
Bug Report Forums

Report bugs and errors to the Flight Rising development team.
TOPIC | missing tresher
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i don't no what you meen do you meen what iv sed in my message ?????
i don't no what you meen do you meen what iv sed in my message ?????
iv still have not got a reply =( just lave it now thx for you help ='(
iv still have not got a reply =( just lave it now thx for you help ='(
yikes this thread is an eyebleeder
yikes this thread is an eyebleeder
FR 0+ Hours (exact with site/server time)
Pardon the typos! I'm on mobile ALOT.
(Probably why a lot of my forum posts are edited.)
@Erised Please do not bump or necro threads in the bug report forum. Thank you.

As this thread is too old to be relevant, it is now locked.
@Erised Please do not bump or necro threads in the bug report forum. Thank you.

As this thread is too old to be relevant, it is now locked.
Tundra with the words 'Love is the Brightest Light'
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