[color=#FF2200][size=5] [/size][/color]
[center] [img]http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh482/Thistlestar/Hatchery-Logo_zpseb921e21.jpg[/img]
[color=#33AA88] [size=4]Why hello there my dears.[b] W E L C O M E[/b] to Heaven's Basket. I'm very happy to see you as your presence here means that my hatchlings are about to be purchased and taken to good homes. I'm [i]more[/i] than happy to speak to you about any questions you may have. So feel free to look around and let me know if you’re had your heart stolen by one of the many little babehs. They have a tendency to do that, the little devils.[/size][/color]
[b][u][color=#FF5500]R U L E S o f t h e H A T C H E R Y[/color] [/u][/b][/center] [list] [*] Please [b]@ping[/b] me to confirm your hatchling reservation [i]before[/i] sending money. [*] I only due refunds if it’s an emergency, so be sure you want these babies. [*] I reserve the right to keep any hatchling from any of my dragon’s clutches. [*] If you don’t claim your hatchling in [b]24 hrs[/b], you get bumped to the next list. [*] Changing to a different hatchling [list] [*]1 week after reserving your hatchling = 10K [*]2 weeks after reserving your hatchling = 20K [*]If you switch to a more expensive reservation [i] you’ll have to pay the difference[/i].[/list][/list]
[list][*]I don't know why people would purchase dragons only to exalt them, but hey some people do. So IF you're one of those people and you plan to exalt one of my babies, PLEASE at least name the them first. (Also the higher the level of the dragon you exalt the more treasure they're worth. Just letting you know.)
[b][color=#FF0000][u]D i s c o u n t s[/u][/color][/b]
[indent][b][u][color=#33CC44]C a e l u m C a e l i[/color][/u][/b] [list] [*] Wind Flight Members get a 15% discount. [*] Affiliate Flights [color=#9911FF](Arcane, Plague, Shadow)[/color] get a 10% discount. [*] Trading wish list items will receive you from a 5-20% discount depending on item. [*] [s]You may apply for my once a month [i]Stork Visit[/i] [sup]raffle[/sup] and receive a free hatchling of your choice.[/s] (Haven't set up yet) [*] Unless you tell me you’re from a specific clan when you pm or @ping me, you won't get your discount. [/list] [/indent]
[color=#9911FF]Affiliate Flights will change depending on [i]MY[/i] friends and how many I have in a specific flight.[/color]
[indent]For example: Say I have 4 more friends from Light Flight then I have of Earth Flight then I'll update my Affiliates list to allow my Light Flight friends to get a discount.[/indent]
[b][u][color=#FF5500] P r i c e s & P a y m e n t s[/color][/u][/b] [list] [*][b] 1gem = 100 treasure[/b] [*] “The early bird gets the worm,” as they say. [*] Prices are subject to change depending on the economy. If you have already paid in full and either of my prices go up, it does [i][color=#FF0022]NOT[/color][/i] affect you in anyway, as you’ve already paid. [*] Trades are welcome to preferred breeds and specific colors.
[indent]See Wish--List below OR in my Clan Profile[/indent]
[*]To confirm you've read the rules post [i]"I dropped that Totoro, sorry"[/i] when you post your claim on a dragon. If this isn't posted with your @ping I won't accept your reservation or purchase. [/list]
[b][u][color=#FF5500]W i s h l i s t -- I t e m s[/color][/u][/b] [list] [*] Wildclaw scroll [*] Skydancer scroll [*] Iridescent Gene [*] Boon of Fertility [*] I also have wishlists in my Clan profiles, feel free to go look through those and we'll add them as a discount to the purchase of your dragon. [sup]Some of them may not amount to much though, so just be warned.[/sup][/list]
[color=#990022][sub] I'm not sure about the prices of the scrolls or the boon of fertility, I'll get around to it soon. If anyone knows just PM and I'll get it settled. Thank you.[/sub][/color]
Why hello there my dears. W E L C O M E to Heaven's Basket. I'm very happy to see you as your presence here means that my hatchlings are about to be purchased and taken to good homes. I'm more than happy to speak to you about any questions you may have. So feel free to look around and let me know if you’re had your heart stolen by one of the many little babehs. They have a tendency to do that, the little devils.
R U L E S o f t h e H A T C H E R Y
- Please @ping me to confirm your hatchling reservation before sending money.
- I only due refunds if it’s an emergency, so be sure you want these babies.
- I reserve the right to keep any hatchling from any of my dragon’s clutches.
- If you don’t claim your hatchling in 24 hrs, you get bumped to the next list.
- Changing to a different hatchling
- 1 week after reserving your hatchling = 10K
- 2 weeks after reserving your hatchling = 20K
- If you switch to a more expensive reservation you’ll have to pay the difference.
[center][b] [color=#332255][size=6]Heavenly Rulers[/size][/color][/b]
Calculating. Babies For Sale See Bottom.
[i]Caelum may be the ruler of the lair but he is by far the laziest one. (I don't get angry often but when I do watch out.) He mostly just lazes about the cave until Caeli makes him get up and do things. Adoring her more than his own life he can't help but roll over at her requests. Spoiling her with gifts and affection Caelum is quite the ruler in Caeli's heart. Caeli is this bright and elegant lady. She cares for all of her clan mates and wants nothing more than to see her children grow up happy and strong. She adores her mate with her soul and refuses to do anything without him.[/i]
[b]Genes:[/b] [i]Secondary Shimmer[/i] at least one a clutch // one every other clutch
[i]Tertiary Circuit[/i] guaranteed every clutch
[u][b]P a y m e n t O p t i o n s:[/b][/u]
-80k deposit. 140k at [i]Crossroads[/i]. 220k total -Also accepting a full payment of 2200gems. *First to pay in full gets 1st pick, second get 2nd pick, etc.
[b] R e s e r v e L i s t:[/b]
[color=#33FF33]OPEN[/color] - - - - [/center]
[center] [b] [color=#990011][size=6]M & M[/size][/color][/b]
November 5th
[i]Magnus doesn't really understand his emotions quite well. All he knows how to do is start fights, finish fights and get angry. When he has an emotion his first reaction is what is this? Then he shifts to getting angry because he doesn't understand what it is. Marmie is the greatest creature on this planet because she'll just roll around in the dirt, because she likes doing that and she'll do this thing with her wings where she just randomly flap them when she's excited or happy. She realllllllly likes Magnus, and Magnus just does not know how to handle her. He loves her obviously, but he doesn't understand how to portray that or even understand the emotions he has half the time. He did manage to figure out that he likes her after another dragon hit on her, yeah not a great fight to break up, and gave her the red bird skull necklace around her neck as a symbol of their union. Adorable right?[/i]
[b]Genes:[/b] [i]Primary Clown[/i] at least one a clutch // one every other clutch
[i]Secondary Seraph[/i] guaranteed with every clutch
[u][b]P a y m e n t O p t i o n s:[/b][/u]
-80k deposit. 40k at [i]Crossroads[/i]. 120k total -Also accepting a full payment of 1200gems. *First to pay in full gets 1st pick, second get 2nd pick, etc.
[b] R e s e r v e L i s t:[/b]
[color=#33FF33]OPEN[/color] - - - - [/center]
[center] [b] [color=#3388EE][size=6]Royal Court[/size][/color][/b]
[i]Jezebel is very much in love with herself, she isn't boastful, nor is she annoying about it though. She will admire herself subtly, glancing down at any puddle or reflective object for may just a second too long is what gives her vanity away. Masamune may be the only one who admires her beauty more than she does. Every moment he can he fawns affection onto her as if she were the most gorgeous creature he'd ever see in his entire life. He would truly and whole-heartily do anything to please her. Which of course she takes advantage of, but Jezebel does love Masa. quite a lot more than she wants to let on.[/i]
[b]Genes:[/b] [i]Primary Clown[/i] at least one a clutch // one every other clutch
[i]Secondary Shimmer[/i] guaranteed to have every clutch
[u][b]P a y m e n t O p t i o n s:[/b][/u]
-30k deposit. 60k at [i]Crossroads[/i]. 90k total -Also accepting a full payment of 900gems. *First to pay in full gets 1st pick, second get 2nd pick, etc.
[b] R e s e r v e L i s t:[/b]
[color=#33FF33]OPEN[/color] - - - - [/center]
[center] [b] [color=#666666][size=6]Devout Disciples[/size][/color][/b]
C a l c u l a t i n g . . . . . . .
[i]Vicarius is strong and noble, he takes his job as the rule enforcer very seriously. He is in charge of assembling the gathering parties and keeping the lair free of invaders. He likes to see himself as the clans only true protector, arrogant son of brat. Lucretia is his better half as they say. She calms him, even though she isn't much better than him. She knows her beloved his very strict and she herself his much the same way, together they make one fierce team of law enforcement.[/i]
[b]Genes:[/b] [i]Primary Tiger[/i] at least one a clutch // one every other clutch
[b]Colors:[/b] Monochrome babies are a very common thing with these two
[u][b]P a y m e n t O p t i o n s:[/b][/u]
-80k deposit. 70k at [i]Crossroads[/i]. 150k total -Also accepting a full payment of 1500gems. *First to pay in full gets 1st pick, second get 2nd pick, etc.
[b] R e s e r v e L i s t:[/b]
[color=#33FF33]OPEN[/color] - - - - [/center]
[center][b][color=#CCAAFF][size=6]Mischief Managed[/size][/color][/b]
Calculating. Babies for Sale
[i]Marcle is fun loving and full of wanderlust, he takes after is father Mustafa in that manner. Always wanting to go and explore the area around the lair and the flight's territory. Fedalda is his constant companion in this endeavor, when she isn't pestering Lar to teach her how to correctly predict futures she's at Marcle's side as he stirs up mischief.[/i]
[b]Genes:[/b] [i]Secondary Shimmer[/i] at least one a clutch // maybe one ever other clutch.
[u][b]P a y m e n t O p t i o n s:[/b][/u]
-20k deposit. 75k at [i]Crossroads[/i]. 95k total -Also accepting a full payment of 950gems. *First to pay in full gets 1st pick, second get 2nd pick, etc.
[b] R e s e r v e L i s t:[/b]
[color=#33FF33]OPEN[/color] - - - - [/center]
Heavenly Rulers
Calculating. Babies For Sale See Bottom.
Caelum may be the ruler of the lair but he is by far the laziest one. (I don't get angry often but when I do watch out.) He mostly just lazes about the cave until Caeli makes him get up and do things. Adoring her more than his own life he can't help but roll over at her requests. Spoiling her with gifts and affection Caelum is quite the ruler in Caeli's heart. Caeli is this bright and elegant lady. She cares for all of her clan mates and wants nothing more than to see her children grow up happy and strong. She adores her mate with her soul and refuses to do anything without him.
Genes: Secondary Shimmer at least one a clutch // one every other clutch
Tertiary Circuit guaranteed every clutch
P a y m e n t O p t i o n s:
-80k deposit. 140k at
Crossroads. 220k total -Also accepting a full payment of 2200gems. *First to pay in full gets 1st pick, second get 2nd pick, etc.
R e s e r v e L i s t:
OPEN - - - -
M & M
November 5th
Magnus doesn't really understand his emotions quite well. All he knows how to do is start fights, finish fights and get angry. When he has an emotion his first reaction is what is this? Then he shifts to getting angry because he doesn't understand what it is. Marmie is the greatest creature on this planet because she'll just roll around in the dirt, because she likes doing that and she'll do this thing with her wings where she just randomly flap them when she's excited or happy. She realllllllly likes Magnus, and Magnus just does not know how to handle her. He loves her obviously, but he doesn't understand how to portray that or even understand the emotions he has half the time. He did manage to figure out that he likes her after another dragon hit on her, yeah not a great fight to break up, and gave her the red bird skull necklace around her neck as a symbol of their union. Adorable right?
Genes: Primary Clown at least one a clutch // one every other clutch
Secondary Seraph guaranteed with every clutch
P a y m e n t O p t i o n s:
-80k deposit. 40k at
Crossroads. 120k total -Also accepting a full payment of 1200gems. *First to pay in full gets 1st pick, second get 2nd pick, etc.
R e s e r v e L i s t:
OPEN - - - -
Royal Court
Jezebel is very much in love with herself, she isn't boastful, nor is she annoying about it though. She will admire herself subtly, glancing down at any puddle or reflective object for may just a second too long is what gives her vanity away. Masamune may be the only one who admires her beauty more than she does. Every moment he can he fawns affection onto her as if she were the most gorgeous creature he'd ever see in his entire life. He would truly and whole-heartily do anything to please her. Which of course she takes advantage of, but Jezebel does love Masa. quite a lot more than she wants to let on.
Genes: Primary Clown at least one a clutch // one every other clutch
Secondary Shimmer guaranteed to have every clutch
P a y m e n t O p t i o n s:
-30k deposit. 60k at
Crossroads. 90k total -Also accepting a full payment of 900gems. *First to pay in full gets 1st pick, second get 2nd pick, etc.
R e s e r v e L i s t:
OPEN - - - -
Devout Disciples
C a l c u l a t i n g . . . . . . .
Vicarius is strong and noble, he takes his job as the rule enforcer very seriously. He is in charge of assembling the gathering parties and keeping the lair free of invaders. He likes to see himself as the clans only true protector, arrogant son of brat. Lucretia is his better half as they say. She calms him, even though she isn't much better than him. She knows her beloved his very strict and she herself his much the same way, together they make one fierce team of law enforcement.
Genes: Primary Tiger at least one a clutch // one every other clutch
Colors: Monochrome babies are a very common thing with these two
P a y m e n t O p t i o n s:
-80k deposit. 70k at
Crossroads. 150k total -Also accepting a full payment of 1500gems. *First to pay in full gets 1st pick, second get 2nd pick, etc.
R e s e r v e L i s t:
OPEN - - - -
Mischief Managed
Calculating. Babies for Sale
Marcle is fun loving and full of wanderlust, he takes after is father Mustafa in that manner. Always wanting to go and explore the area around the lair and the flight's territory. Fedalda is his constant companion in this endeavor, when she isn't pestering Lar to teach her how to correctly predict futures she's at Marcle's side as he stirs up mischief.
Genes: Secondary Shimmer at least one a clutch // maybe one ever other clutch.
P a y m e n t O p t i o n s:
-20k deposit. 75k at
Crossroads. 95k total -Also accepting a full payment of 950gems. *First to pay in full gets 1st pick, second get 2nd pick, etc.
R e s e r v e L i s t:
OPEN - - - -
Art Shop Link Coming Soon.................
Art Shop Link Coming Soon.................
[b][center][color=#FF3344][size=6]For Sale[/size][/color][/center][/b]
[center][color=#FF0022][size=4.5]Willing to negotiate prices.[/size][/color][/center]
For Sale
Willing to negotiate prices.
[center][b][color=#000077][size=6]coming soon......[/size][/color][/b]
[u][size=4]To do list for studs:[/size][/u][LIST]
[*]Make Image Charts/Stats
[*]Calculate Prices
[*]Decide Upon Rules
coming soon......
To do list for studs:
- Make Image Charts/Stats
- Calculate Prices
- Decide Upon Rules