeela @frostkingdemetri @glamour @harleyfae @highcastle @batcrooks @ixia @kanariah @kaseymcshouty @kaylian @aganna @leashedragon @leeedea @mands @misscallierose @mommy @nanairo @natala @rochambeau @nomasaurusrex @peisinoe @ylfa @putin @rest @robinn @saphariadragon @sarapkm @shad0stryk @shaft @tinyelephant @snorreruch @spy @starly @vaze @wickedhorror @win @wobbitt @wolfscent @xanako @yossarian @captaincrackers @watermellon @discovered @clockworkoctopus @catpilot @auroshen @smokeybunny @yoikien @nryenth @foreverendeavor @penantiomers @mercurialwings @tues @mekora @flaresolaire @impavid @howlinggale @aloulore @ghostchateau @adeegeeak (males only) @Takora (no plague, unbred, no IC) @Quenya (No Fire, Arcane or Nature eyes) @RaptorFeathers (triple basic only) @contaminate (unbred only, Butterfly Glimmer match prefered) @Aloulore (unbred only, auction/flatsales only) @gengaria @harleyfae @jestergurl @whimzica @lrjj @marceline @mirkairan @5h4d0wdu57 @aldru @betta @billygoatsgruff @bonstrosity @catpilot @chuchuana @clearlakes44 @clockworkoctopus @darkniiinja @deviantdoge @drakenhart @draxia @eagles @embroid @erendira @fruityhoofbeast @gardenvoir @ghostchateau @howlinggale @jestergurl @journey @lrjj @malis @mirkairan @porl @roiben @sesshin @sickened @sirarchimedes @smokeybunny @taipantigress @tigenki @tinyelephant @turtleedove @watermellon @ylfa @tues @mintiani @mekora @redfern @Flyteofheart @Redfern

For Hazmat:

@168 @adirael @aeice @aelis @aftershock @ambiance @anorthite @apothecaria @arcticterror @arenthias @ares @arreat @artemai @artorias @astale @astarothius @astraya @nukleer @avessa @baku @bandit1971 @billygoatsgruff @biqua @blackthorns @calankh @calm @candor @caribou @catpilot @carpet @cedric @chaotic @chomp @coffeeshop @curio @deathwing @demideity @deviantdoge @disease @diseased @dragonpsyche @drakenhart @els @erendira @erianamoon @etchedshadow @eternally @evarinya @evoker @faileas @firethroat @foolishray @foxxtrot @frillshark @frozenbarioth @fruityhoofbeast @gardenvoir @ghostenthusiast @godiva @godswood @gou @greatcontagion @grinningfox @haawke @hasha @hasuna @hyperionskies @inculta @ink @ixia @jaigalaar @jamethyst @jecai @jinkx @jovaniskye @kaitii @kaorusquee @karoushi @kich @kittyboops @knightess @kommoy @kurokosworth @leafdapple1 @leashedragon @leeedea @legendbeary @leilatainn @lexiepiper @maedhras @marceline @marshell @mellifera @micheru @mightyninja11 @minx @misha @moofius @moolawgoat @mrshiftyhead @mus @mynabird @mystik @mystyic @nanairo @nennui @niharike @nineeyes @noiselessness @nyx81 @rosiehawk @oftquoted @peacecolby @phoenixfyre @pil0t @poland @prism @qyetlady @rangiku @rayen @reckless @roiben @roro @rowdy @sailable @saltyscone @saphariadragon @saryina @sirarchimedes @scavenging @secrett @selah @serra @servine @shad0stryk @shuffluffalo @siaur @silverlanayru @silverrain @simfeetunder @skiesti @skycrest @skylinefields @smara @hiame @snowfarm @sochitelya @somniaat @sophos @spacestraw @spazzifras @sporelett @starbornwolf @starfire0 @starly @stonewarden @sucrose @suraya @sylvarant @tarere @techmess @terrawah @thebutt @thedragonsqueen @therowen @thestormcatcher @laastaria @thunderbird21 @tigenki @tokie @txanyi @uzaaki9 @valishtu @vantae @venneris @aloulore @voidtech @vriskittles @vyraal @walle @warlock @watermellon @whimzica @enivrec @win @witchcrafted @witchyeevee @wolfscent @wow @xaishi @xtal @yukariyakumo @zhar @zhebari @airyu @draconequis @apfelobst @pollen @mangoramune @cyrce @roses @targaryens @twistedfox @tangaroa @crazyassbat @camohatkat @lilybound @juxtaposition @lunamore @elysia @kitiara @littlesong4 @lild @shadowwolf @ecruteak @agartha @saucydruid @auctor @amorah @amroth @apfelobst @aprelle @arisoune @astarothius @auries @azure @bandit1971 @billygoatsgruff @cassichu @cedric @cerys @charias @chiono @clearlakes44 @cosmopoeia @darkniiinja @delillah @demideity @dokies @eliasainsworth @everwinter @fadeela @faileas @fox @frozenbarioth @fruityhoofbeast @godswood @grinningfox @hailey @hasuna @heathers @helianthe @ixia @jadeandmarble @jaye @kemonomimi @khyra @kikatzu @kitiara @knightess @kommoy @lallie @lemecrazy @leyline @london @lychii @maedhras @meghan @micheru @mrshiftyhead @necrophades @novetteus @nukleer @nyx81 @ocellis @oilux @oncamimus @reborn @rogueone @rythen @saans @sickened @scarfsickle @secrett @selah @shimmeringxolo @shoyou @simfeetunder @sivan @skylinefields @snailmuffin @snowfairy @starbornwolf @terrawah @undertale @violette @laastaria @watermellon @wildflora @witchyeevee @wolffenrir @xtal @zaayn @mangoramune @solztize @cyrce @kollie @drakenhart @angu15 @renoki @valoria @nostalgic @stormjourney @turtlee @cyberneticwolf @lunamore @mercurialwings @hiraethheart @keldeo @Azuri (Pure, unbred female only) @MoonEyedMeljah (Pure Female only) @Parda (female, unbred only) @Shoyou (female only) @TawnyOwl (Pure Female only) @corvidus (yellow range tert only, please!) @MoonEyedMeljah (Female Unbred Pure only) @Telelia (only if yellow)

Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click here for updated pinglists!

I copied this list from the G1 Hoarders Spreadsheet

I sincerely apologize for any incorrect pings, it's been a very long time since I used the pinglist document!

For Fool:

@cheezit @howlinggale @pandonkey @ryukathedragon @aftershock @ambitious @anthea @apothecaria @arienai @sableye @avarosa @awayfrombirdland @5h4d0wdu57 @biqua @bob @bolas @bones @bui @lauralthorn @cairon @calm @canadian @caribou @caspia @cedric @batcrooks @chichi @chomeister @claritywind @damelz @dandelions @deathwing @disease @diseased @draconequis @dragonmage @dragonweaver @drakkanwolf @dreamt @eagles @hiame @elroking @embereye @embroid @erianamoon @etchedshadow @faileas @feravyne @firethroat @fletchling @followedbyrocks @foolishray @foxxtrot @frostycloud @fruityhoofbeast @gasoline @ghast @ghostenthusiast @gou @greatcontagion @grendel @grimalkkin @gurrero @hailey @harleyfae @icefirestarfire @icetea @imani @ignei @imupacreek2000 @incarnate @inculta @insouciant @ixia @jamethyst @kaamos @kaidan @kaitii @kievan @kanariah @kittyboops @kurokosworth @kyoya @leeedea @leafdapple1 @lemonquartz @lizardheart @leyline @london @lottie @luciftian @luusan @magari @maila @manda @masterneko @mate @mellifera @meonox @miloki @minx @missfemke @miusempire @moofius @nanairo @naralex @nathlene @necrophades @nennui @niharike @njonquilla @noctilucent @nryenth @off @oftquoted @oncamimus @ordona @osayio @ouji @outlandishkg @peisinoe @perfidious @phosphorylase @piggysnail @plushie @poo @pretzuls @prism @putin @qyetlady @raeyena @rangiku @raucousremy @rayen @reckless @renaci @renmiri @rest @rijl @rogue @roiben @ruinia @sabbat @saintseb @scaledfoxx @scientist @scoot @searinox @serra @shamelessscalies @shihana @sivan @snaphance @sochitelya @solanaceae13 @sooraya @spartalicous @stakie @starbornwolf @starfire0 @starly @starstrike @sucrose @techmess @tegaladwen @zayev @thanksmeg @thecheshirespy @thederpmaster2 @thegodaesthetic @therowen @thestormcatcher @thrym @tigerpanda13 @tigerrocky @trapeze @treedancer @uzaaki9 @vaiya @valishtu @vashtya @vaze @veevi @ventus @vespora @voidtech @warlock @weir @why @wicker @wobbitt @wolfscent @yoosung @zenzic @nightrising @micheru @rowdy @pastiche @lrjj @yiqi @matejko @valdosta @starfait @satire @hybro @corvid @laastaria @endlessnight @keydotzip @rohana @mudguts @littlesong4 @haylxx @novarys @redfern @moonfeather190 @annika @arrowfeathers @awayfrombirdland @azure @banshee3234 @apfelobst @arbokobra @carnival @claritywind @coyoteskii @cyrinus @daxis @deadbattery @deva @fadeela @frostkingdemetri @glamour @harleyfae @highcastle @batcrooks @ixia @kanariah @kaseymcshouty @kaylian @aganna @leashedragon @leeedea @mands @misscallierose @mommy @nanairo @natala @rochambeau @nomasaurusrex @peisinoe @ylfa @putin @rest @robinn @saphariadragon @sarapkm @shad0stryk @shaft @tinyelephant @snorreruch @spy @starly @vaze @wickedhorror @win @wobbitt @wolfscent @xanako @yossarian @captaincrackers @watermellon @discovered @clockworkoctopus @catpilot @auroshen @smokeybunny @yoikien @nryenth @foreverendeavor @penantiomers @mercurialwings @tues @mekora @flaresolaire @impavid @howlinggale @aloulore @ghostchateau @adeegeeak (males only) @Takora (no plague, unbred, no IC) @Quenya (No Fire, Arcane or Nature eyes) @RaptorFeathers (triple basic only) @contaminate (unbred only, Butterfly Glimmer match prefered) @Aloulore (unbred only, auction/flatsales only) @gengaria @harleyfae @jestergurl @whimzica @lrjj @marceline @mirkairan @5h4d0wdu57 @aldru @betta @billygoatsgruff @bonstrosity @catpilot @chuchuana @clearlakes44 @clockworkoctopus @darkniiinja @deviantdoge @drakenhart @draxia @eagles @embroid @erendira @fruityhoofbeast @gardenvoir @ghostchateau @howlinggale @jestergurl @journey @lrjj @malis @mirkairan @porl @roiben @sesshin @sickened @sirarchimedes @smokeybunny @taipantigress @tigenki @tinyelephant @turtleedove @watermellon @ylfa @tues @mintiani @mekora @redfern @Flyteofheart @Redfern

For Hazmat:

@168 @adirael @aeice @aelis @aftershock @ambiance @anorthite @apothecaria @arcticterror @arenthias @ares @arreat @artemai @artorias @astale @astarothius @astraya @nukleer @avessa @baku @bandit1971 @billygoatsgruff @biqua @blackthorns @calankh @calm @candor @caribou @catpilot @carpet @cedric @chaotic @chomp @coffeeshop @curio @deathwing @demideity @deviantdoge @disease @diseased @dragonpsyche @drakenhart @els @erendira @erianamoon @etchedshadow @eternally @evarinya @evoker @faileas @firethroat @foolishray @foxxtrot @frillshark @frozenbarioth @fruityhoofbeast @gardenvoir @ghostenthusiast @godiva @godswood @gou @greatcontagion @grinningfox @haawke @hasha @hasuna @hyperionskies @inculta @ink @ixia @jaigalaar @jamethyst @jecai @jinkx @jovaniskye @kaitii @kaorusquee @karoushi @kich @kittyboops @knightess @kommoy @kurokosworth @leafdapple1 @leashedragon @leeedea @legendbeary @leilatainn @lexiepiper @maedhras @marceline @marshell @mellifera @micheru @mightyninja11 @minx @misha @moofius @moolawgoat @mrshiftyhead @mus @mynabird @mystik @mystyic @nanairo @nennui @niharike @nineeyes @noiselessness @nyx81 @rosiehawk @oftquoted @peacecolby @phoenixfyre @pil0t @poland @prism @qyetlady @rangiku @rayen @reckless @roiben @roro @rowdy @sailable @saltyscone @saphariadragon @saryina @sirarchimedes @scavenging @secrett @selah @serra @servine @shad0stryk @shuffluffalo @siaur @silverlanayru @silverrain @simfeetunder @skiesti @skycrest @skylinefields @smara @hiame @snowfarm @sochitelya @somniaat @sophos @spacestraw @spazzifras @sporelett @starbornwolf @starfire0 @starly @stonewarden @sucrose @suraya @sylvarant @tarere @techmess @terrawah @thebutt @thedragonsqueen @therowen @thestormcatcher @laastaria @thunderbird21 @tigenki @tokie @txanyi @uzaaki9 @valishtu @vantae @venneris @aloulore @voidtech @vriskittles @vyraal @walle @warlock @watermellon @whimzica @enivrec @win @witchcrafted @witchyeevee @wolfscent @wow @xaishi @xtal @yukariyakumo @zhar @zhebari @airyu @draconequis @apfelobst @pollen @mangoramune @cyrce @roses @targaryens @twistedfox @tangaroa @crazyassbat @camohatkat @lilybound @juxtaposition @lunamore @elysia @kitiara @littlesong4 @lild @shadowwolf @ecruteak @agartha @saucydruid @auctor @amorah @amroth @apfelobst @aprelle @arisoune @astarothius @auries @azure @bandit1971 @billygoatsgruff @cassichu @cedric @cerys @charias @chiono @clearlakes44 @cosmopoeia @darkniiinja @delillah @demideity @dokies @eliasainsworth @everwinter @fadeela @faileas @fox @frozenbarioth @fruityhoofbeast @godswood @grinningfox @hailey @hasuna @heathers @helianthe @ixia @jadeandmarble @jaye @kemonomimi @khyra @kikatzu @kitiara @knightess @kommoy @lallie @lemecrazy @leyline @london @lychii @maedhras @meghan @micheru @mrshiftyhead @necrophades @novetteus @nukleer @nyx81 @ocellis @oilux @oncamimus @reborn @rogueone @rythen @saans @sickened @scarfsickle @secrett @selah @shimmeringxolo @shoyou @simfeetunder @sivan @skylinefields @snailmuffin @snowfairy @starbornwolf @terrawah @undertale @violette @laastaria @watermellon @wildflora @witchyeevee @wolffenrir @xtal @zaayn @mangoramune @solztize @cyrce @kollie @drakenhart @angu15 @renoki @valoria @nostalgic @stormjourney @turtlee @cyberneticwolf @lunamore @mercurialwings @hiraethheart @keldeo @Azuri (Pure, unbred female only) @MoonEyedMeljah (Pure Female only) @Parda (female, unbred only) @Shoyou (female only) @TawnyOwl (Pure Female only) @corvidus (yellow range tert only, please!) @MoonEyedMeljah (Female Unbred Pure only) @Telelia (only if yellow)

Please do not copy/paste pings from this post. Click here for updated pinglists!

I copied this list from the G1 Hoarders Spreadsheet


LDP on Hazmat please =)

LDP on Hazmat please =)
@Glub: Tried to ignore her, but I can't. SB of 1000g on Hazmat please. LDP me also!
@Glub: Tried to ignore her, but I can't. SB of 1000g on Hazmat please. LDP me also!
Please copy-n-paste my name.
I have missed response
due to misspelling.
Thank you~

@Glub SB and LDP on Fool please!
@Glub SB and LDP on Fool please!

Happy to do last day pings for anyone that would like one.


Sorry, somebody got the SB in just before you!

I misread, you have the SB, sorry!


You got it, marking it down

Happy to do last day pings for anyone that would like one.


Sorry, somebody got the SB in just before you!

I misread, you have the SB, sorry!


You got it, marking it down

LDP on Hazmat please. :)

LDP on Hazmat please. :)


Pklc9an.png RFRWPUM.png


Art Credits: Poisonedpaper / Drytil / Osiem
LDP on Hazmat please :D
LDP on Hazmat please :D

No problem


No problem
