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TOPIC | You have three wishes, but...
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As the title suggests, in this game, you make a wish as indicated by the conditions said by above poster.

Poster A wrote:
You have three wishes, but you can only wish for things related to food.
Poster II wrote:
@ Poster A
1. I wish to own all hamburger companies in the world.
2. I wish to have a tree that bears fruit to any food.
3. I wish for a unicorn that farts sugar sparkles.

I grant you 3 wishes, but it cannot be related to the communication.

You may use different words for the same sentence like:
I have granted you godly powers that can be only used thrice, but the use of godly powers on yourself is forbidden.
Three wishes related to waste is bestowed upon you.

Get the idea?

Here's the first condition.

You have three wishes, but it must have something to do with dogs.
As the title suggests, in this game, you make a wish as indicated by the conditions said by above poster.

Poster A wrote:
You have three wishes, but you can only wish for things related to food.
Poster II wrote:
@ Poster A
1. I wish to own all hamburger companies in the world.
2. I wish to have a tree that bears fruit to any food.
3. I wish for a unicorn that farts sugar sparkles.

I grant you 3 wishes, but it cannot be related to the communication.

You may use different words for the same sentence like:
I have granted you godly powers that can be only used thrice, but the use of godly powers on yourself is forbidden.
Three wishes related to waste is bestowed upon you.

Get the idea?

Here's the first condition.

You have three wishes, but it must have something to do with dogs.
I'm Fil but you can call me Dan.
Time: FR +15/+16
Offline during: 6:00-21:00 and 6:00-16:00
My Wattpad Account
My DeviantArt
The Unbuilt Void (God Game)
Fil is back in FR.
The Hero's Prophecy: Wattpad/Royal Road
1: I wish my hands wouldn't get all itchy every time a dog licks them
2: I wish dogs didn't scare the living daylights out of me by running at full pelt in my direction
3: I wish to pet the world's floofiest dog

I grant you 3 wishes, but they cannot influence your lifetime goals
1: I wish my hands wouldn't get all itchy every time a dog licks them
2: I wish dogs didn't scare the living daylights out of me by running at full pelt in my direction
3: I wish to pet the world's floofiest dog

I grant you 3 wishes, but they cannot influence your lifetime goals
i'll rebuild this one day

1. I wish my neighbor was a multimillionaire.
2. I wish the streets could float on water during floods.
3. I wish my Steam wallet had infinite money.

I bestow to you three wishes, but the must be about pies and pastries.

1. I wish my neighbor was a multimillionaire.
2. I wish the streets could float on water during floods.
3. I wish my Steam wallet had infinite money.

I bestow to you three wishes, but the must be about pies and pastries.
I'm Fil but you can call me Dan.
Time: FR +15/+16
Offline during: 6:00-21:00 and 6:00-16:00
My Wattpad Account
My DeviantArt
The Unbuilt Void (God Game)
Fil is back in FR.
The Hero's Prophecy: Wattpad/Royal Road

I wish I had unlimited pies.
I wish I had pies made of gold
I wish I had pies that could burst into flames.

I grant you 3 wishes, but they must be about a video game.

I wish I had unlimited pies.
I wish I had pies made of gold
I wish I had pies that could burst into flames.

I grant you 3 wishes, but they must be about a video game.

I wish I was able to meet a character from Undertale.
I wish I was able to make a legit good video game so it can be played worldwide [not for free lol].
I wish I was able to have enough money to buy as much games as I wanted, video game consoles, etc.

I grant you 3 wishes, but they must relate to chocolate.

I wish I was able to meet a character from Undertale.
I wish I was able to make a legit good video game so it can be played worldwide [not for free lol].
I wish I was able to have enough money to buy as much games as I wanted, video game consoles, etc.

I grant you 3 wishes, but they must relate to chocolate.

I wish for a infinite supply of chocolate covered strawberries.
I wish for a chocolate cannon to fight with.
I wish that eating chocolate wouldn't make my body unhealthy.

I shall give you 3 wishes, but they must involve books.

I wish for a infinite supply of chocolate covered strawberries.
I wish for a chocolate cannon to fight with.
I wish that eating chocolate wouldn't make my body unhealthy.

I shall give you 3 wishes, but they must involve books.

I wish that I have the money to buy my precious books.
I wish that I have the time to read my precious books.
I wish that I can hoard more books.

I shall grant you 3 wishes, but they must have something to do with writing.

I wish that I have the money to buy my precious books.
I wish that I have the time to read my precious books.
I wish that I can hoard more books.

I shall grant you 3 wishes, but they must have something to do with writing.

I wish I had a library full of all the books in the world.

I wish characters from a book would come alive.

I wish authors could write books faster, but still with the same quality.

I grant you three wishes, but they all must have to do with paper.

I wish I had a library full of all the books in the world.

I wish characters from a book would come alive.

I wish authors could write books faster, but still with the same quality.

I grant you three wishes, but they all must have to do with paper.

I wish I had the ability to transform anything I draw on paper into real life. *Cue images of me ordering dragons to shoot fireballs at my enemies* <:

I wish ink doesn't get smudged on the paper when I write/draw something. Darn left-handed problems.

I wish I could duplicate pieces of paper with whatever's on them.

I grandteth thou three wishes! However, they must all have to do with the internet.

I wish I had the ability to transform anything I draw on paper into real life. *Cue images of me ordering dragons to shoot fireballs at my enemies* <:

I wish ink doesn't get smudged on the paper when I write/draw something. Darn left-handed problems.

I wish I could duplicate pieces of paper with whatever's on them.

I grandteth thou three wishes! However, they must all have to do with the internet.
"Don't worry about people who talk behind your back; They're behind you for a reason."

I wish I gave out my own strong Wifi signal.

I wish I had an internal search engine that would understand my request and fetch the correct sites and/or pages for me.

I wish I could access the internet from any device.

To thee I grant these wishes three, and they must all involve practical skills.

I wish I gave out my own strong Wifi signal.

I wish I had an internal search engine that would understand my request and fetch the correct sites and/or pages for me.

I wish I could access the internet from any device.

To thee I grant these wishes three, and they must all involve practical skills.
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