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TOPIC | Dumb Teachers
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My turn:
So, back in 3rd or 4th grade, we had this substitute for Spanish/Math/Floridian History (In Spanish). And this one kid had raised her hand because she needed to go to the bathroom. Now, because the rest of my class constituted mostly of popular kids, and a bully (who was also popular) everyone was talking to each other at once. So the sub pointed to the kid raising her hand as if she was going to let her talk (the sub did actually intend to let her speak). The rest of the class was chattering, as I said, and so the sub yelled for quiet. And then the kid she was going to let speak, began to ask if she could go to the bathroom. The sub forgot she had let her talk, took a yardstick, and slapped the student on the hand. Needless to say, the incident was reported, and three kids, including the one who got slapped, were holed up in the principal's office for 2 hours telling the principal what happened. We never saw that sub again.

In 5th grade we got a new music teacher too. He sucks. This is one or two years after the yardstick incident, and I'm still stuck with the popular kids (this is why I hate being in the classes I'm in). My classmates would always talk up a storm during Music, until the teacher got annoyed, mad, or agitated. In any of those 3 scenarios, he would lecture us on how we go to a "magnet school," where kids are supposed to behave like saints, which, of course, we were the exact opposite of to him. Long story short, he would waste the whole hour reprimanding us on our behavior. He still teaches at my school. So far there have been 4 rumors of him getting fired, and none have proven true.
That's what I get to look forward to next year since I have to take music.
My turn:
So, back in 3rd or 4th grade, we had this substitute for Spanish/Math/Floridian History (In Spanish). And this one kid had raised her hand because she needed to go to the bathroom. Now, because the rest of my class constituted mostly of popular kids, and a bully (who was also popular) everyone was talking to each other at once. So the sub pointed to the kid raising her hand as if she was going to let her talk (the sub did actually intend to let her speak). The rest of the class was chattering, as I said, and so the sub yelled for quiet. And then the kid she was going to let speak, began to ask if she could go to the bathroom. The sub forgot she had let her talk, took a yardstick, and slapped the student on the hand. Needless to say, the incident was reported, and three kids, including the one who got slapped, were holed up in the principal's office for 2 hours telling the principal what happened. We never saw that sub again.

In 5th grade we got a new music teacher too. He sucks. This is one or two years after the yardstick incident, and I'm still stuck with the popular kids (this is why I hate being in the classes I'm in). My classmates would always talk up a storm during Music, until the teacher got annoyed, mad, or agitated. In any of those 3 scenarios, he would lecture us on how we go to a "magnet school," where kids are supposed to behave like saints, which, of course, we were the exact opposite of to him. Long story short, he would waste the whole hour reprimanding us on our behavior. He still teaches at my school. So far there have been 4 rumors of him getting fired, and none have proven true.
That's what I get to look forward to next year since I have to take music.
L O A D I N G . . .
in fourth grade I never learned anything from one of my two teachers because she put a movie on in every class.

also fourth grade, the school decided to put kids who needed more advanced classes in with students who were struggling/further behind to "balance out the classes"
i did not learn anything fourth grade was a throw-away year for me

in fourth grade again, the other teacher i had made everyone eat a mint before the standardized test. I did not like mint at all. i threw up during the exam.
i still hate mint.
in fourth grade I never learned anything from one of my two teachers because she put a movie on in every class.

also fourth grade, the school decided to put kids who needed more advanced classes in with students who were struggling/further behind to "balance out the classes"
i did not learn anything fourth grade was a throw-away year for me

in fourth grade again, the other teacher i had made everyone eat a mint before the standardized test. I did not like mint at all. i threw up during the exam.
i still hate mint.
fox - adult - yip/he - +2hr
check out my personal website
In a 300-level English literature class, the professor declared that no published, widely-known fiction exists in which a first-person character dies at the end of the story, because a first-person narrator must be alive to tell the story back to us in the first place.

I promptly raised my hand and cited Jim Thompson's The Killer Inside Me and Quentin's storyline from Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury.

That was the only class in which I received a B that semester, which made me furious. And to think that man had actually met Katharine Anne Porter ... what a waste.

I'm still mad about this, if you couldn't tell, and it happened way back in 1995. At a top twenty Division I university, no less; it wasn't some unheard-of backwater college.
In a 300-level English literature class, the professor declared that no published, widely-known fiction exists in which a first-person character dies at the end of the story, because a first-person narrator must be alive to tell the story back to us in the first place.

I promptly raised my hand and cited Jim Thompson's The Killer Inside Me and Quentin's storyline from Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury.

That was the only class in which I received a B that semester, which made me furious. And to think that man had actually met Katharine Anne Porter ... what a waste.

I'm still mad about this, if you couldn't tell, and it happened way back in 1995. At a top twenty Division I university, no less; it wasn't some unheard-of backwater college.
I have an equation. Do you have one, too?
My 8th grade math teacher spent a class period attempting to convince everyone in the room that homosexuality is morally wrong. He spent another class period that year trying to disprove evolution. It was an... interesting class.
My 8th grade math teacher spent a class period attempting to convince everyone in the room that homosexuality is morally wrong. He spent another class period that year trying to disprove evolution. It was an... interesting class.
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We have two bad subs at our school, a tall man with a thick russian/czech/IDK accent and a short lady. The man will misread instructions often, which messes us up on our work (unless it's a movie) but only demands quiet when he talks/ is showing us something. Example: we had to do three worksheets in class, and so that we weren't overwhelmed my teacher said to pass them out 20 minutes apart from each other, she forgot to add that they were not to be collected. The man misinterpreted the instructions and told us that we had to do each worksheet in 20 minutes and after 20 minutes he would collect our work give us the next one. Nobody completely finished all 3 worksheets. :/

Now the lady wants 100% quiet. No talking at all. She walks around the classroom and gives any talkative student (which I am not) the evil eye. When she isn't staring kids down she is at the teacher's desk, on her phone not paying attention. She is banned from our world history classroom because she fell asleep in a different block and the seniors took pictures of their tests, causing our teacher to have to remake the entire test.

We have two bad subs at our school, a tall man with a thick russian/czech/IDK accent and a short lady. The man will misread instructions often, which messes us up on our work (unless it's a movie) but only demands quiet when he talks/ is showing us something. Example: we had to do three worksheets in class, and so that we weren't overwhelmed my teacher said to pass them out 20 minutes apart from each other, she forgot to add that they were not to be collected. The man misinterpreted the instructions and told us that we had to do each worksheet in 20 minutes and after 20 minutes he would collect our work give us the next one. Nobody completely finished all 3 worksheets. :/

Now the lady wants 100% quiet. No talking at all. She walks around the classroom and gives any talkative student (which I am not) the evil eye. When she isn't staring kids down she is at the teacher's desk, on her phone not paying attention. She is banned from our world history classroom because she fell asleep in a different block and the seniors took pictures of their tests, causing our teacher to have to remake the entire test.

Hoo boy have I had some dumb teachers in the past. Sit down for these.

When I was in 2nd grade, we had two teachers: our main teacher who taught science and reading, and another one in the room next to us who taught social studies and math. Anyway, I was walking to math class with a huge pile of stuff in my hands: a few books, a couple of binders, and a bag of goldfish crackers at the top of the pile. Note that I could barely see over the top of it all.
When I walked in the classroom, I nearly tripped over something due to my lack of full vision, causing the teacher to immediately get onto me and ask me why I kicked someone's book across the floor and said that that was disrespectful. WELL I'M SORRY I LITERALLY COULD NOT SEE ANYTHING ON THE FLOOR, ASDFGHJKL.

Another couple of "fun" stories came from just this past year in 10th grade, with my biology and world history teachers. They were both coaches on the side, and tbh these two make me never wanna see a coach teach anything ever again besides P.E. :V

The history teacher I had first semester was, first off, just a lazy teacher. All he did was assign us bookwork and boring group projects while he just sat at his desk doing random stuff on the computer or talking to a friend on his phone. But that's not even the worst part. No, near the end of the semester he was "touching up" a photo of the school softball field to enter into a contest. IN. MS. PAINT. HE WAS TRYING TO TOUCH UP A PHOTO AT LEAST 1000X1000 PIXELS IN MS PAINT. After a couple of painful days in a row of watching him struggle (I sat almost directly next to his desk), I came over during some free time we had and I got him to download a better art program. Luckily, he successfully downloaded Krita and did pretty well with lightly using one of the brushes to enhance the grass. However, I eventually realized there was no actual color enhancing tool in Krita. I told him that the next day and apologized and yet he ended up getting mad at me for getting him to download the "wrong" program. :/ At least the pic looked a thousand times better than if he did it in Paint, lol.

As for my bio teacher, well...I actually liked him at first. He was pretty funny and took jokes well, and told lots of fun personal stories during lectures. But after a couple of months, things just...went downhill. We started talking about sexual and asexual reproduction, and he started referring to the reproducing methods as the "fun kind" (sexual) and the un-fun kind (asexual). As an ace, I was pretty offended, but I knew better than to get myself into trouble from arguing with a teacher so I (painfully) sat and kept my mouth shut. And as if THAT weren't bad enough, he told us a story relating to the memorization of the stages of meiosis (the acronym being PMAT). And yes, it had to do with a dog peeing on a mat. Doesn't sound terribly bad, until he got into the story:
He was a truck driver for a while, and to keep his wife from getting lonely, he did the most thoughtful thing he could do and bought her a Yorkie puppy! Eventually, he was able to be with his wife a lot more often, but they kept the dog. After a few months he started to grow frustrated with the dog, as it peed everywhere, even when they got those puppy pad/mats. Of course, this is normal for a puppy, but evidently my teacher was too dumb to realize that. This is where the story takes a turn for the worse. He let the dog outside one day as they were replacing the carpet with hardwood (which I've heard is actually not much better than carpet when it comes to pet urine, lol) and the (UNSUPERVISED) pup went near the pool. It evidently was allergic to the chlorine and died shortly after. Because of this, he blamed the entire incident on the PUPPY (including the $$ spent for installing HARDWOOD of all things; also note that this was indeed a puppy and not a full-grown dog) and is now standing firmly on the "fact" that all small dogs are stupid. (As an owner of a very intelligent toy poodle, this also offended me personally.)
Hoo boy have I had some dumb teachers in the past. Sit down for these.

When I was in 2nd grade, we had two teachers: our main teacher who taught science and reading, and another one in the room next to us who taught social studies and math. Anyway, I was walking to math class with a huge pile of stuff in my hands: a few books, a couple of binders, and a bag of goldfish crackers at the top of the pile. Note that I could barely see over the top of it all.
When I walked in the classroom, I nearly tripped over something due to my lack of full vision, causing the teacher to immediately get onto me and ask me why I kicked someone's book across the floor and said that that was disrespectful. WELL I'M SORRY I LITERALLY COULD NOT SEE ANYTHING ON THE FLOOR, ASDFGHJKL.

Another couple of "fun" stories came from just this past year in 10th grade, with my biology and world history teachers. They were both coaches on the side, and tbh these two make me never wanna see a coach teach anything ever again besides P.E. :V

The history teacher I had first semester was, first off, just a lazy teacher. All he did was assign us bookwork and boring group projects while he just sat at his desk doing random stuff on the computer or talking to a friend on his phone. But that's not even the worst part. No, near the end of the semester he was "touching up" a photo of the school softball field to enter into a contest. IN. MS. PAINT. HE WAS TRYING TO TOUCH UP A PHOTO AT LEAST 1000X1000 PIXELS IN MS PAINT. After a couple of painful days in a row of watching him struggle (I sat almost directly next to his desk), I came over during some free time we had and I got him to download a better art program. Luckily, he successfully downloaded Krita and did pretty well with lightly using one of the brushes to enhance the grass. However, I eventually realized there was no actual color enhancing tool in Krita. I told him that the next day and apologized and yet he ended up getting mad at me for getting him to download the "wrong" program. :/ At least the pic looked a thousand times better than if he did it in Paint, lol.

As for my bio teacher, well...I actually liked him at first. He was pretty funny and took jokes well, and told lots of fun personal stories during lectures. But after a couple of months, things just...went downhill. We started talking about sexual and asexual reproduction, and he started referring to the reproducing methods as the "fun kind" (sexual) and the un-fun kind (asexual). As an ace, I was pretty offended, but I knew better than to get myself into trouble from arguing with a teacher so I (painfully) sat and kept my mouth shut. And as if THAT weren't bad enough, he told us a story relating to the memorization of the stages of meiosis (the acronym being PMAT). And yes, it had to do with a dog peeing on a mat. Doesn't sound terribly bad, until he got into the story:
He was a truck driver for a while, and to keep his wife from getting lonely, he did the most thoughtful thing he could do and bought her a Yorkie puppy! Eventually, he was able to be with his wife a lot more often, but they kept the dog. After a few months he started to grow frustrated with the dog, as it peed everywhere, even when they got those puppy pad/mats. Of course, this is normal for a puppy, but evidently my teacher was too dumb to realize that. This is where the story takes a turn for the worse. He let the dog outside one day as they were replacing the carpet with hardwood (which I've heard is actually not much better than carpet when it comes to pet urine, lol) and the (UNSUPERVISED) pup went near the pool. It evidently was allergic to the chlorine and died shortly after. Because of this, he blamed the entire incident on the PUPPY (including the $$ spent for installing HARDWOOD of all things; also note that this was indeed a puppy and not a full-grown dog) and is now standing firmly on the "fact" that all small dogs are stupid. (As an owner of a very intelligent toy poodle, this also offended me personally.)
That's funny, because 4th was a throw away year for me in math, I had to take the ISEE to get into the middle school I was thinking of going to, and the fact I learned literally nothing in math in 4th grade brought my score down. Like, I got somewhere in the 30% compared to other kids. Lucky me, I had a 99% in reading to save my butt. The reason is because we had this substitute teacher the whole year because the woman who was supposed to teach 4th grade math and Spanish was on maternity leave the whole year, which makes no sense.

And apparently I'm not done with dumb teacher stories. That same year, with that same teacher, was also pretty odd. One minute she'd be telling us that we didn't behave that good, and then the end of class comes along and she offers us cookies, cupcakes, etc. and she following the teacher on maternity leave's lesson plan. Not the best idea.
That's funny, because 4th was a throw away year for me in math, I had to take the ISEE to get into the middle school I was thinking of going to, and the fact I learned literally nothing in math in 4th grade brought my score down. Like, I got somewhere in the 30% compared to other kids. Lucky me, I had a 99% in reading to save my butt. The reason is because we had this substitute teacher the whole year because the woman who was supposed to teach 4th grade math and Spanish was on maternity leave the whole year, which makes no sense.

And apparently I'm not done with dumb teacher stories. That same year, with that same teacher, was also pretty odd. One minute she'd be telling us that we didn't behave that good, and then the end of class comes along and she offers us cookies, cupcakes, etc. and she following the teacher on maternity leave's lesson plan. Not the best idea.
L O A D I N G . . .
I am a grammar nerd.

My first grade teacher was supposedly one too.

So, when said teacher tried to teach the class how to spell favorite and spelled it with an 'a' in place of the 'o'......she was NOT happy when her little toddler student corrected her.

This is also the teacher who didn't believe me when my classmate copied my math (when I was actually GOOD at it) until halfway through the year, the classmate was caught red-handed.


In fact, the teacher deciding to assume autistic children are stupid are the stupid ones.

Sorry for my mini-rant. As you can see, I have LOT against my first-grade teacher. =_="
I am a grammar nerd.

My first grade teacher was supposedly one too.

So, when said teacher tried to teach the class how to spell favorite and spelled it with an 'a' in place of the 'o'......she was NOT happy when her little toddler student corrected her.

This is also the teacher who didn't believe me when my classmate copied my math (when I was actually GOOD at it) until halfway through the year, the classmate was caught red-handed.


In fact, the teacher deciding to assume autistic children are stupid are the stupid ones.

Sorry for my mini-rant. As you can see, I have LOT against my first-grade teacher. =_="
I had a French teacher who mispronounced a lot of words. In French, many times when a word ends with a consonant you do not pronounce it, but this teacher did. When I went to high school, after having had said teacher for 4 years, my pronunciation was a mess.
I had a French teacher who mispronounced a lot of words. In French, many times when a word ends with a consonant you do not pronounce it, but this teacher did. When I went to high school, after having had said teacher for 4 years, my pronunciation was a mess.
My substitute teacher- "You don't need to watch the movie if you don't want to."
Me- Oh okay cool, I don't like sport movies anyway. *Doesn't watch the movie*
Next day in school-halfway through the movie
Teacher- "You guys are going to have to write a report on this movie."
Me- "..."

I was a little mad about this haha XD

My substitute teacher- "You don't need to watch the movie if you don't want to."
Me- Oh okay cool, I don't like sport movies anyway. *Doesn't watch the movie*
Next day in school-halfway through the movie
Teacher- "You guys are going to have to write a report on this movie."
Me- "..."

I was a little mad about this haha XD

ChibiKittens, the original chibi derp cat
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