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TOPIC | What's with the stigma on unnamed exal
[quote name="KittyHamilton" date="2013-12-19 15:56:46"]It is sort of a...roleplaying thing? Exalted hatchlings aren't just exalt fodder; they're the babies of someone's dragons, which may have a personality or backstory attached. A name is also a sign of identity. It separates one dragon from another. Many players want to see their hatchlings treated as individuals instead of interchangeable. Also, 'Unnamed' just feels unfinished, at least to me. The dragon is essentially named 'no one bothered to name me'. If there was no name at all, that might not be as much of an issue, but instead you have 'Unnamed'.[/quote] THIS!!! I end up exalting the parents of the babies that are unnamed because seeing the unnamed really bothers me. Currently I have a couple that are like that still in my lair but I may end up exalting them as well.
KittyHamilton wrote on 2013-12-19 15:56:46:
It is sort of a...roleplaying thing? Exalted hatchlings aren't just exalt fodder; they're the babies of someone's dragons, which may have a personality or backstory attached. A name is also a sign of identity. It separates one dragon from another. Many players want to see their hatchlings treated as individuals instead of interchangeable.

Also, 'Unnamed' just feels unfinished, at least to me. The dragon is essentially named 'no one bothered to name me'. If there was no name at all, that might not be as much of an issue, but instead you have 'Unnamed'.

THIS!!! I end up exalting the parents of the babies that are unnamed because seeing the unnamed really bothers me. Currently I have a couple that are like that still in my lair but I may end up exalting them as well.
I've never exalted a dragon unnamed, but only because I train all of them in the coliseum and they need to be named for that. It annoys me a little bit to see Unnamed in my offspring lists, but I'd never complain about it -- like Pisces said, if I needed to have them all named, I'd name them myself.

I have to say, though, I'm tempted every single day to buy all of the dragons in the multiple sales threads in Ice and exalt them all unnamed just because sales threads in flight forums annoy me so much.
I've never exalted a dragon unnamed, but only because I train all of them in the coliseum and they need to be named for that. It annoys me a little bit to see Unnamed in my offspring lists, but I'd never complain about it -- like Pisces said, if I needed to have them all named, I'd name them myself.

I have to say, though, I'm tempted every single day to buy all of the dragons in the multiple sales threads in Ice and exalt them all unnamed just because sales threads in flight forums annoy me so much.
For me, it just bugs me that people can't be bothered to even use the name generator and give a throwaway name to a dragon before it's hatched. As someone else said, in RP terms the dragons are supposed to be sentient creatures. They communicate and have personalities. They aren't just dumb animals that run on instinct alone. It seems wrong to have dragons create new "life" and then send their children off forever without even giving them something to be known by among the other dragons who are serving the deity.

I name every single one of my hatchlings so make sure none of my babies are exalted unnamed. Nothing I can do about grandbabies if somebody breeds one of my hatchlings before exalting, but I at least won't have too many "unnamed" in my personal lair when I go through my dragons. I do have a few as they had parents or offspring exalted unnamed before I bought that particular dragon, but I can at least keep it to a minimum.
For me, it just bugs me that people can't be bothered to even use the name generator and give a throwaway name to a dragon before it's hatched. As someone else said, in RP terms the dragons are supposed to be sentient creatures. They communicate and have personalities. They aren't just dumb animals that run on instinct alone. It seems wrong to have dragons create new "life" and then send their children off forever without even giving them something to be known by among the other dragons who are serving the deity.

I name every single one of my hatchlings so make sure none of my babies are exalted unnamed. Nothing I can do about grandbabies if somebody breeds one of my hatchlings before exalting, but I at least won't have too many "unnamed" in my personal lair when I go through my dragons. I do have a few as they had parents or offspring exalted unnamed before I bought that particular dragon, but I can at least keep it to a minimum.
Brown River Recluse Queen of the River Spider Army Grey River Jumper

I recognize both sides as semi-right

On one hand, it's really not that difficult to name the dragon after you buy it. Really, I have yet to see a dominance fight where 2 extra seconds per dragon would make a difference in who wins. If you were around someone who you knew disliked people squeaking their shoes so much that it was irrational, you still wouldn't squeak your shoes unless you were a total jerk. That's that side...

But then there's the other side. It isn't that harder for a seller to name their cheap dragons either. If you are selling your dragon for less than 5k, they should be named, because they're probably going to be used for exalt fodder.

But I think there is one thing worse than Unnamed and that is those that name their exalt fodder "Exalt", which seems unnecessary. A more polite and socially acceptable thing to do would be to have a designated exalt fodder name. Like, name all exalt dragons "Anne" or something related to your flight or whatever.

I recognize both sides as semi-right

On one hand, it's really not that difficult to name the dragon after you buy it. Really, I have yet to see a dominance fight where 2 extra seconds per dragon would make a difference in who wins. If you were around someone who you knew disliked people squeaking their shoes so much that it was irrational, you still wouldn't squeak your shoes unless you were a total jerk. That's that side...

But then there's the other side. It isn't that harder for a seller to name their cheap dragons either. If you are selling your dragon for less than 5k, they should be named, because they're probably going to be used for exalt fodder.

But I think there is one thing worse than Unnamed and that is those that name their exalt fodder "Exalt", which seems unnecessary. A more polite and socially acceptable thing to do would be to have a designated exalt fodder name. Like, name all exalt dragons "Anne" or something related to your flight or whatever.
Everybody gets to choose what they do, whether it matters to them or not, and how they play the game. :3

I had really good experiences up until today - it always makes me feel really good when someone names my hatchlings, even if they don't keep them. Somebody cared just a little bit about my silly randomized pixel 'creatures'.

Today, not so much, and I'm trying not to be really down about it, because I know it's silly.
Everybody gets to choose what they do, whether it matters to them or not, and how they play the game. :3

I had really good experiences up until today - it always makes me feel really good when someone names my hatchlings, even if they don't keep them. Somebody cared just a little bit about my silly randomized pixel 'creatures'.

Today, not so much, and I'm trying not to be really down about it, because I know it's silly.
||If we can't see the sky, we'll make our own stars.||
I agree with you completely. When I first sold a hatchling, I was looking forward to seeing who bought him, what flight they were from and what they decided to name him. But instead, the hatchling was exalted not even a minute after being bought and without a name. I don't mind that they exalted the dragon but I was a little disappointed when part of my first clutch of dragons would forever be 'Unnamed.'
I didn't complain or anything since I don't really have the right but the whole thing sure didn't make me happy.
I agree with you completely. When I first sold a hatchling, I was looking forward to seeing who bought him, what flight they were from and what they decided to name him. But instead, the hatchling was exalted not even a minute after being bought and without a name. I don't mind that they exalted the dragon but I was a little disappointed when part of my first clutch of dragons would forever be 'Unnamed.'
I didn't complain or anything since I don't really have the right but the whole thing sure didn't make me happy.
Hi. I just wanna interact with people on this heccn website.
I usually name the dragons I hatched that are going for exalt-bait prices. I did have quite a surprising thing happen last week though. I had a beautiful, Iri/Shim Imperial, way above the usual price for them now a-days get exalted unnamed. I was pretty angry at that, because that was the first unnamed i've had for my imperial offspring, but oh well.
I usually name the dragons I hatched that are going for exalt-bait prices. I did have quite a surprising thing happen last week though. I had a beautiful, Iri/Shim Imperial, way above the usual price for them now a-days get exalted unnamed. I was pretty angry at that, because that was the first unnamed i've had for my imperial offspring, but oh well.
It bothers me a lot for really personal reasons that seem to be either ripe for mockery from some people or really depressing for others. So I just say 'it makes me sad' and leave it at that most of the time.
It bothers me a lot for really personal reasons that seem to be either ripe for mockery from some people or really depressing for others. So I just say 'it makes me sad' and leave it at that most of the time.
I'm a hobbyist genealogist, and after decades of research, my mind automatically equates unnamed with dead children. Therefore it's kind of depressing to see unnamed dragons on the hatchling lists.
I'm a hobbyist genealogist, and after decades of research, my mind automatically equates unnamed with dead children. Therefore it's kind of depressing to see unnamed dragons on the hatchling lists.
Yeah, I don't get it. If it bothers you that much, the onus of the naming falls on you, the person with the problem with unnamed dragons, not the person buying the hatchling who may not have a problem with unnamed dragons. I don't RP and I don't care about your dragon RP.

I do not have a problem with unnamed dragons. I have several dragons that I like and who I breed who are currently unnamed cause I haven't thought of one I like yet and I am perfectly ok leaving them that way until I do come up with one I like.
Yeah, I don't get it. If it bothers you that much, the onus of the naming falls on you, the person with the problem with unnamed dragons, not the person buying the hatchling who may not have a problem with unnamed dragons. I don't RP and I don't care about your dragon RP.

I do not have a problem with unnamed dragons. I have several dragons that I like and who I breed who are currently unnamed cause I haven't thought of one I like yet and I am perfectly ok leaving them that way until I do come up with one I like.