

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | slice of life lesbian RP
Tessa woke up and blinked. Her room was dark, mainly because her long black hair was in her face. She blew a strand out of her hair in a sigh as she got out of bed. She got dressed into a a black, open shoulder shirt, tan jeans, deep red sneakers, a black choker, and a bracelet. Her hair was pulled up into a tight bun. She quickly packed her bag with her dance attire, water and a granola bar.

Tessa walked out of the room she and Cebelle shared. In a hurry she sped quickly straight to the front door. The other girls were there. "Ballet practice, talk later!" She
called over her shoulder as she glided across the floor to the studio. She arrived just a few minuets early and she quickly got dressed and did her hair. "Miss Moore, please do be on time when coming to class" her teacher said as she clapped her hands "hello students" she said, giving each of us a nod "my name is Mrs. Bonavete".

Tessa woke up and blinked. Her room was dark, mainly because her long black hair was in her face. She blew a strand out of her hair in a sigh as she got out of bed. She got dressed into a a black, open shoulder shirt, tan jeans, deep red sneakers, a black choker, and a bracelet. Her hair was pulled up into a tight bun. She quickly packed her bag with her dance attire, water and a granola bar.

Tessa walked out of the room she and Cebelle shared. In a hurry she sped quickly straight to the front door. The other girls were there. "Ballet practice, talk later!" She
called over her shoulder as she glided across the floor to the studio. She arrived just a few minuets early and she quickly got dressed and did her hair. "Miss Moore, please do be on time when coming to class" her teacher said as she clapped her hands "hello students" she said, giving each of us a nod "my name is Mrs. Bonavete".

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"A-a bit I guess..." she stammered, accepted the hand shake and offered a small smile. "She's got bipolar disorder, and possible cases of OCD and split personalities" Tiphoni said as she walked in, Tala sighed and nodded. "The name's Tiphoni, I'm like a sister to Tala." She said calmly as she walked up to Tala and propped her arm over Tala's shoulders.
"A-a bit I guess..." she stammered, accepted the hand shake and offered a small smile. "She's got bipolar disorder, and possible cases of OCD and split personalities" Tiphoni said as she walked in, Tala sighed and nodded. "The name's Tiphoni, I'm like a sister to Tala." She said calmly as she walked up to Tala and propped her arm over Tala's shoulders.
Cebelle -

I gave a shy smile to the new girls "It's a pleasure to meet you two!" I say, trying to give the most welcoming voice I can muster "I'm Cebelle". I immediately panic and bolt out of the room and down the hall. New people. I shudder. I'm afraid of new people. Not of them, personally, just of. People of whom I do not know.

I find myself sitting in an empty room that has a Grand Piano. I sit down contently and start to play Für Elise. My fingers glide across the keys and I smile. I can play the piece, quite well.
Cebelle -

I gave a shy smile to the new girls "It's a pleasure to meet you two!" I say, trying to give the most welcoming voice I can muster "I'm Cebelle". I immediately panic and bolt out of the room and down the hall. New people. I shudder. I'm afraid of new people. Not of them, personally, just of. People of whom I do not know.

I find myself sitting in an empty room that has a Grand Piano. I sit down contently and start to play Für Elise. My fingers glide across the keys and I smile. I can play the piece, quite well.
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I feel bad for Cebelle, but I know what she's going through. I am typically really secluded due to my anxiety, but today seems to be a good day.

I turn back to Tala, "Thats okay. We all understand what it's like to be different." I smile " we have some food in the fridge and pantry if you're interested." I say, sitting back down on the couch.

I feel bad for Cebelle, but I know what she's going through. I am typically really secluded due to my anxiety, but today seems to be a good day.

I turn back to Tala, "Thats okay. We all understand what it's like to be different." I smile " we have some food in the fridge and pantry if you're interested." I say, sitting back down on the couch.
Tessa - (she went at 5. If that's okay?)

I sigh. Class ended. I went at 5:00 in the morning and now I'm back. I'm still in my uniform when I make my way to the dorm. Students keep looking at my strangely "I do ballet, yes!" I exclaim to them when they give me the look. It's not like no one but me, does dance! Gee! "Judgers" I mutter to myself.

I open the door to the dorm and wave hello to the girls "Hey" I give a bright smile as I look around. I frown slightly "where's Ceb?".
Tessa - (she went at 5. If that's okay?)

I sigh. Class ended. I went at 5:00 in the morning and now I'm back. I'm still in my uniform when I make my way to the dorm. Students keep looking at my strangely "I do ballet, yes!" I exclaim to them when they give me the look. It's not like no one but me, does dance! Gee! "Judgers" I mutter to myself.

I open the door to the dorm and wave hello to the girls "Hey" I give a bright smile as I look around. I frown slightly "where's Ceb?".
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"She had a.... moment." I say with a slightly grave tone "She ran that way, but I think she wants to be alone." I gesture towards the door.

I chug the rest of my coffee and stand up to put my mug in the sink. I reach into a cupboard and take out a package of jaffa cakes. I turn and start walking back to my room.

"She had a.... moment." I say with a slightly grave tone "She ran that way, but I think she wants to be alone." I gesture towards the door.

I chug the rest of my coffee and stand up to put my mug in the sink. I reach into a cupboard and take out a package of jaffa cakes. I turn and start walking back to my room.
Tessa -

I take a step back and shake my head. a moment? what does she mean-.. oh.. a panic attack.. new people, okay . I give a light thank you nod to Kat and head out of the room. I listen and hear a faint sound.. of a piano.

I jog down the hall and to the room where Cebelle is playing a beautiful piece. I wait until she's finished until i talk. "Hey, Ceb" i smile lightly "You okay?".


Cebelle -

I finish my piece and look up to see Tessa. She talks to my in a smile "I panicked" i shrug "new people". Tessa nodded "Oh, okay, just checking". I bite the inside of my cheek unsurely "Im heading back, now" i say finally when the tension is too great. I give a quick nod and head back to the dorm and straight to my room.
Tessa -

I take a step back and shake my head. a moment? what does she mean-.. oh.. a panic attack.. new people, okay . I give a light thank you nod to Kat and head out of the room. I listen and hear a faint sound.. of a piano.

I jog down the hall and to the room where Cebelle is playing a beautiful piece. I wait until she's finished until i talk. "Hey, Ceb" i smile lightly "You okay?".


Cebelle -

I finish my piece and look up to see Tessa. She talks to my in a smile "I panicked" i shrug "new people". Tessa nodded "Oh, okay, just checking". I bite the inside of my cheek unsurely "Im heading back, now" i say finally when the tension is too great. I give a quick nod and head back to the dorm and straight to my room.
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Hey everyone, I am really sorry but I just found out I need to go and visit my sick great grandmother. I am going to be gone for about 10 days with no internet so I am putting the RP on a pause. Jc836 is also going to be on a hiatus so I think pausing the RP for a little while is the best option. Have a great day everyone!
Hey everyone, I am really sorry but I just found out I need to go and visit my sick great grandmother. I am going to be gone for about 10 days with no internet so I am putting the RP on a pause. Jc836 is also going to be on a hiatus so I think pausing the RP for a little while is the best option. Have a great day everyone!
Okay! I hope your grandmother feels better!!
Okay! I hope your grandmother feels better!!
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((Hey everyone! I'm back, my grandmother is out of the hospital and doing well. Why don't we have Flamestar go next and we can continue the RP.))
((Hey everyone! I'm back, my grandmother is out of the hospital and doing well. Why don't we have Flamestar go next and we can continue the RP.))