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TOPIC | Grave shifts bite. [ANOTHER SHIFT !]
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So just about every sunday night I'm stuck on a graveyard shift at the casino/hotel I work for...

and I get bored, lonely, a little sleepy, so if you wanna keep me company and carry on some rousing conversations I'm all for it!

I figured I'd make a dedicated thread to my random grave shifts and allow folks to come and keep me awake till my 6am relief gets here!

Sometimes I draw, sometimes I craft, sometimes I watch netflix, but I'm always looking for someone to talk to... so come in. If it's one of my drawing nights I might doodle your dragon!

If not I'm here for all forms of discussions!

Some conversation starters for ya if you wanna engage 'em:
  • Do you do art? What is a hobby you like?
  • Do you like to cook? Are you a "foodie"?
  • What type of music do you like? Don't like? Why?
  • Wanna talk about your Lair? or your breedings? TELL ME!
  • Into RP? wanna RP something? (not exclusive to Dragons) Let's hash some ideas!
  • Are you currently employed? Ever worked a graveyard shift? Ever worked in a hotel/casino?
  • Tell me about where you are from?
  • Need some sage advice?
  • Pokemon?
  • Are you into any fandom? do you live on tumblr?
  • Are you a redditor?

11/24/13: another shift! come on guys! let's get a convo going!
So just about every sunday night I'm stuck on a graveyard shift at the casino/hotel I work for...

and I get bored, lonely, a little sleepy, so if you wanna keep me company and carry on some rousing conversations I'm all for it!

I figured I'd make a dedicated thread to my random grave shifts and allow folks to come and keep me awake till my 6am relief gets here!

Sometimes I draw, sometimes I craft, sometimes I watch netflix, but I'm always looking for someone to talk to... so come in. If it's one of my drawing nights I might doodle your dragon!

If not I'm here for all forms of discussions!

Some conversation starters for ya if you wanna engage 'em:
  • Do you do art? What is a hobby you like?
  • Do you like to cook? Are you a "foodie"?
  • What type of music do you like? Don't like? Why?
  • Wanna talk about your Lair? or your breedings? TELL ME!
  • Into RP? wanna RP something? (not exclusive to Dragons) Let's hash some ideas!
  • Are you currently employed? Ever worked a graveyard shift? Ever worked in a hotel/casino?
  • Tell me about where you are from?
  • Need some sage advice?
  • Pokemon?
  • Are you into any fandom? do you live on tumblr?
  • Are you a redditor?

11/24/13: another shift! come on guys! let's get a convo going!
Oh hey, I'll talk.

For me, I like to write, I'm an unashamed foodie who cooks pasta, sauces and seafood, I like to RP, I like pretty much all music but my favorite musician is Five for Fighting. I've been playing Pokemon since I was five years old and my favorites are Shinx and Tynamo plus their evolutions. Currently not employed but I will be again come summer, hopefully. =D
Oh hey, I'll talk.

For me, I like to write, I'm an unashamed foodie who cooks pasta, sauces and seafood, I like to RP, I like pretty much all music but my favorite musician is Five for Fighting. I've been playing Pokemon since I was five years old and my favorites are Shinx and Tynamo plus their evolutions. Currently not employed but I will be again come summer, hopefully. =D
I found stars on the tip of your tongue/You speak poltergeist and so do I
@Lesley Nice! I love cooking all types of foods but currently don't bring seafood in the house as my room mate is allergic to shellfish pretty bad, but I cook lots of other things, and plenty of cajun dishes.

I currently have Pokemon X I grew up with it so it was natural I'd get this generation I gotta say I'm amazed at how well they've progressed with animation and story and everything, it's so nice!

I've not listened to them, I know I've heard OF them but I haven't sat down and listened. My current big listens are Steam Powered Giraffe, Pink, Serj Tankian, and Seeed.

I'm employed full time but am looking for something more along the lines of clerical or data entry, with better pay and normal day hours.
@Lesley Nice! I love cooking all types of foods but currently don't bring seafood in the house as my room mate is allergic to shellfish pretty bad, but I cook lots of other things, and plenty of cajun dishes.

I currently have Pokemon X I grew up with it so it was natural I'd get this generation I gotta say I'm amazed at how well they've progressed with animation and story and everything, it's so nice!

I've not listened to them, I know I've heard OF them but I haven't sat down and listened. My current big listens are Steam Powered Giraffe, Pink, Serj Tankian, and Seeed.

I'm employed full time but am looking for something more along the lines of clerical or data entry, with better pay and normal day hours.
Never worked a grave shift, probably never will, which I think would be in everyone's interest no matter the context. If I've learned anything from being stuck in an airport with a delayed flight, it's that my short attention span can and will get me into trouble ahah. Thank god for retail keeping me busy enough to not get distracted. I work at a hipster themed chain of stationery stores, it's actually cuter than it sounds but I still can't figure out if they're being serious or ironic.

but I do art! I really want to illustrate comics and stuff but I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time haha. I also live on tumblr, my username is pretty much the same everywhere except here. The wouldn't let me have my little hyphen, or an underscore when I signed up.
Never worked a grave shift, probably never will, which I think would be in everyone's interest no matter the context. If I've learned anything from being stuck in an airport with a delayed flight, it's that my short attention span can and will get me into trouble ahah. Thank god for retail keeping me busy enough to not get distracted. I work at a hipster themed chain of stationery stores, it's actually cuter than it sounds but I still can't figure out if they're being serious or ironic.

but I do art! I really want to illustrate comics and stuff but I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time haha. I also live on tumblr, my username is pretty much the same everywhere except here. The wouldn't let me have my little hyphen, or an underscore when I signed up.
@evilscience nice, do you have your stuff up on a site or anything? I'd like to see if possible..

and yeah having a short attention span is hard on grave shift which is why I bring my laptop and cross stitch and watch tv and talk to people :D lol
@evilscience nice, do you have your stuff up on a site or anything? I'd like to see if possible..

and yeah having a short attention span is hard on grave shift which is why I bring my laptop and cross stitch and watch tv and talk to people :D lol

I'm endeared to that part of southern culture, I come from up north but I like Cajun literature and all of the other fascinating things that came out of it. We made some Mardi Gras party food for our home ec class last year and it was a ton of fun, especially since celebrating it is virtually unheard of were I live and people even get upset about drinking and merrymaking on St. Patrick's day.

I think I learned most of what I know when I did a book report type project on the epic poem Evangeline of Acadie in sixth grade. The poem itself is far from completely accurate but it did lead me to study more and I was astonished when I learned about the Acadian Expulsion and how that led to what we have today.

Oh yes, the new Pokemon games are amazing. I love Goomy soo much.

I'm endeared to that part of southern culture, I come from up north but I like Cajun literature and all of the other fascinating things that came out of it. We made some Mardi Gras party food for our home ec class last year and it was a ton of fun, especially since celebrating it is virtually unheard of were I live and people even get upset about drinking and merrymaking on St. Patrick's day.

I think I learned most of what I know when I did a book report type project on the epic poem Evangeline of Acadie in sixth grade. The poem itself is far from completely accurate but it did lead me to study more and I was astonished when I learned about the Acadian Expulsion and how that led to what we have today.

Oh yes, the new Pokemon games are amazing. I love Goomy soo much.
I found stars on the tip of your tongue/You speak poltergeist and so do I
@Lesley , I was born and raised southern Louisiana (I was actually so happy that American Horror Story Coven is based in New Orleans and super surprised they're pulling little to unknown people from our history such as LaLaurie... she's still fairly unknown to even us cajuns and such... its an interesting culture even to someone born into it.

Anyone who has ever come and moved down here always falls in love with our food, can't blame them :D

Evangeline is such an amazing story, and the property where it's based is so pretty, one day I wanna do a shoot there.
@Lesley , I was born and raised southern Louisiana (I was actually so happy that American Horror Story Coven is based in New Orleans and super surprised they're pulling little to unknown people from our history such as LaLaurie... she's still fairly unknown to even us cajuns and such... its an interesting culture even to someone born into it.

Anyone who has ever come and moved down here always falls in love with our food, can't blame them :D

Evangeline is such an amazing story, and the property where it's based is so pretty, one day I wanna do a shoot there.
@RxJoker Right here is the best place to go for that. It's not a very organised tag though so it might have repeats of the same stuff.

ngl cross stitch sounds kind of fun. I have a friend who crochets like a boss and recently made a really cute turtle hat. I kinda want to get into it but I can't afford the stuff for it at the moment D:
@RxJoker Right here is the best place to go for that. It's not a very organised tag though so it might have repeats of the same stuff.

ngl cross stitch sounds kind of fun. I have a friend who crochets like a boss and recently made a really cute turtle hat. I kinda want to get into it but I can't afford the stuff for it at the moment D:
@evilscience some reason the link won't let me click on it and go to tumblr gives me a FR 404 :( Nevermind I figured it out lol

I want to one day learn how to knit/crochet but that's when I got more time to put into learning it, right now cross stitch is what I do as I'm already familiar with it and it comes easy to me :D

I recommend it to everyone both young, old, men and women it's oddly therapeutic and endless things can be done, I'm thinking of trying it out on a beanie soon.. to see how difficult it is to stitch ON fabric without a defined grid.
@evilscience some reason the link won't let me click on it and go to tumblr gives me a FR 404 :( Nevermind I figured it out lol

I want to one day learn how to knit/crochet but that's when I got more time to put into learning it, right now cross stitch is what I do as I'm already familiar with it and it comes easy to me :D

I recommend it to everyone both young, old, men and women it's oddly therapeutic and endless things can be done, I'm thinking of trying it out on a beanie soon.. to see how difficult it is to stitch ON fabric without a defined grid.
@RxJoker I used to knit all the time when I was younger, it's pretty fun I just can't remember for the life of me how to do it! Little 10-year-old me was pro at making wooly rainbow bookmarks though.

but I'm best at drawing though, and uni doesn't give me a lot of time for anything outside of that so fluffy, wearable creative endeavours will have to wait.

you should try it though! i'd find cheap beanies on ebay or wherever and give it a go. Sound like it'd be a fun thing to try :) I really want to pick up crochet for the beanies though. a friend of mine is having a baby and I really want to make her one of those beanies that looks like a boob haha
@RxJoker I used to knit all the time when I was younger, it's pretty fun I just can't remember for the life of me how to do it! Little 10-year-old me was pro at making wooly rainbow bookmarks though.

but I'm best at drawing though, and uni doesn't give me a lot of time for anything outside of that so fluffy, wearable creative endeavours will have to wait.

you should try it though! i'd find cheap beanies on ebay or wherever and give it a go. Sound like it'd be a fun thing to try :) I really want to pick up crochet for the beanies though. a friend of mine is having a baby and I really want to make her one of those beanies that looks like a boob haha
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