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TOPIC | Murder Mystery Theater
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Orkan squinted, trying to get reused to the sudden light filling the room as he quickly released the spell. Swinging his head around, he took in what had happened during the blackout; Sunstreak was shrieking about something, and Solanine had knocked over the table again. But...Had anything else happened during then? There was the possibility of something subtle yet important having been masked by the loud commotion of Sunstreak and Solanine combined. Or maybe I'm getting too paranoid, he thought wryly. Still, better to be safe than sorry...Or so Makoto would say. Speaking of which, I wonder what was on the table. I didn't look too closely at what the others picked up.
"Hey Solanine, need any help cleaning that up again?"

(Aw man, glad to know it's not serious though. Hope you feel better soon!)
Orkan squinted, trying to get reused to the sudden light filling the room as he quickly released the spell. Swinging his head around, he took in what had happened during the blackout; Sunstreak was shrieking about something, and Solanine had knocked over the table again. But...Had anything else happened during then? There was the possibility of something subtle yet important having been masked by the loud commotion of Sunstreak and Solanine combined. Or maybe I'm getting too paranoid, he thought wryly. Still, better to be safe than sorry...Or so Makoto would say. Speaking of which, I wonder what was on the table. I didn't look too closely at what the others picked up.
"Hey Solanine, need any help cleaning that up again?"

(Aw man, glad to know it's not serious though. Hope you feel better soon!)
(Feel better Ilium; sorry 'bout your bad luck)

Hmm... Even if nothing untoward had happened in the unexpected blackout, and the electrician claimed it had been caused by the workers lower down in the spire, it was likely that if the murderer was still here, they had taken advantage of the sudden blackout. If they were devious enough to plan the theft of valuable material, and sabotage the workings of the Spire itself, they were doubtless clever enough to take advantage of coincidence, if that was what it was. Either Sunstreak's shrieks or Solanine's clumsiness could be cover for something more sinister they'd done during the blackout. Heat-vision would hopefully keep her from being surprised during a future blackout, but was hardly enough to let her determine the precise actions of the others.

If Solanine HAD known about this new alloy and hadn't told her, she would be quite annoyed. The alloy would doubtless be useful in weapons, but it could also solve quite a few snags she'd been running into in her experiments with artificial limb additions lately - it was hard to find something with enough flexibility to permit full mobility and enough strength to support a ridgeback or imperial. To suspect the gossip seemed a bit excessively paranoid, and yet, Solanine DID always seem to know about new advances before their official announcement. On the other hand, Sunstreak's hysterics seemed a touch exaggerated, but then Minerva had it on good authority that she was a cold, emotion-impaired freak of a mad scientist from people whose opinion she genuinely valued, so her assessment on that point might be compromised.

"Hey, Zephyran, Sunstreak, since you just finished checking over the room, maybe you should see if anything's been moved or hidden while the lights were blacked out. If whoever's responsible for this is still here, even if they didn't cause it, they could easily have taken advantage of it."
(Feel better Ilium; sorry 'bout your bad luck)

Hmm... Even if nothing untoward had happened in the unexpected blackout, and the electrician claimed it had been caused by the workers lower down in the spire, it was likely that if the murderer was still here, they had taken advantage of the sudden blackout. If they were devious enough to plan the theft of valuable material, and sabotage the workings of the Spire itself, they were doubtless clever enough to take advantage of coincidence, if that was what it was. Either Sunstreak's shrieks or Solanine's clumsiness could be cover for something more sinister they'd done during the blackout. Heat-vision would hopefully keep her from being surprised during a future blackout, but was hardly enough to let her determine the precise actions of the others.

If Solanine HAD known about this new alloy and hadn't told her, she would be quite annoyed. The alloy would doubtless be useful in weapons, but it could also solve quite a few snags she'd been running into in her experiments with artificial limb additions lately - it was hard to find something with enough flexibility to permit full mobility and enough strength to support a ridgeback or imperial. To suspect the gossip seemed a bit excessively paranoid, and yet, Solanine DID always seem to know about new advances before their official announcement. On the other hand, Sunstreak's hysterics seemed a touch exaggerated, but then Minerva had it on good authority that she was a cold, emotion-impaired freak of a mad scientist from people whose opinion she genuinely valued, so her assessment on that point might be compromised.

"Hey, Zephyran, Sunstreak, since you just finished checking over the room, maybe you should see if anything's been moved or hidden while the lights were blacked out. If whoever's responsible for this is still here, even if they didn't cause it, they could easily have taken advantage of it."
(Sig by StarrySpelunker)
Zephyran looked over towards where he heard Minerva call him. She had a good point.
"That's a good idea.. We just looked over the room, so apart from Solanine's blunder, we should be able to notice if anythings changed. I'd better wait until Sunstreaks up for it though.... And we still need to analyze a few things from our earlier search."
Zephyran made a silent amend to his statement, resolving to look very carefully nearby where Solanine had blundered. Perhaps he stumbled over something? Or perhaps something else... Too many thoughts. Zephyran took a moment to concentrate, then continued his move towards Sunstreak.
Zephyran looked over towards where he heard Minerva call him. She had a good point.
"That's a good idea.. We just looked over the room, so apart from Solanine's blunder, we should be able to notice if anythings changed. I'd better wait until Sunstreaks up for it though.... And we still need to analyze a few things from our earlier search."
Zephyran made a silent amend to his statement, resolving to look very carefully nearby where Solanine had blundered. Perhaps he stumbled over something? Or perhaps something else... Too many thoughts. Zephyran took a moment to concentrate, then continued his move towards Sunstreak.


Solanine shook himself. "I'd really appreciate that," he said, glancing in Umber's direction, and then Sunstreak's. He was surprised that one or both of them hadn't started yelling at him again in light of a [i]second[/i] act of clumsiness, but Sunstreak seemed busy and Umber was... grilling someone. Interesting. Solanine would have liked to have gone over to listen in on that, but there were things to pick up now. [quote] Orkan and Solanine pick up the things that have fallen over on the table and onto the table. The items are miscellaneous--a few containers of knuts and bolts, some rags, a pair of thick leather gloves good for working with hot metals and sharp knives, a hammer and a metal chest of tools--but mostly seem to be typical workplace items that you would find anywhere. There is, however, a small bit of interesting ore on the table, shining and pretty, one that has a peculiar tint to it, almost opalescent, unlike anything Orkan has ever seen before. There is also, on the very corner of one of the sides of the table, a smudge of what looks like blood, but upon closer inspection the brown stain looks quite old.[/quote] "What's that?" Solanine asked, interest, as usual, piqued.
Solanine shook himself. "I'd really appreciate that," he said, glancing in Umber's direction, and then Sunstreak's. He was surprised that one or both of them hadn't started yelling at him again in light of a second act of clumsiness, but Sunstreak seemed busy and Umber was... grilling someone. Interesting. Solanine would have liked to have gone over to listen in on that, but there were things to pick up now.
Orkan and Solanine pick up the things that have fallen over on the table and onto the table. The items are miscellaneous--a few containers of knuts and bolts, some rags, a pair of thick leather gloves good for working with hot metals and sharp knives, a hammer and a metal chest of tools--but mostly seem to be typical workplace items that you would find anywhere. There is, however, a small bit of interesting ore on the table, shining and pretty, one that has a peculiar tint to it, almost opalescent, unlike anything Orkan has ever seen before. There is also, on the very corner of one of the sides of the table, a smudge of what looks like blood, but upon closer inspection the brown stain looks quite old.

"What's that?" Solanine asked, interest, as usual, piqued.
(( thanks guys I'll be okay, just a bit bruised. :3 ))

Sunstreak shook her scales and ruffled her feathers. Had she just stumbled? Or had Zephyran...? It would certainly be convenient of him to want to brush it off if he'd been up to something.

"Sorry for screaming," she said, finally, apparently letting it go but still feeling uneasy on the inside. "Let's just hope the power doesn't go off again," she said. "Where were we?" She was going to be watching him with equal scrutiny applied to their task.

Minerva's suggestion to check to see if anything had been moved since the blackout seemed wise; it certainly would have been a convenient time, wouldn't it? But to Sunstreak's untrained eye, nothing appeared different. She shook her head no. "Even the scales are giving the same number read outs." And if anyone was after anything valuable in the room, it would be the ore, wouldn't it?

Or the murder weapon--wherever it was.

"The weapon--whatever was used to hurt Veladin--is missing. Maybe we should search everyone," she suggested, looking to Umber for agreement or disagreement.
(( thanks guys I'll be okay, just a bit bruised. :3 ))

Sunstreak shook her scales and ruffled her feathers. Had she just stumbled? Or had Zephyran...? It would certainly be convenient of him to want to brush it off if he'd been up to something.

"Sorry for screaming," she said, finally, apparently letting it go but still feeling uneasy on the inside. "Let's just hope the power doesn't go off again," she said. "Where were we?" She was going to be watching him with equal scrutiny applied to their task.

Minerva's suggestion to check to see if anything had been moved since the blackout seemed wise; it certainly would have been a convenient time, wouldn't it? But to Sunstreak's untrained eye, nothing appeared different. She shook her head no. "Even the scales are giving the same number read outs." And if anyone was after anything valuable in the room, it would be the ore, wouldn't it?

Or the murder weapon--wherever it was.

"The weapon--whatever was used to hurt Veladin--is missing. Maybe we should search everyone," she suggested, looking to Umber for agreement or disagreement.
Zephyran said nothing. Umber was the security here, that sort of decision would lie with him. As it was, it may be time check back with Orkan, but first, he had to finish things with Sunstreak. There had to be a way to find out who would have had the expertise to alter the machinery... The only one who sprung to mind was the engineer in the room, but one could never be sure. It would also have to be someone privy to the contents of the specialized alloy, and its purpose. Perhaps Thadogen might know? Even though he wasn't overly keen on sharing that information. Perhaps he should get Sunstreak's opinion...
Zephyran said nothing. Umber was the security here, that sort of decision would lie with him. As it was, it may be time check back with Orkan, but first, he had to finish things with Sunstreak. There had to be a way to find out who would have had the expertise to alter the machinery... The only one who sprung to mind was the engineer in the room, but one could never be sure. It would also have to be someone privy to the contents of the specialized alloy, and its purpose. Perhaps Thadogen might know? Even though he wasn't overly keen on sharing that information. Perhaps he should get Sunstreak's opinion...


(heading to bed for the night, see y'all in the morning. For future reference, I'm usually on sporadically between 6:00 and 15:00 FR time, and reliably on between 20:00 and 23:00 FR time.)
(heading to bed for the night, see y'all in the morning. For future reference, I'm usually on sporadically between 6:00 and 15:00 FR time, and reliably on between 20:00 and 23:00 FR time.)
(Sig by StarrySpelunker)
Umber was relieved when the lights came back on. He was supposed to be in charge of security and having everyone be plunged into darkness, possibly with a murdered in their midst, was not very secure. Neptune would have to wait, it looked like he was needed in the main part of the room. Someone had to provide a little leadership.

"Neptune, it looks like I'm needed elsewhere. This isn't over, I still want to know what you're doing here." With that, Umber walked back into the middle of the room in time for Sunstreak to direct her question to him.

"That's a good idea, Sunstreak, I can help you with that. I've searched my fare share of dragons over the years. We just have to find a way to search a roomful of dragons one by one without tipping off the other ones. If the murderer knows that we're searching dragons, they'll be able to hide anything incriminating."
Umber was relieved when the lights came back on. He was supposed to be in charge of security and having everyone be plunged into darkness, possibly with a murdered in their midst, was not very secure. Neptune would have to wait, it looked like he was needed in the main part of the room. Someone had to provide a little leadership.

"Neptune, it looks like I'm needed elsewhere. This isn't over, I still want to know what you're doing here." With that, Umber walked back into the middle of the room in time for Sunstreak to direct her question to him.

"That's a good idea, Sunstreak, I can help you with that. I've searched my fare share of dragons over the years. We just have to find a way to search a roomful of dragons one by one without tipping off the other ones. If the murderer knows that we're searching dragons, they'll be able to hide anything incriminating."
Orkan's thoughts raced as he considered the implications of what he had just found. Or well, it would've been more serious if the blood stain had actually been fresher. But what do I say to Solanine...Not even I have any idea what this is.
"No idea," he replied, bouncing the ore in his paw a bit, "I've never seen something like this. Have you seen or heard of something like this, Solanine?" Fingering the small piece, he held it up to his eye. Quite the ore we've got here. I bet this would sell for a lot. And then that blood stain...What have I stumbled on this time?
Orkan's thoughts raced as he considered the implications of what he had just found. Or well, it would've been more serious if the blood stain had actually been fresher. But what do I say to Solanine...Not even I have any idea what this is.
"No idea," he replied, bouncing the ore in his paw a bit, "I've never seen something like this. Have you seen or heard of something like this, Solanine?" Fingering the small piece, he held it up to his eye. Quite the ore we've got here. I bet this would sell for a lot. And then that blood stain...What have I stumbled on this time?
Saif tilted his head down, eyes closing as the lights lite the room once more. He blinked his eyes, allowing them to readjust to the light once more and no sooner after regaining focus did he heard a crack of laughter from across the room.
His attention turned, finding Ayden had a clawed hand raised to his face, attempting to stifle his laughter. Saif scowled, not finding the situation as amusing as the ridgeback, but... Then again maybe he was just laughing AT the wildclaw. After all, he was still latched onto the wall and in a position of being ready to pounce if necessary.
Detaching himself from the wall, the wildclaw cleared his throat while regaining composure. He'd managed to get himself nearly all the way across the room from his companions. And then there was that skydancer nearly him now, complaining about someone having shoved her.
The wildclaw gave that a moment's thought. Could HE have possibly knocked into her? He remembered having brushed past a few things as he made his way across the room, but whether or not they'd been other dragon's was a mystery in its own. And certainly he didn't recall having shoved anyone or anything.

Something landed upon the wildclaw's back, causing him to jump.
"Oh, calm down" Dodger's voice reached his ear and the fae climbed up the back of the larger dragon's neck so that he could perch half of his body on the back of his head. "How'd you get yourself all the way over here, huh?"
"Just random stumbling, it seems..." the wildclaw remarked, "though can't say I'm not glad for it. That spiral was bothersome."
"Yes, I'd seen you'd gotten wrapped into a conversation if Solanine" the fae sighed, resting his chin among the wildclaw's crest of feathers, "I'd wanted to come to help you out of that, as I've dealt with him many times, but Ayden was saying you could handle it. Though after watching you almost blow up at him, somehow I don't think you'd have kept your cool much longer."
"Well, if you'd like me to go back over there so you can deal with him-"
"No thank you" Dodger interrupted rather loudly, his head fins dropping, "besides, looks like he's made a mess again."
Both dragon's simultaneously cracked grins.
Saif tilted his head down, eyes closing as the lights lite the room once more. He blinked his eyes, allowing them to readjust to the light once more and no sooner after regaining focus did he heard a crack of laughter from across the room.
His attention turned, finding Ayden had a clawed hand raised to his face, attempting to stifle his laughter. Saif scowled, not finding the situation as amusing as the ridgeback, but... Then again maybe he was just laughing AT the wildclaw. After all, he was still latched onto the wall and in a position of being ready to pounce if necessary.
Detaching himself from the wall, the wildclaw cleared his throat while regaining composure. He'd managed to get himself nearly all the way across the room from his companions. And then there was that skydancer nearly him now, complaining about someone having shoved her.
The wildclaw gave that a moment's thought. Could HE have possibly knocked into her? He remembered having brushed past a few things as he made his way across the room, but whether or not they'd been other dragon's was a mystery in its own. And certainly he didn't recall having shoved anyone or anything.

Something landed upon the wildclaw's back, causing him to jump.
"Oh, calm down" Dodger's voice reached his ear and the fae climbed up the back of the larger dragon's neck so that he could perch half of his body on the back of his head. "How'd you get yourself all the way over here, huh?"
"Just random stumbling, it seems..." the wildclaw remarked, "though can't say I'm not glad for it. That spiral was bothersome."
"Yes, I'd seen you'd gotten wrapped into a conversation if Solanine" the fae sighed, resting his chin among the wildclaw's crest of feathers, "I'd wanted to come to help you out of that, as I've dealt with him many times, but Ayden was saying you could handle it. Though after watching you almost blow up at him, somehow I don't think you'd have kept your cool much longer."
"Well, if you'd like me to go back over there so you can deal with him-"
"No thank you" Dodger interrupted rather loudly, his head fins dropping, "besides, looks like he's made a mess again."
Both dragon's simultaneously cracked grins.
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