
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Can't get a familiar preview in FF
So when I click the Earth Sprite, in the Festive Favors event thingy, it instead tries to show me a preview of the eroded rock outfit thing next to it. Clicking the outfit shows the outfit preview, and clicking the Earth emblem sign shows the Earth emblem sign, so nothing else seems wrong. I just can't preview the Earth Sprite.
So when I click the Earth Sprite, in the Festive Favors event thingy, it instead tries to show me a preview of the eroded rock outfit thing next to it. Clicking the outfit shows the outfit preview, and clicking the Earth emblem sign shows the Earth emblem sign, so nothing else seems wrong. I just can't preview the Earth Sprite.
I've noticed this bug for a while now. It's occurred on every festival as far as I know. I wasn't sure if it was ever mentioned before
I've noticed this bug for a while now. It's occurred on every festival as far as I know. I wasn't sure if it was ever mentioned before